Kobo-Daishi Posted March 20, 2014 at 04:11 AM Report Posted March 20, 2014 at 04:11 AM I've put up a 7 minute video at YouTube. I'd really appreciate a Cantonese transcription of the dialog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ce5e9w5oAo Thank you. Really like to know what characters they use for the English loanword "budget". Buh jik. Quote
Popular Post skylee Posted March 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM Popular Post Report Posted March 20, 2014 at 11:13 AM This is the first half. Writing in Cantonese here means I am subjecting myself to some potential unpleasantness. People will know that I am a Cantonese speaker and would attack me because of this. And then some other people would say that some of the characters should be written differently. Anyways I hope you find this helpful. •吓?係你呀? •唔係嘛,你住喺呢道㗎? •唔係呀,我嚟攞嘢之嘛。希望你可以好快搵到客人啦。 •吓? •頭先嗰個人真係過份啊,唔買保險啊咪唔買保險囉,做乜咁惡喎。有錢都唔使咁㗎。你呀,唔使灰心㗎,繼續努力一定會成功嘅。 •你,唔嬲我啦? •有啲啦。但見你頭先咁畀人趕,算數啦。你繼續加油呀,吓。 •等陣。我叫藍天蔚,你呢? •我叫謝安真。我、我買咗保險㗎啦,唔好意思呀。 •得啦,我唔會同你sell保險。但我想問你,點解嗰日你話個花樽對你好重要? •吓? •原來你係爲咗老公呀? •廢話,唔係我使乜咁喎? •咁你點解會揀嗰個花樽呢? •我之前做過功課㗎,我老公嗰個總經理好鍾意欣賞古董,尤其係青花瓷呀,所以我希望渠可以嚟我哋屋企嗰陣呢,有個驚喜。 •但係嗰個花樽係仿製品嚟嘅喎,你唔知嘅咩? •我梗係知啦,但係真嘅古董唔係喺博物館就係喺拍賣行,我邊賣得起喎,有個做吓樣就得㗎啦。 •唔做就唔做,要做就做到最好。 •欸,我都係咁諗㗎。所以呢,我諗住換過個主題,嗰個花樽就唔好諗啦。不過呢,換主題真係好麻煩㗎,我啲budget都差唔多用哂。好煩啊。 •欸,來呀來呀,小心呀。藍先生,唔該哂你呀,麻煩哂。我自從上次跌一跌之後,次次要搬重嘢嗰陣都會好緊張嘅。 •你信得過我咩? •欸,你跌爛咗啲嘢呢我可以叫你賠。 •係嘞,要笑多啲。識笑呢,先有生意做㗎。欸,你呀,個樣呢,成日黑口黑面,真係要改吓渠呀。好啦,咁,我就祝你以後一切順利,加油啊。 •等陣。 •做咩呀? •其實。。。 •藍先生呀,我哋一家大細呢,真係買哂保險㗎啦,唔可以再幫你買。 •唔係,我係想同你講,嗰日,你數多咗二百文畀我。 •啊,唔怪得計極都少二百啦。唉,算數啦,你唔使畀返我喇。見你咁老實,就當我請你食飯啦。 •唔得。 •點解呀? •錢,我就唔會畀返你,不過,我可以諗辦法,幫你再借過一個好靚嘅青花瓷。 •係咪真㗎? 7 Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted March 21, 2014 at 01:22 AM Author Report Posted March 21, 2014 at 01:22 AM This is great! I was planning on putting up a series of short video clips from Hong Kong television with Cantonese audio tracks and adding Cantonese transcriptions to aid learners of Cantonese. But, it was really quite a chore just putting up this one video. I first had to trim the video. But all the free video editing software I tried wouldn't trim it where I wanted. It kept adding a little bit from the previous segment. I tried several times using various programs and just finally gave up trying to make it a perfect trim. Then I had to convert the video from rmvb (Real Media) format to a file format that YouTube is able to accept. This is kind of stupid since Google owns YouTube and you would think they'd be able to accept any video format. I tried converting to AVI, MPG, FLV, and quite a few of the video formats YouTube accepts. With the conversion, the quality of the videos were nowhere near as good as the original. And had to try various sizes and other little settings. Then after getting an acceptable quality video, the upload... Nearly 2 hours to upload a minuscle 50 MB file! Unbelieveable! It said to be patient because of the large volume they receive. Google, one of the richest companies in the world, can't shell out for more servers?!?!?! I've downloaded videos twice the size in about 20 minutes. Such a chore and I didn't even have time to put up an introduction or anything else to my video. Actually I had 2 videos ready to upload but only had the time to get the one up. There are only so many free time in my day. I didn't even have time to write up an introduction and description of the video. Mr. Blue asking if she lived there. Isn't she mad at him. Just a little but seeing that he's chastened. (she thinks he's an unsuccessful insurance salesman when in reality he's an heir to a rich and powerful Taiwanese family.) Why the vase is so important to her. It's a fake you know. Of course, I know it's fake. Real ones are in museums or auction houses. Her budget (really wanted to see if there were characters here. "Taxi" has "dik see". So "sell" also doesn't have characters to it?) Telling her he has a solution. A better replacement vase she can borrow. Her mom lending him a vase worth several million. Isn't she worried that she's lending out such an expensive vase. You can't take it with you. Maybe there is true love... I was planing on deconstructing all the Cantonese for the videos. How they use 花樽 (fa jeun) instead of the "hua ping" in the modern standard Chinese (MSC) subtitles. "Ping" as in "Jin Ping Mei", the classic Chinese novel of sex and food. Sorry on Linux and can't type out the ping because I could never get the IME to work right. Unless hua ping and fa jeun are common to both Cantonese and Mandarin. Just different word choices and not Cantonese/Mandarin differences? Anyways I hope you find this helpful. Yes, I do. And, now...how about the second half. Oh, and for any non-Cantonese viewers. Please select the highest resolution to view the video (the "auto" feature chooses the lowest resolution). And make it full screen (actually the subtitles look smaller but clearer in the un-full screen). That way you can see the Mandarin subtitles. I especially optimized the videos for the sound and subtitles (which came out surprisingly clear). Sorry this post is so rambling. Kobo. Quote
Popular Post skylee Posted March 21, 2014 at 03:33 PM Popular Post Report Posted March 21, 2014 at 03:33 PM The second half. Hope it is useful. 渠一定係做咗啲好特別嘅事,係咪呀? 唔該,阿媽,要你特登送過嚟。 客咩氣呀,你阿爸當啲嘢係寶呀,但係我根本就唔在乎。 個花樽話哂值幾百萬嘅喎,你唔擔心咩? 值幾百萬咁又點啊,死咗都帶唔走㗎啦,係咪呀? 欸,呢個花樽呀,真過上次嗰個好多啊,好靚呀。哦,唔怪得啲人呀,鍾意玩古董啦,你睇我屋企吖,當堂變得幾有氣派。 我相信呢個慶功宴,你一定會搞得好。 欸,凡哥嚟啦,凡哥嚟啦。 凡哥好型呀。 嘩,阿嫂你好靚呀。 凡哥你今日着得好型呀。 恭喜,瑞凡。 多謝。 各位,喺呢個非常成功嘅宴會上,我要宣佈一個重要嘅決定。董事長同我都一直認爲,下任副總最佳人選就係,溫瑞凡,溫經理。 欸,謝安真。喂。諗緊咩嘢呀? 呵呵,無嘢啊。欸,藍先生呀,你真係救咗我呀,多謝你呀。 咁就祝你,慶功宴一切順利完滿。 多謝。 渠一定係做咗啲好特別嘅事,係咪呀? 係喇,要笑多啲。你呢,個樣呀,成日黑口黑面,真係要改吓渠呀。 哈,我係不可理喻呀,爲咗我老公啊,睬你都傻啊,再見。 呢個世界上,或者,真係仲有真愛。 6 Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted March 23, 2014 at 10:14 AM Author Report Posted March 23, 2014 at 10:14 AM I've just uploaded a second video. It's found at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrolmHnZEPI A transcription would be greatly appreciated. It's about a dine and dash. I recommend using the large player setting rather than the full screen option. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted March 27, 2014 at 01:20 PM Author Report Posted March 27, 2014 at 01:20 PM Anybody care to transcribe the second video I've uploaded? Skylee? Anyone? Well, here's a synopsis for the second video until we do get a transcription. To thank Mr. Blue for the loan of the valuable vase Jie On-Jan has invited him out to dinner. She still doesn't know he's an heir to one of the richest families in Taiwan, still thinking he's a struggling insurance salesman. He decides on a restaurant in a fancy hotel. On-Jan tries to dissuade him saying that these restaurants in fancy hotels are just traps for unsuspecting tourists. High prices with not particularly good food to boot. Why not go to a "tit baan siu" (a teppan restaurant. think Benihana. where they cook in front of a large griddle in front of your table)? All you can eat for $2.55. Developing such expensive habits when you can ill afford to. Your rich friend is ruining you. Blue phones to set up reservations. His uncle(?) tells him to "order anything he wants. He's arranged everything with the manager. You know, originally your grandfather wanted to give this hotel to you". While ordering, Mr. Blue says "if you haven't decided I'll make a suggestion. Catalonian lobster bisque. (I guess it's bisque. In the Chinese subs they use "tang". What's the difference between "tang" and "gang". What the difference between bisque, bouillon, consomme, broth, etc). She not that hungry so that's enough for her. Not for him. He's worked up an appetite from running after the bus earlier in the day. In actuality he was excercising on a treadmill when she phoned him, so, he made up the story about catching the bus. He goes on to order American veal steak. Na Nga Laai (Na Wa La. I guess it's somewhere in Taiwan where they farm salmon) salmon salad. Cognac lobster bisque (?). XO (No, you haven't stumbled into an episode of Gossip Girl. XOXO ) sauce butter wild mushrooms. And as On-Jan gets worried and worried he says and for dessert as they cut to commercial. On-Jan continues him for his extravagent tastes while he's not exactly rolling in money. He says if he can't finish it all they can just toss it out. He's not paying for it. He suggests a dash and dine. Dash and dine? I was really interested in what characters Skylee would use for "maai daan". Also, note the two ways listed in the Google search result for Mandarin equivalents. I'll probably clean this up a bit before I actually "publish" it for the YouTube channel and to my blog if I ever get around to blogging again. I really feel for those trying to advertise their YouTube channels. It really is a chore. Kobo. Quote
skylee Posted March 29, 2014 at 03:36 PM Report Posted March 29, 2014 at 03:36 PM I do not really see the point of your asking for a transcript. I can of course do it, but it takes plenty of time to type it up. Why do you want it when there are Chinese subtitles and you can understand the clips perfectly? And why don't you do it yourself? This is for the second video. 欸,藍先生,你點會揀嚟呢道食嘅? 唔捨得請啊?我真後悔幫咗你。 哦,唔係呀,唔係呀,你聽我講啦,呢啲大酒店嘅嘢都係呃遊客㗎咋,有咩好食啫?我哋頭先呢,咪經過一間鐵板燒嘅,睇落好似幾好食㗎,而且又多人,299食到飽呀。 好好好,等陣。喂。 天蔚。 細叔。 我已經幫你留好位㗎喇。 唔該。 客咩氣吖。呢間酒店你爺爺本來就想畀你嘅。盡量食啦,我已經吩咐咗個經理㗎喇。 好。行啦,人哋留咗位㗎喇。 如果你仲未決定,不如我介紹下。呢道嘅加泰羅尼亞海鮮湯唔錯嘅。 你點會知㗎?你飲過啊? 係我個有錢同學帶我嚟過。 好啦,咁我就要個海鮮湯啦,唔該。 你咁樣,夠㗎喇? 唔,我今朝食得好飽呀。 我就唔得喇,我今朝追巴士好辛苦,好肚餓。 咁你就嗌多啲啦。 係咁就多謝你先喇。 唔使客氣。 我要一份美國無骨小牛扒,仲有拿瓦拉三文魚沙律,干邑龍蝦湯,呢個。。。XO醬牛油野菌,仲有甜品呢。。。 小姐,個湯仲要唔要呀? 哦,要啊,唔該。 你試唔試下? 唔使喇,我咁樣就夠喇。欸,藍先生,你聽我講啦,你唔好成日嚟呢一啲地方食嘢啦,我睇你嗰個有錢朋友呢,帶壞咗你喇。後生仔呢,最重要專心工作,點可以咁好食懶飛,你咁樣搵得再多都儲唔到一個仙呀,何況你又唔係搵得多吖。你有無聽過一句說話,以前啲人話,大富由天,小富呢係由儉,所以我哋做人要。。。 大姐,你聽我講,嗌多幾樣嘢,唔食,就罷就。 嘿,咩嘢叫唔食就罷就啊?你估唔使畀錢㗎? 係呀。 你唔係想食霸王餐啊? 係呀。 唓,發夢啦你。霸王餐。 媽。你唔係話,我嘅生活太嚴肅嘅啦咩?難得而家有個傻瓜提供啲娛樂畀我,咁我就梗係。。。好啦,就玩埋渠今次啦。娛樂完就放過渠,ok? 食飽啦? 嗯。 你食飽,我去埋單喇。 等下先。你以爲我同你講笑啊?我頭先同你講嘅都係真嘅。我發現呢一間餐廳,只要你理直氣壯大模廝樣咁行出去,就唔會有人要你埋單嘅。 你又喺道亂講啦。 你唔信我啊?跟住嚟吖。 欸,等陣,等陣呀。 唔好玩啦,一陣渠哋報警咁點呀? 唔好嘈,望前面。 先生。 哎呀,我都話㗎啦。唔好意思,係誤會嚟㗎咋,我哋諗住同你玩下㗎咋。 唔係,呢份係餐廳送畀兩位嘅小禮物,歡迎再嚟幫襯。 多謝。 你仲唔走?警察嚟,我唔理㗎。 警察? 快啲吖。點呀?我講得無錯啦?而家無事喇。 啊,真係講都無人信呀。欸,間餐廳唔蝕到死至奇呀。 唔會嘅,好似我咁膽大心細嘅人有幾多個吖? 你正一怪人嚟㗎。不過藍先生呀,你都係聽我講啦。 好啦,夠啦,大姐,唔好再講耶穌喇。奇怪,又唔係老,點解好似阿婆咁吟沉㗎。 好,我唔吟你喇。 欸,你去邊呀? 我要去埋單。 埋單?我哋咁樣跑出嚟就係想幫你慳錢,而家反而就。。。 咁你有無諗過,如果餐廳裏面嘅人要幫我哋賠錢咁點呀?如果渠因爲我哋無咗份工咁點算吖?我唔想連累到人哋呀。我梗係想慳返啲啦,不過,如果因爲嗰少少錢搞到瞓唔安、食唔落,唔好喇。欸,我個慶功宴完滿結束喇,跟住,要請你食嘅大餐又請咗,啱啱咁刺激都玩埋喇,多謝你,藍先生。我,我就祝你以後工作事事順利,天天向上,你以後一定會成功嘅。 欸,你返去諗下啦,唔好再食霸王餐喇。 奇怪,點解好似變咗我畀人玩嘅? 2 Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted April 25, 2014 at 04:58 AM Author Report Posted April 25, 2014 at 04:58 AM I do not really see the point of your asking for a transcript. I can of course do it, but it takes plenty of time to type it up. Oh, well. It was great while it lasted. I know it can be a chore. I remember as a kid transcribing the lyrics to songs with my little cassette recorder. Having to rewind every few seconds. Then the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper came with the lyrics all printed out. And also the White album with this huge poster. Then they stopped. So back to the little recorder. Now all the song lyrics are available on the Internet. Kids today don't know how easy they have it. Why do you want it when there are Chinese subtitles and you can understand the clips perfectly? And why don't you do it yourself? You think too highly of Kobo. I largely understand it from reading the modern standard Chinese subtitles not from hearing the spoken Cantonese, which is what I'm studying from the HK Cantonese dubs. I may have been learning Chinese on and off for over 30 years and Cantonese, also, on and off, for over a decade, but, it's nowhere near the level of a native. Besides a lot of the stuff I get wrong. For instance in the first video, the vase one, both times I hear the guy saying what sounds like "Dyson" for "wait a minute" or "hold on". You have it as 等陣 which is what I thought it should be, either that or 等一陣 since the modern standard Chinese has 等一下. But "Dyson"? That would have tripped me up completely and I wouldn't go any further. That and a whole lot of other things. Sometimes the Cantonese would use an alternate word meaning the same thing in both Cantonese and Mandarin. Sometimes it's a replacement word only used in Cantonese that I wouldn't know. I could try looking it up in the CantoDict project's Cantonese dictionary, but, then I'd have to know the correct pronunciation in Jyutping Romanization and as in the case of "Dyson", I doubt I'd be able to find it. Oh well, I’ll try to post at the Sheik Cantonese Help Sheets web site’s forum and see if any of them would help transcribe my next video. Kobo. Quote
Lu Posted April 25, 2014 at 10:07 AM Report Posted April 25, 2014 at 10:07 AM I may have been learning Chinese on and off for over 30 years and Cantonese, also, on and off, for over a decade, but, it's nowhere near the level of a native. Besides a lot of the stuff I get wrong.Perhaps you can first try it yourself and then ask Skylee or others to correct you? That way, you would get some practice, and it would be less work for others. You could also consider thanking Skylee and upvoting her posts here, for what looks like may have been hours of work. I think perhaps that might make her more willing to continue to help you in the future. 1 Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 8, 2014 at 01:02 AM Author Report Posted May 8, 2014 at 01:02 AM You could also consider thanking Skylee and upvoting her posts here, for what looks like may have been hours of work. I think perhaps that might make her more willing to help you in the future. If I were to upvote her, how would she know it was me? Anyway I don't want to 勉強(勉强) her. I think that's right. I learned it from watching Ariel Lin's It Started With A Kiss. If she doesn't want to do it she doesn't want to do it. Kobo. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 8, 2014 at 01:03 AM Author Report Posted May 8, 2014 at 01:03 AM Oh well, I'll try to post at the Sheik Cantonese Help Sheets web site's forum and see if any of them would help transcribe my next video. Well, here's my latest video. And the transcription: Liz : 啲嘢搞掂晒喇。 Peter :[ei3],唔該晒呀。 Liz :Peter,你放心啦。呢單 project 咁緊要,我一定由頭跟到落尾嘅。 Peter : [ei3],你辦事我梗放心啦。 -Signing the documents - Peter : 喂,知唔知你咁靚又咁本事,如果我冇 wife 我一定追求你呀? Liz : 你梗係唔記得咗啦,我同你老婆好熟㗎。 Peter : 求你啊,千祈唔好喺我 wife 面前講嘅喎! Liz : 咁我都求求你啫。千祈千祈唔好喺我男朋友面前提啫。 Peter : 喂,一齊食 lunch 囉。 Liz : 今日去邊度食好呢? Peter: 我諗住嗰間。。。 酒店好似幾好嘅喎。 Liz : 新開嗰間扒屋? 嚟吖,好吖。 - Outside - Boyfriend: 鬼佬?! Boyfriend:Hi! Peter :Hi Boyfriend : Uhh... Evening. Peter : Evening Boyfriend : Um.... Me, She.... You know? - Awkward looks - Boyfriend : No no? Boyfriend : (Points to self) Boyfriend Boyfriend : (Hands flowers to Liz) She, girlfriend. Boyfriend : Girlfriend, no problem, 啊? - Car pulls up - Wife : Peter! Peter : 喂! - Peter returns - Peter : Me, husband. Peter : She, wife. Peter : Liz,你嘅男朋友好得意喎。拜拜。 Kobo. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 8, 2014 at 03:32 AM Author Report Posted May 8, 2014 at 03:32 AM Many have said to Kobo that these videos are fine and dandy, but, how about some action. So here is a clip from a Korean drama series. Kung Fu action at its finest. Most Korean martial arts scenes aren’t very good, but, when Kobo first saw this, he was quite impressed. More of the Bruce Lee school of action. Where the heroes don’t banter while fighting. No Spiderman-style cracking wise while battling the bad guys. ;-0 If anybody'd like to take a crack at transcribing the Cantonese dialog, Kobo'd be quite appreciative? Doesn’t have to be Skylee. Oh, yeah. The link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o86n_QV2VYg Kobo. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 27, 2014 at 10:30 AM Author Report Posted May 27, 2014 at 10:30 AM I've added another video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgKUcXf1N8A It's a 3 minute video of how shrimp paste is made. Filmed in Hong Kong as part of the "A Bite of China" series from last year (?). Anyway, I heard they've a new season (or series as they call it in Britain). Bit of a controversy. How it focuses more on individual people and how they focus on minorities (show harmony), etc. I thought they focused individuals in the first series as well. That Korean girl who went back to her family home to make Korean style paocai (kimchi), that guy with the roof garden, etc. Minorities such as the Korean girl, that tofu guy...or was it mushroom. So long ago. Anyway, there's also a parody of British cooking, done in the style of "A Bite of China", titled "A Taste of Britain" that's gone viral in China. How Brits really love spuds. I mean really love the stuff. ;-) I haven't seen the video myself. Should make for enjoyable light entertainment. Watch my video, damnit!!!! Isn't anyone studying Cantonese? Kobo. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 27, 2014 at 10:35 AM Author Report Posted May 27, 2014 at 10:35 AM Skylee, please transcribe my videos!!!! I'm on bended knees, with my folded hands bobbing up and down begging you. Help me, Skylee-wan!!!! You're the only one who can do it! No one else can! Is it because you've been subjected to some unpleasantness because of your Cantonese? Have you been cyber-bullied? Kobo. Quote
skylee Posted May 27, 2014 at 11:11 AM Report Posted May 27, 2014 at 11:11 AM I am on vacation, now in Padova. I will see what I can do tonight. (I can go drinking of course. Haha.) Quote
querido Posted May 27, 2014 at 06:07 PM Report Posted May 27, 2014 at 06:07 PM Be careful skylee, the Cantonese-learning world needs your brain cells. :-) Quote
carlo Posted May 28, 2014 at 05:05 AM Report Posted May 28, 2014 at 05:05 AM Padova, nice. Anyway, I did the first 50 seconds or so, both in characters and jyutping, now lunch is calling. 大澳係香港欣賞日落,早年以產鹽而聞名。大澳嘅傳統土產係自己腌製嘅鹹魚,記錄著水鄉美食嘅傳奇。 Daai6ou3 hai6 Hoeng1gong2 jan1soeng2 jat6lok6, zeoi3 lei5soeng2 ge3 dei6fong1, zou2nin4 ji5 caan2 jim4 ji4 man4ming4. Daai6ou3 ge3 cyun4tung2 tou2caan2 hai6 zi6gei2 jip3zai3 ge3 haam4jyu2, gei3luk6zoek6(?) seoi2hoeng1 mei5sik6 ge3 cyun4kei4. 不過令大澳居民驕傲嘅唔係鹹魚,而係佢哋自製嘅蝦膏同蝦醬,尤其係蝦膏,咁多年來,都係炒菜、蒸肉嘅絕佳配料。 bat1guo3 ling6 daai6ou3 geoi1man4 giu1ngou6 ge3 m4hai6 haam4jyu2, ji5hai6 keoi5dei6 zi6zai3 ge3 ha1gou1 tong4 ha1zoeng3, jau4kei4 hai6 ha1gaau1, gam3 do1nin4loi4, dou1 hai6 caau2coi2, zing1jyuk6 ge3 zyut6gaai1 pui3liu2. 呢間係經歷咗四代人嘅百年老店... ni1gaan1 hai3 ging1lik6zo2 sei3daai6jan4 ge3 baak3nin4lou5dim3.... 1 Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 28, 2014 at 02:12 PM Author Report Posted May 28, 2014 at 02:12 PM I am on vacation, now in Padova. I will see what I can do tonight. (I can go drinking of course. Haha.) That'll be wonderful. Looking forward to your, as always, superb work. Kobo. Quote
Kobo-Daishi Posted May 28, 2014 at 02:14 PM Author Report Posted May 28, 2014 at 02:14 PM @Carlo. Nice going. I always said that anyone is free to help. Not just Skylee. Though no one other than her had until now. Kobo. Quote
skylee Posted May 28, 2014 at 06:32 PM Report Posted May 28, 2014 at 06:32 PM Re #13, hope the following is useful. 大澳,係香港欣賞日落最理想嘅地方,早年以產鹽而聞名。大澳嘅傳統土產係自己醃製嘅鹹魚,記錄住水鄉美食嘅傳奇。不過令大澳居民驕傲嘅唔係鹹魚,而係渠哋自製嘅蝦膏同蝦醬。尤其係蝦膏,多年嚟都係炒菜蒸肉嘅絕佳配料。 呢間係經歷咗四代人嘅百年老店。76歲嘅郭少芬係大澳本地人,渠造蝦醬已經超過50年。無論係蝦膏定蝦醬,當中嘅用料其實只係得鹽同銀蝦,做法亦都非常簡單,就係將蝦同鹽攪碎,然後放喺篩上面曬乾。呢個大木桶,當年渠每次可以整到三噸蝦膏,而家已經無再用。隨住上一輩嘅人年事已高,呢種古樸嘅味道開始慢慢消失。 香港咁多地方,點解只係大澳係盛產蝦膏同埋蝦醬呢?原來同原材料銀蝦係好有關係。銀蝦係盛產於鹹淡水交界嘅地方,大澳就正係位於珠江河口鹹淡水交界,所以有一定嘅蝦獲。五月同六月亦都係銀蝦當造嘅季節,所以呢,製造蝦膏同埋蝦醬亦都係黃金期。 保存食物,中國人運用智慧,同埋利用周圍環境所提供嘅材料去醃製食物,形成咗各個地方不同嘅特色美食。醃製食物係需要時間嘅沉澱,但係更加重要嘅係需要烹調者嘅心思。因為渠哋嘅用心,然之後先至可以製造出色香味俱全嘅美食。 Quote
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