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I started thinking about Chinese scholarships and quite a few questions arised in my head. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can shed some light:


- Does anyone have information as to how likely is it to actually be granted a scholarship (CGS, more specifically) if you have been nominated by a university?

- Are there any quotas for universities and what would they be for Fudan? 

- Is it necessarily a full scholarship that will be granted or might there also be partial scholarships, etc.?

- For those who applied to Shanghai universities and applied both for CGS and SGS - once you have been nominated for CGS does that mean that SGS is out of the game?




That is so cool, I applied for HUST as well. I am a candidate from The Bahamas, applied through embassy. I sent along my HUST pre-admission letter when I initially applied to the embassy/foreign affairs scholarship division. 

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Does anyone know how long it takes for the visa to be issued? I have an admission notice written in chinese, if there is anyone who can tell me if it says anything about the visa please pm :)


For the ones applying through OAS:

I wrote to Mr. Duncan because I just didn't wantedto keep my hopes up. He clearly told me that at final pre selected candidates haven't been confirmed (at least for postgraduate which was what I asked about) because there are many suitable candidates and they are considering giving more scholarships, but CSC has to confirm first.

Good luck to everyone.

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请您持录取通知书前往中国驻贵国的使(领) 馆申请来华的学习签证("xl”或“X2" VISA),在入境的15天内 到云南大学留学生院报到。若因故不能按时报到,请先通知我们。 谢谢! 祝旅途顺利!


Anyone can tell me what it says? Thanks :)


Hello Everyone,


I've applied for PhD studies in Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) on CSC Scholarship Category A. My online application status says: Agree with getting the scholarship. I've following questions:

  1. Does it mean that university agreed to grant me CSC Scholarship but CSC still have to decide about awarding the scholarship? Few days back before the status update, i called their office, and they informed me they have sent my documents for CSC evaluation.
  2. Or it means that application process is completed and I actually got the scholarship?

I know some of the applicants, who actually applied for CSC Category A, but their online status now displays CSC Scholarship Category B & Agree with getting the scholarship.

I hope lot of you guys are having the same status as mine, or you've already got the confirmatory email from university. Please give me your opinion.  






(rough translation)

Please take your admission letter and use it to apply to your country's chinese embassy for the student visa (x1 or x2 visa). Within 15 days of entry, report to the Yunnan university dorm for overseas students.. If for some reason you cannot arrive on time, please notify us. Thank you! We wish you a smooth travel!

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Is there anyone who already knows if they have been granted a scholarship or who has recieved an admission letter?

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Hey guys,


If anyone could answer my question id be very happy.


So I applied in feb for  CSC scholarship for masters at XMU. In the beginning of May my application has been processed by the Uni and I was accepted (of the admission). The application system after loggin into the uni website and clicking on masters application tells me I have been accepted. It also gives the option to accept the admission offer or not.


I thought I had to wait till we get CSC scholarship anouncement/winners from XMU and then accept it in the system. Cuz I believe if you accept the admission offer that you will be enrolled and u get the Uni letter for visa etc..


But I only want to enroll if I get the scholarship. Did I have to accept this admission offer in meantime? I thought I had to wait on scholarship announcements of the Uni itself? Kinda lost here, in the waitingzone (no news) on what to do. 




Yesterday Tsinghua sent me an email and told me I got accepted and also told me me to wait for my admission letter. I applied through embassy so I think I got the scholarship.

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BIT sent out emails today asking applicants to confirm their home address before June 12th, you should check your email if you applied for BIT.

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as far as I know you should accept the admission offer so that Uni will proceed with your application and send it to CSC. In your case Uni may understood that you don't want to be enrolled and didn't sent your documents.  At least that's the procedure admission office described me when I was applying in March.. Try to ask them, they will clarify it better. People in XMU are quite helpful and willing to explain such issues

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@Gsx1992 @dongfeng


If you guys have applied for CSC Scholarship then can you please tell us your current application status on CSC online application system. Is it still "Application is currently checking" or it got changed?



One quick question: When one applies for CGS through a university, does the university provide for airtickets?


Hello JDF,


I have applied for PhD studies in Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) on CSC Scholarship Category A as well. My online application statuses are: Application status - Admitted. Operate - View, Pre-Admission Notice, Enrollment: Yes, Scholarship Detail. Futher... Scholarship Detail: Scholarship name: Doctoral Programs Type A(CSC), Agree with getting the scholarship.

In Approval Process


 Approval Date  Approval Results  2015/4/11 5:10:20  Doctoral Programs Type A1(CSC)  2015/4/12 14:11:27  Preliminary Review Pass  2015/4/19 10:25:29  Pre-Admitted:School of Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science and Engineering(080500) 


I have been also striving to get answers to the questions equal to yours. But it seemed to me that International Student Center was going to send me formal documents, so I think that I have been awarded CGS type A, but nobody answered me if this Scholarship FULL or PARTIAL. My starting date of the Programme is 13th of September. And I don't know what Type A1 means. Besides, that moment when I was sending my set of documents to SJTU, I had't Physical Exam Form, I sent without it, and I made 2 samples of CGC-Application form only, other documents were sent in originals or single copy/single notarized copy. After sending I started thinking that I would fail, and they would reject me because I prepared my documents inproperly. Seemingly, they didn't think that I had been wrong.


What country are you from?

Where do you intend to pursue you PhD (which Major and School of SJTU)?

What do you think about correct arrival date to Shanghai?


Yours truly 

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