Ciferz Posted January 18, 2013 at 10:39 PM Report Posted January 18, 2013 at 10:39 PM Hello, I am very interested in this and would like to understand certain parts of Guo Xiang's said commentary, but my classical chinese grew very bad and there is no complete translation in any western language that I'm aware of. Could someone translate the following paragraphs? It doesn't have to be accurate regarding the choice of words (I remember their meanings mostly and can check that myself), it's just about the grammar, that is where I am helpless. I know it's fairly long, so thanks a lot to anybody who is helping! 天地者,萬物之總名也。天地以萬物為體,而萬物必以自然為正。自 然者,不為而自然者也。故大鵬之能高,斥鴳之能下,樁木之能長, 朝菌之能短,凡此皆自然之所能,非為之所能也。不為而自能,所以 為正也。故乘天地之正者,即是順萬物之性也;御六氣之辯者,即是 遊變化之途也;如斯以往,則何往之有窮哉!所御斯乘,又將惡乎待 哉!此乃至德之人玄同彼我者之逍遙也。苟有待焉,則雖列子之輕妙, 猶不能以無風而行,故必得其所待,然後逍遙耳,而況大鵬乎!夫唯 與物冥而循大變者,為能無待而常通,豈【獨】自通而已哉!又順有 待者,使不失其所待,所待不失,則同於大通矣。故有待無待,無所 不能齊也;至於各安其性,天機自張,受而不知,則無所不能殊也。 夫無待猶不足以殊有待,況有待者之巨細乎! 物各有性,性各有極,皆如年知,豈跂尚之所及哉!自此已下至於列 子,歷舉年知之大小,各信其方,未有足以相傾者也。然後統以無待 之人,遺彼忘我,冥此群異,異方同得而我無功名,是故統小大者, 無小無大者也;苟有乎大小,則雖有大鵬之與斥鴳,宰官之與御風, 同為累物耳。其死生者,無死無生者也;苟有乎死生,則雖大椿之與 蟪蛄,彭祖之與朝菌,均於短折耳。故遊於無小無大者,無窮者也; 冥乎不死不生者,無極者也。若夫逍遙而繫於有方,則雖放之使遊而 有所窮矣,未能無待也。 此天籟也。夫天籟者,豈復別有一物哉?即眾竅比竹之屬,接乎有生 之類,會而共成一天耳。無既無矣,則不能生有;有之未生,又不能 為生。然則生生者誰哉?塊然而自生耳。自生耳,非我生也。我既不 能生物,物亦不能生我,則我自然矣。自己而然,則謂之天然。天然 耳,非為也,故以天言之。〔以天言之〕(一)所以明其自然也,豈 蒼蒼之謂哉!而或者謂天籟役物使從己也。夫天且不能自有,況能有 物哉!故天者,萬物之總名也,莫適為天,誰主役物乎?故物各自生 而無所出焉,此天道也。 Quote
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