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So no choice then...( that's a pity

Thank you for your reply! It was very thorough and helpful! )



No, the CSC stablishes that if you want to live out of campus on your own you'll have to pay for this expense yourself. I don't clearly remember where I read about it, but I'm pretty sure it was in the website.


The csc give you an extra amount of money if you decide to live off campus, I was reading that it's around 1000 RMB / Month




Perhaps you should contact them and ask? I have found they reply quite quickly.


@bientai, ajkihn, and Gsx1992

I believe, as long as the uni permits students to live off-campus, that you can get a small accommodation subsidy. At least, the university to which I have applied (ECNU) has told me that they would give me 700 RMB/month as a language student/general scholar. See here: http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua/scholarshipdetailen.aspx?cid=97&id=2070


"Full Scholarship covers...

 Accommodation: free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy;

If the host university requires students to live on campus, the university will accommodate scholarship students in university dormitory (usually twin room); if the host university permits students to live off campus, the university will provide monthly/quarterly accommodation subsidy:

undergraduate students/master’s students/general scholars: CNY 700 per month;

doctoral students/senior scholars: CNY 1000 per month."



Hi there! I’m from the Chicagoland area. :) The university from which I received the pre-admission letter that I passed on to the Embassy was East China Normal University (华师大). Out of curiosity, what school in HZ did you teach at? I used to study at Zhejiang University, so I had quite a few friends teaching English in the area haha.


@oogz91 and @shuoshuo

Thanks for your helpful insights! I definitely feel much better now. @oogz91, Sorry for the confusion though – I am indeed aware that the Laihua status doesn’t matter and that we aren’t really going to hear much until around July. I guess I was mostly just looking for confirmation that what I’ve done and the responses I’ve received were pretty normal. :)


Good luck all!


@BITstudent, i heard the CSC gives students 700 kuai a month to live off campus, but it depends if the university allows living off campus. And PhD students get a little more.


Does anybody know if the CSC pays the monthly stipend over the summer months if the student is in a course that is more than 1 year?



CSC pays the monthly stipend for the entire duration of your course. That includes during winter and summer breaks.

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Hi all


I am plan on studying the non-degree Chinese language course at Shanghai Jiaotong in the fall 2015/2016 semester. I recently received a CSC Award letter from the Embassy of PRC in Australia as well as an email stating that i need to obtain a pre-admission letter from my university of choice (SJTU), which i then need to forward back to the embassy.


I finally got in contact with SJTU after weeks of calls and emails and have submitted my application. I was just wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to obtain a pre-admission letter? And what are my chances of obtaining one? It seems like most people had already obtained one to include in their CSC application package back in April. Have my chances of being accepted been reduced because i am requesting one so late?


Is it also correct to say that if i do not get a place at SJTU, it should be relatively easy to find another university because i already have an award letter (despite my CSC application only having SJTU desginated as a preference)?


One other thing, I never did a medical examination as part of originally CSC application (the recommending party said it was no neccesary at that stage). Given what i've read in this forum so far it seems essential to have. At what point will i have to do one?


Thanks for all your help this forum has been very helpful!




That means you've been admitted to the school. They require being admitted before they give you a scholarship.



Also, my wife and I are going to start looking for apartments over the summer. If we find any decent places I can message you about them if you want. 

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@洋人丹: Good to hear! :)


About the accommodation. I'd appreciate your message if you find anything decent and fairly affordable (we are both still young and do not have enormous reserves) , preferably in Yangpu, and would like to share an apartment with a fellow Fudan student and his better half.




I think you need a physical when you go get a resident permit in China, but don't worry, i heard this physical can be done in China. In the Western US we need that physical also to apply for an X-visa at the embassy, but it seems your embassy does not need that (The Sydney embassy doesn't seem to require it. I looked that up on the chinese embassy in australia website)





Hi there! In my experience, I received a pre-admission letter within a couple days, though I did specify to the university that I needed it as soon as possible because it was due to my Embassy by a certain date. Maybe you could do this as well? It might be helpful to follow up with an email or a phone call.

I'm not totally sure about your other questions, but maybe someone else has some insight?


Bientai, according to the new rules you should be allowed to live off campus and CGS will subsidize (amount depends on the degree type). That said, some schools may refuse to support you if your Chinese level is... "zero".


So i got a question...

I applied via EU Window, but i did not have a pre adnission letter. If i got accepted by one of the universities i chose in my application, would i need to get the pre admission letter(although it was wrote as not necessary)? Or do only those that apply via embassy in their country have to send it to their embassy?



No, you do not need to get a pre-admission letter of you are selected. CSC will choose a university for you, you have to accept what they offer you.

Did your status on laihua already is "currently checking"?

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I also applied for Fudan's EMA Chinese Economy and received the same message as bientai.... Doesn't this mean I've met the application requirements but still have to wait for the final result whether I got admitted for not? Or based on other students' previous experience, this means I am admitted for sure? Then, do I need to get a pre-admission letter from the school to send off to CSC?



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