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重口味 in English?


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My Chinese friends are dying to know how to translate 重口味 into English.


"Heavy taste" sounds bizarre to me. Obviously "unusual taste" is fine, but I was hoping there might be a more idiomatic equivalent in English.


I thought of "acquired taste", but I think that's different in that it usually refers to a thing rather than a person. E.g. Fried scorpions are an acquired taste.


So, any ideas?

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一般情况下,我理解的「重口味」多指那种超出一般人心理承受范围的事物或审美,通常会引起观者心理上的不适,这种用法大抵就是「sick (taste)」之类。"


There seems to be no exact English equivalent, so it largely depends on context. If it is 黄 related,  hardcore or sick will do.

If you're using it to describe a weird movie or book, you could use 'is not for the faint of heart' For example: 这个电影口味很重=This movie is not for the faint of heart.

I suppose you could also say someone has 'unique taste' or just 'weird taste' in something. 'I have a weird taste in movies'

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