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@Tomas Tomas

as far as i know once you choose to stay out of campus you will also lose your benefits of getting the dorm money. It is you who will shoulder your own housing payment from your own money. But for a reliable information you can contact directly the person assigned for students accommodation in your university.


OK, thanks.

I think what I may try to do is upgrade to a single room and pay the difference.


Does anyone know where I can find my CSC application number? Is it the serial number at the bottom? I emailed my three choices to inquire about my status and they asked for my application number. I know on the top there is a box that says CSC NO. but that is for CSC use only and it's no filled in... I emailed back PKU with the serial number at the bottom of my application but they made it sound like it should start with 2013. So I'm not sure if I should just add 2013 to the front of that number...


i sent them email 2 days ago and they told me they will announce the result at the end of june...i think there will be no short list announcement just a list of final list of successful candidates...



I emailed Peking checking on my status of my application as i had listed them as one of my choices and they had responded asking me for the same. However, in responding I gave them the number at the bottom of the forum which i assumed was what they had wanted and was told that it was not the correct number. The number that they want is the one in the top box that says CSC # which is for CSC only.

Guess, the only thing we can do is to await information from our respective embassies


@ HirraButt

Where will they publish the names when they have concluded on their final selection?


they will publish on theor website and inform the students as well....did u also apply there?


@ HirraButt

Yes, I listed Peking as one of my preference on the CSC application. I'm keeping my fingers X :) . Keeping me posted when the list is published.



Huazhong Univ of Sci and Tech wuhan nominated me for Master degree..and i am waiting for the final approval from CSC and this wait make me very tense..


Does anyone know if it's too late for me to send in an admissions notice? I haven't heard from my first, second and third choice universities so I want to try to get an admissions notice from another university. Although I'm not sure if it would be too late for me to submit anything that might possibly help. What if I give my application number to a university, will they be able to forward my admissions notice to CSC?



I don't think u can send anything now. wait till end of june or u can possibly email ur choosen universities.

Secondly CSC can nominate you to any university means u can get the scholarship but not necessarily in your choosen universities so wish u best of luck.

In my case my university replied to me in response of my email so I suggest to email them asking about your application status.


@Dr. Haseeb

Wish u best of luck and congrats in advance i m certain u will get the scholarship.

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I was approved for the scholarship.

Good Luck to all.

1) What is your native country? Trinidad and Tobago

2) Where did you apply? Chinese Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago

3) When did you apply? April 23 2013

4) When was the deadline? April 30th 2013

5) Have you applied for the scholarship before? No

6) What program did you apply for? Clinical Medicine

7) What schools did you put for your preferences? 1. China Medical University 2.Soochow University 3.Chongqing Medical University

8 ) Did you apply for your school of choice beforehand? No

9) What agency number did you use? 7801 - Embassy of P.R. China in Trinidad and Tobago

10) Where did you get your physical done? Private Doctor.

11) How did you get your documents notarized? Justice of the Peace for my Secondary Education certificates. Submitted 1 University Transcript and one copy of it.


12) Were you accepted for the scholarship, if you were not then why? I was accepted for the Scholarship beginning September 2013.

13) How were you notified? By phone

14) When were you accepted/rejected? Phone Call on June 6th

15) What school and program were you accepted to? Tongji University - (2013-2014) - 1 year Chinese Language Course. Central South University - Xiangya Medical College - (2014-2019) - 5 year Clinical Medicine Course.


Is it possible to become wholly proficient in Chinese in 1 year (with no prior exposure) so that one can read for a professional degree, in my case Medicine?

This is what I would really like to know. I had hoped to get accepted for a Clinical Medicine Course in the English Medium, however it is what it is.

Is there any possibility of changing to an English Medium MBBS program?


It's weird that a lot of the school's results this year are a bit late, last year XMU posted their first round on June 1st. I'm so anxious about getting in T__T

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i hope imrannotts positive outlook will bring us all luck;).


I just emailed ZJU about the application. And so sad, they said that CSC already sent back the awardees list to them and only 2 indonesians who got accepted for studying at ZJU and both of them applying bachelor degree program :(:(:( i only applied for advance chinese language students via embassy

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