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QQSRX #2 Chinese tourists 锵锵三人行

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Episode #2.
Date:   2013 年10月8日
Title:   国人省吃俭用出国购奢侈品 给领导送礼 Our countrymen live frugally at home but when they're abroad buy luxury items to give their bosses.


Link to transcript http://phtv.ifeng.com/program/qqsrx/detail_2013_10/09/30150291_0.shtml
Link to full video http://v.ifeng.com/news/society/201310/0108047f-6043-49d0-b19c-49a03e569ff4.shtml


Host: 窦文涛
Guests: 梁文道 and 周孝正


- Every life is worth the same
- Chinese tourists at home and abroad
- The death penalty


To listen out for: 不要老说社会病,你得说病社会 ...
Does anyone else think 周孝正 comes across well? Is he a well-known figure at all?


Again, any advice, corrections, improvements etc extremely welcome :)


Translation of first few mins

Blue = query, bold = vocab

1    窦文涛:    《锵锵三人行》,周孝正老师是好多年没来了,想您的,一直我们都在时不时风闻您的高论,最近听说周老师要来,我就调查了一下你的黑材料,说人家周老师有一天一讲课,他说同学们今天别的课先别上,我给大家讲讲以色列是个好国家。你看现在有人骂你是以色列走狗。    
1    Wentao:        Teacher Zhou Xiaozheng hasn't been here for years, *1a*, we're always thinking of you, from time to time we get wind of your esteemed views. Recently when I heard you were coming, I investigated your *1b* black data, which said that one day when Zhou Laoshi was giving a lecture he said:     'Classmates, today don't go to any other classes today, I'm going to tell you all about what a good country Israel is.' So now some people call you Israel's running dog.

2    周孝正:    那个还不是我写的,是我讲的,有一部分内容是我讲过,但是不知道什么人给我安上我的了,人家还给改进了一下,还费了不少劲,所以我现在还想找呢,到底谁以我的名义写的那个以色列觉得是个好国家。    
2    Xiaozheng:     That wasn't written by me. I did say ... some of those contents I have said before, but I don't know who *2* fixed me up, who changed it, and they put a lot of effort into it ... so now I want to find out who it was that wrote in my name that Israel is a good country.    
3    窦文涛:    还写的这么好是吗?    
3    Wentao:        And they wrote it really well?
4    周孝正:    还写的比我说的还好。    
4    Xiaozheng:     Wrote it better than I said it.    
5    梁文道:    说起来以色列是个好国家这个问题,我还看过这么一个言论,微博上传的,但是微博不是老造谣嘛。我跟您求证一下,有一段话说也是从您那来的,就说很多年前福建有三个非法民工到了以色列打工,结果在以色列怎么意外死亡了,然后当时好像说是我们驻以色列的使馆。    
5    Wendao:        Talking about Israel being a good country, I saw a some comments going around... but of course Weibo's such a rumour mill... I'll ask you to confirm it, part of it said it came from you, that many years ago three illegal migrant workers from Fujian were working in Israel, and died in an accident there. Afterwards I think I heard that it was our embassy in Israel....
6    窦文涛:    这事我清楚,就是说呢,当时我们这说这几个是偷渡出去的,所以说我们不管,但人家以色列一研究,说甭管偷渡不偷渡,他既然死在我们的土地上,我们赔,给他们家,好像最后给他们家里人平均。    
6    Wentao:        Yeah I know this, at that time our *6* said these guys were smuggled out, so we didn't care about them, but Israel looked into it and said it didn't matter if they were smuggled in or not, because they died in our territory, we'll pay, give money to their families, I think in the end they gave the families an average of ~
[1' 38"]
7    梁文道:    一人70多万。    
7    Wendao:        each person more than 700,000
8    窦文涛:    一人70万美金。    
8    Wentao:        700,000 dollars each
9    周孝正:    对,这件事是确实,确凿无疑的,因为他登在官方的大网上,就是恐怖袭击,公共汽车死了好几个,那里头有两个中国人,福建的,所谓违法劳工,但人家说你非法那是另外一回事,你在我恐怖袭击中死了,我照着他那个赔偿标准赔,跟以色列劳工,跟合法劳工是一视同仁,他是一码算一码。    
9    Xiaozheng:     Yes that's true, absolutely true. Because it was published on the official website, it was a terrorist attack, lots of people died on a bus, inside there were two Chinese people, from Fujian, so called illegal workers, but people said the fact that you're illegal doesn't matter, you died in our terror attack, I'll pay compensation in line with the normal compensation amount, the same as Israeli workers, treat them the same as legitimate workers, whatever the amount is that's the amount [?].    
10    梁文道:    然后陪了70多万。    
10    Wendao:        Then they paid 700,000
11    周孝正:    赔了不少,确实不少,而且是官方的大报登的,这是确凿无疑的。    
11    Xiaozheng:     That's a lot of compensation, really a lot, and it was published in the main official newspapers, this is all absolutely true.    
12    梁文道:    那么回来之后,据说我们后来地方部门还每个家属收了十几万税。    
12    Wendao:        I heard later that every one of their dependants had to pay more than 100,000 in tax to their local department *12*
13    周孝正:    那事我不知道。就是有很多人就去,就往以色列去,这是一个示范效应
13    Xiaozheng:     That's something I don't know about. But lots of people went to Israel, that was a direct result.*13*   
14    窦文涛:    不是,我是看到这个事,后边有个跟贴,就骂他,说我就是那几个死了的劳工的家属,哪有钱啊,哪给我们钱,说根本没这回事,说周孝正你造谣。    
14    Wentao:        Nah but, I saw that later on there was a *14*[ hanger-on?], swore at him, said I'm related to one of those workers, where's the money, where's our money, said this thing never happened, said Zhou Xiaozheng that you started this rumour.
15    周孝正:    那不会,那是他造谣,人家那是按照国民待遇的原则,就是2001年入世时候我们也采取了这个原则,就是说不能看人下菜碟,我就是说同命同价,其实中国现在也一样,叫国民待遇的选择,原来不是,原来你是外国人,你坐飞机比如出事了,外国人赔的钱多,中国人赔的钱少。后来从2001年入世就改了,国民待遇的选择,这是一个非常重要的一步。
15    Xiaozheng:        No way, that was him starting a rumour. It was in line with the principle of "national treatment", which was the principle we adopted when we jointed the WTO in 2001., that you can't treat people differently because of their status *15a*, same price for every life. Actually now China is the same, called the "national treatment" selection *15b*[?]. Before it wasn't the case, before if you were a foreigner and, say, you were on a plane which had an accident, compensation for foreigners was higher, for Chinese it was lower. It was changed after joining the WTO in 2001, the "national treatment" selection [?], this was a really important step.
16    梁文道:    外国人赔的钱跟中国人赔的钱是一样的。    
16    Wendao:        Compensation for foreigners was the same as compensation for Chinese people
17    周孝正:    对,同命同价。    
17    Xiaozheng:        Yes, same price for every life.
18    窦文涛:    是吗。    
18    Wentao:        Oh really?
19    周孝正:    原来不是,原来比如两个姑娘死,一个是农村的,一个是城市的,赔的不一样。    
19    Xiaozheng:        Before that wasn't the case, for instance if two girls died, one from the countryside and the other from the city, the compensation was different.
20    窦文涛:    就城里的赔的多。    
20    Wentao:        The one from the city got more?
21    周孝正:    城里赔的多。    
21    Xiaozheng:        Yes
22    窦文涛:    现在中国赔的都一样。    
22    Wentao:        now in China the compensation is the same.
23    周孝正:    对,因为从去年十八大报告里有一句话叫城乡按相同的人口比例选举人大代表,原来是24万个市民一个,96万农民一个,现在67万个人就有一个人大代表名额,这是一个非常大的进步,这就是叫国民待遇的选择。    
23    Xiaozheng:        Yes, because there was a line in the Report [refers to the speech read out by the President] from last year's 18th National Congress which said that cities and rural areas should use the same population ratio for electing People's Congress representatives. It used to be one representative for 240,000 people in urban areas, and one for 960,000 people in the countryside. Now it a quota of one representative for every 670,000 people, this is a really big step, this is what "national treatment" selection is.
24    窦文涛:    周老师跟网上不太一样。    
24    Wentao:        Teacher Zhou is quite different from online. *24*
25    梁文道:    而且很了解十八大之后的,我国改革新动向。    
25    Wendao:        And he really knows what happened after the 18th National Congress, China's new reforming trend.
26    周孝正:    不是,那是一个巨大的进步。    
26    Xiaozheng:     No, it was a really huge step.    
27    窦文涛:    没错。    
27    Wentao:         You're right
28    周孝正:    至少你在理论上同票同权了,实际上你可能还欺负人呢。    
28    Xiaozheng:        A least in theory you have equal voting rights [?], actually the people can still be bullied.
29    梁文道:    您就别说这话。    
29    Wendao:        That doesn't need saying. *29*
30    周孝正:    我说的都是公开地传媒说的,你比如今年考大学是912万,但是异地高考才4000多,就是说你在北京出生的,上到小学、中学,到了考大学了,回去,不能北京这儿报名,因为北京报名考上大学的可能性大大增加,大概增加几十倍。    
30    Xiaozheng:        I'm only saying what was publicly said in the media. For example 9,120,000 people took the university exam this year, but only 4,000 or so took the 'non-local entrance exam' . That means that if you're born in Beijing, go through junior school, middle school, studied up to the university exam, then you've got to go back, you can't enrol for the exam in Beijing, because the possibility of enrolling for the exam in Beijing has increased enormously [???] *30*, gone up by multiples of 10.
31    窦文涛:    所以你看不能夸他,因为一他就反攻倒算。    
31    Wentao:        So look you can't *31* [outdo?] him, if you do he'll just retaliate.
32    周孝正:    不是,你得实事求是。    
32    Xiaozheng:        Not at all, you've got to 'seek truth from facts'
33    周孝正:    中国经济增长与国民素质进步不匹配    
33    Xiaozheng:        The growth of China's economy hasn't been matched by an improvement in the quality of citizens' characters.
34    窦文涛:    你说到国民待遇,咱们今天请周老师谈一个,确实是最近国民的形象值得人担心,说中央领导人都担心了。    
34    Wentao:        You talked about "national treatment", today we'll ask Zhou laoshi to talk about something. It's that recently our citizens' image is something we ought to concern ourselves about, the central leadership are all concerned about it
 35    梁文道:    怎么了?    
35    Wendao:        In what way?
36    窦文涛:    他们现在就说意识到了,就说中国游客在外国的表现,他们认为跟中国的整体,跟外国做生意,以后中国在国际上的买卖都有关系。所以这确实提起国家重视的问题,但是咱先别说国际了,咱先说国内,周老师这个国庆节假期去哪儿玩了?    
36    Wentao:        They say they now realise that having Chinese tourists in foreign countries ... has an impact on China as a whole ...  on doing business with foreign countries ... on international trade. So it's definitely been raised as in important national issue, but first let's not talk about the international side, let's talk about inside China. Zhou laoshi, where did you go for the National Day holiday this year ?
37    孝正:    哪也不去。    
37    Xiaozheng:        I didn't go anywhere
38    窦文涛:    聪明。    
38    Wentao:        Smart.
39    梁文道:    聪明啊。    
39    Wendao:        So smart.
40    窦文涛:    但是你咱们的同胞,我给你看看咱们这同胞,这是家长推着孩子爬城墙。我跟你说,我感觉到的就是,我们的上一代真是参加过淮海战役的,你再看下边,这是爬梳,采摘,在景点。这个就是,这是在天安门广场,这次说留下5吨垃圾。然后再看出,你看那个梯子了吗,为什么我说淮海战役,这是有人提供服务,就是游客爬栏杆,有人在那架个梯子,交一块钱就让你爬。    
40    Wentao:        But our compatriots. Let me show you our compatriots. This is the head of the family pushing a child to climb the city wall. I'll tell what this made me think of, when the generation before us taking part in the River Huaihai Campaign for real. Have a look at the next one, this is tidying up, picking things up, scenic spots. This one, this is at Tiananmen Square, they said there were five tonnes of rubbish left behind this time. And look at this, you can see the ladder, why did I mention the River Huaihai Campaign, because these are people supplying a service, tourists climbing the railings, there are people setting up a ladder, give me one renmimbi and I'll let you climb in.
41    梁文道:    他在干嘛呢?    
41    Wendao:        What's he doing?
42    窦文涛:    他要翻过去嘛,他不想绕路,你看,这多像淮海战役,我们解放军进攻的时候。    
42    Wentao:        We wants to get over, he doesn't want to go round, you see, this is like the River Huaihai Campaign, when the PLA was attacking.
43    梁文道:    就是这么干的。    
43    Wendao:        That's just what they're doing.
44    窦文涛:    没错,没错,周老师看见这种景象,与民同乐吗?    
44    Wentao:        Right, Zhou Laoshi, looking at these scenes, are you happy with our citizens?
45    周孝正:    这个实际上就是我们老讲课讲的科学发展观,科学发展观的精神就得协调,什么叫协调?经济增长,比如不到10%,然后收入增长8%,但是你看门票增长多少?这就是不协调,所以我觉得像这种东西它实际上是不协调。    
45    Xiaozheng:        In fact what's going on here is exactly that Scientific Outlook on Development that we've always lectured about. The essential part of the Scientific Outlook on Development is that everything's got to be in step. What do I mean by in step? The economy grows, for instance less than 10%, then income goes up 8%. But you see how much have ticket prices gone up? *45* They're not in step. So I think this kind of thing here is in fact things being out of step.
46    窦文涛:    你觉得门口还不够贵啊?    
46    Wendao:        You think ticket prices aren't expensive enough.
47    周孝正:    不是,门票增长的太快了,他跟人民的收入,以及经济增长都不协调了,包括汽车,说为什么车堵,就是一个不协调,你的道路的情况增加多说,可是你的汽车呢?生产汽车,每年增加20%、30%、40%,有一年接近50%,这叫抽风。你想汽车一年增加40%多,你那些道路等等跟得上吗?加上人的素质,你跟得上吗?这也是一样。你突然来了个7天长假,再加上几天,那么别的东西你跟得上吗?再说了,能出去旅游的基本上是术语幸得先富起来的,那么先富起来,暴富的速度也是很快的,他跟别的东西积累都不协调。所以我就说处在科学发展观上,应该是全面、协调、可持续. 现在是不全面、不协调、不可持续。    
47    Xiaozheng:     No, ticket prices have increased too quickly. They're not in step with people's income or with economic growth. *47a*. Cars are the same. Why are there traffic jams? It's because things are out of step. You've got more stuff going on on the roads *47b*But your car? Car production goes up 20%, 30%, 40%, almost 50% every year.  That's crazy. If cars are going up by more than 40% in one year, are the roads going to keep up? And people's personal characters, they'll keep up? It's the same. You've suddenly got time for seven days' holiday *47c*, or more days, can you keep up with other things? Plus, the people who can go off on holiday, they're basically, to use the technical term, the lucky ones who 'got rich first', this 'getting rich first', the speed they got rich was really quick, out of step with other things. That's why I say if you're going to take the Scientific Outlook on Development point of view ,[?] *47d*, it should be comprehensive, in step, sustainable. Right now it's not comprehensive, in step or sustainable.  




1a    想您的    here does 怪= [adv. <coll.> quite; very], i.e. I often think of you
1b    我就调查了一下你的黑材料 - secret data? secret files?
2    但是不知道什么人给我安上我的了    Who fixed me up?
6    当时我们这说这几个是偷渡出去的    What does 头 mean here? Top [embassy] guy?
12    地方部门    Does this mean local government?
13    就是有很多人就去,就往以色列去,这是一个示范效应。That was a direct result?
14    跟贴    what's this? hanger-on?
15a   看人下菜碟 - seems to mean to treat someone according to their social status. Literally judge someone according to what's on their plate?

15b  Worked out 国民待遇 (in vocab below) but can't figure out how it's used with the 选择, if this is referring to voting in elections or something different.
24    周老师跟网上不太一样。Does this mean Zhou is quite different from (how he is) online? Or could it mean what he's saying is different from the information we read on the web?
29    您就别说这话。Does this mean "Sure, that goes without saying" or "let's not talk about this"?
30    I'm puzzled by the last bit. Why does he say the possibility of enrolling for the exam in Beijing has gone up? Is that what he says? Does he just mean the number of people enrolling has gone up.
31    所以你看不能夸他,因为一他就反攻倒算   What does 夸 mean here?
45    但是你看门票增长多少 -- I'm assuming he means prices have gone up rather than the amount of tickets has increased?
47a    I assume it's ticket prices versus both income and economic growth that he's comparing here.
47b    你的道路的情况增加多说 - don't know how to translate this. Is it just directly quoted speech looking a bit odd? Does he mean the increase-in-road-situations that you talk about a lot (你... 多说)? Or is the 多 with 增长?
47c    你突然来了个7天长假 here 间 works at "time period", right?
47d    所以我就说处在科学发展观上,应该是... That's why I say if you're going to take the Scientific Outlook on Development point of view it should be ... = ok translation?


Also: I've noticed that 骂, 素质 and 老师 are all quite tricky to translate. Any suggestions?

And I couldn't decide whether to use "harmony" or an alternative e.g. "in step" for all the 协调s at the end




Title    省吃俭用 shěngchījiǎnyòng f.e. live frugally
1    高论 gāolùn f.e. ①enlightening remarks; brilliant views ②〈court.〉 your views
5    言论 yánlùn n. open discussion; speech
6    偷渡 tōudù v. ①secretly ferry ②steal across the international border ③run a blockade ◆n. alien smuggling
9    确凿无疑 quèzáowúyí f.e. be incontrovertible; be beyond doubt
9    一视同仁 yīshìtóngrén f.e. treat equally without discrimination
15    国民待遇的原则 = principle of national treatment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_treatment
23    十八大18th National Congress
23    OK this is a bit sad but if you want to read it in Hu's speech it's in paragraph 3 here: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/news/2012-11/19/content_15941774_6.htm
30    异地高考: The university entrance exam taken by students living away from where they're registered. More about it here : http://dict.youdao.com/search?q=bk%3A%E5%BC%82%E5%9C%B0%E9%AB%98%E8%80%83
31    反攻倒算 fǎngōngdàosuàn f.e. counterattack to settle old scores; retaliate
33    匹配 pǐpèi v. 〈wr.〉 ①mate; marry ②match
40    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huaihai_Campaign, 1948-49, apparently involved 10 PLA soldiers standing in cold river while holding a ladder over their heads to let others cross the river
40    爬梳 páshū v. comb; tidy up
45    科学发展观 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_Outlook_on_Development
47    抽风/疯 chōufēng v.o. ①<med.> have convulsions ②draw in air ③behave abominably ◆n. spasms; cramps
47    先富起来 xiān fù qǐlai r.v. become prosperous first; get better-off earlier than others (Deng Xiaoping quote)




素养 sùyǎng n. ①accomplishment; attainment ②self-control
民风 mínfēng n. ①social mood ②social/popular customs ③folkways; local traits
彪悍 biāohàn s.v. intrepid; doughty; valiant
摩梭族 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mosuo
篝火 gōuhuǒ n. bonfire; campfire
强人 qiángrén n. ①robbers; highwaymen ②powerful person
持刀 chídāo v.o. hold a knife
武力威胁 wǔlì wēixié v.p. resort to the threat of force
病原体 bìngyuántǐ n. <med.> pathogen
抗生素 kàngshēngsù n. antibiotic
斩尽杀绝 zhǎnjìnshājué f.e. ①kill all ②exterminate
以平民愤 yǐ píng mínfèn v.p. in order to appease public indignation
李天一 http://www.chinasmack.com/2013/stories/li-tianyi-guilty-of-gang-rape-sentenced-10-years-in-prison.html
推波助澜 tuībōzhùlán f.e. add fuel to the flames
兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng f.e. stir up trouble
有意无意 yǒuyìwúyì f.e. wittingly or unwittingly
真空 zhēnkōng n. <phy.> ①vacuum ②vacuum tube  {人不是生活在真空中}
代表最广大人民利益 = #3 of the "Three Represents", fully: 要始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益
个案 gè'àn n. case (in law/etc.)
追溯 zhuīsù v. trace back to; date from
不知廉耻 bùzhīliánchǐ f.e. shameless; lost to shame
超负荷 chāofùhè n. overload
孤陋寡闻 gūlòuguǎwén f.e. ignorant and ill-informed
责成 zéchéng v. enjoin; charge (sb.) with a task
长龙 chánglóng n. long queue/line of people
吓坏 xiàhuài r.v. be terribly frightened
形同虚设 xíngtóngxūshè f.e. perform practically no function; exist in name only
智取 zhìqǔ v. take (a fort/etc.) by strategy; outwit
智取华山 - the taking of Mount Hua (by the PLA: search for "1949" in http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/China/blog-584913.html)
强攻 qiánggōng n. <mil.> take by storm
绝地 juédì n. ①extremely dangerous area ②dead end; end of one's rope ③precipice
雾霾 wùmái n. haze
南来北往 nánláiběiwǎng f.e. ①be always on the move
因公 yīngōng v.o. on duty; on business {这个东西能够叫因公而受伤}
为患 wéihuàn v.p. do harm; bring about disaster
尾气 wěiqì n. exhaust
断子绝孙 duànzǐjuésūn f.e. may you die without sons/progeny
绝子绝孙 juézǐjuésūn f.e. One's posterity may be cut off.
袁隆平 developed hybrid rice  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuan_Longping
基因 jīyīn n. <loan> gene
绝育 juéyù n. <med.> sterilization
每日邮报 Daily Mail newspaper


Wow again. 


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vkEQbVuaIY for anyone else who can't get the video to load easily


1a    怪想您的    here does 怪= [adv. <coll.> quite; very], i.e. I often think of you
Yes – we’ve really missed you would be good
1b    我就调查了一下你的黑材料 - secret data? secret files?
Yes, with negative information. Can’t think what the English would be, but the kind of thing you’d use in a smear campaign.
2    但是不知道什么人给我安上我的了    Who fixed me up?
He’s not asking, he’s just saying something like “I don’t know who it was, but someone…”
6    当时我们这头说这几个是偷渡出去的    What does 头 mean here? Top [embassy] guy?
No, it means ‘here’. You can have 这头,后头,etc.  So “here [mainland China] said they were illegal immigrants…”
12    地方部门    Does this mean local government?
13    就是有很多人就去,就往以色列去,这是一个示范效应。That was a direct result?
More like they all followed the example.
14    跟贴    what's this? hanger-on?
No, comment on a blog or forum post
15a   看人下菜碟 - seems to mean to treat someone according to their social status. Literally judge someone according to what's on their plate?
看人下菜 is a phrase – to look at someone and serve food accordingly
15b  Worked out 国民待遇 (in vocab below) but can't figure out how it's used with the 选择, if this is referring to voting in elections or something different.
It’s 原则 rather than 选择
24    周老师跟网上不太一样。Does this mean Zhou is quite different from (how he is) online? Or could it mean what he's saying is different from the information we read on the web?
He’s joking that he’s not like he is online – while Zhou has been pointing out that he never actually said any of these things.
29    您就别说这话。Does this mean "Sure, that goes without saying" or "let's not talk about this"?
It’s more like ‘Oh, don’t go and say that’ – Zhou’s just joked that in theory everyone has an equal vote and rights, even if in reality some still 欺负. I can’t make out what the last part of what梁文道 says is, otherwise it might be easier to work with.
30    I'm puzzled by the last bit. Why does he say the possibility of enrolling for the exam in Beijing has gone up? Is that what he says? Does he just mean the number of people enrolling has gone up.
It’s that if you take the exam in Beijing you have a much higher chance of getting in to university.

31    所以你看不能夸他,因为一夸他就反攻倒算   What does 夸 mean here?
Praise. You can’t praise him, he just counter-attacks .
45    但是你看门票增长多少 -- I'm assuming he means prices have gone up rather than the amount of tickets has increased?
47a    I assume it's ticket prices versus both income and economic growth that he's comparing here.
47b    你的道路的情况增加多说 - don't know how to translate this. Is it just directly quoted speech looking a bit odd? Does he mean the increase-in-road-situations that you talk about a lot (你... 多说)? Or is the 多 with 增长?
It’s an odd one. However he is saying (I think) that there’s more talk about having more roads ,but not about how many more cars there are.
47c    你突然间来了个7天长假 here 间 works at "time period", right?
47d    所以我就说处在科学发展观上,应该是... That's why I say if you're going to take the Scientific Outlook on Development point of view it should be ... = ok translation?

Also: I've noticed that 骂, 素质 and 老师 are all quite tricky to translate. Any suggestions?
Skip ‘em ;-)
And I couldn't decide whether to use "harmony" or an alternative e.g. "in step" for all the 协调s at the end
Balanced, coordinated

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Re 40, I think it is simply 爬樹, not 爬梳.


Re 47b, he said 多少, not 多說.


PS - Re 47 能出去旅游的基本上是术语幸得屬於先富起来的,


Muirm, that's the right direction, but you can dig and dish dirt - I don't think you can check the dirt though (or can you?)


Good catch, Skylee. 


That would be muck-raking! (...almost)


Thanks for all the answers, wasn't necessarily expecting to get responses to the lot, really helpful.

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