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Everyone calm their tits a little bit. lolol it's stressful, yeah but freaking out isn't going to change anything. Statuses mean nothing, so stop talking about them. It's already been said a thousand times AND it's already been said that in previous years people got the scholarships with "submitted" and "checking" so it's irrelevant.


Until literally ALL results are out, do not freak out. And even then, freaking out won't change the CSC decision. How do some of you get through life like this??  Y'all crazy and will get an aneurysm from stress! Or a dent in your head  :wall lol


edit: also if you cannot handle this bit of uncertainty and stress NOW perhaps you won't want to go to China! China requires a lot of patience and ability to manage uncertainty because they're notoriously disorganized.. I learned this the hard way when I went to teach English in China for a month.. I was ALREADY IN CHINA for a week (just hanging out in Hangzhou) and STILL didn't know where I was going to teach! So just food for thought.. so no assumptions can be made about acceptance for CGS until all of the results for your category are out since god knows how CSC function half the time.


I'm not trying to be rude, but realistic tough love is sometimes necessary, haha!!


@fourdgrace I would suggest checking their website rather than ask on a forum. It would be faster ;) Also they might have different numbers or something based on your location.. who knows. They ARE pretty good at emailing back though so that might be the better route.. I emailed them 2 months or so ago and they got back to me pretty quickly.

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yeah the status on csc website won't change even if u are accepted


@DongLian actually i did try to go their website for the number. I called them but they didn't answer so I guess i should go with the second option which is to email them. Thank u!


@lambilyforever  Everyone loves them.  But yeah lol I felt like it needed to be said before the forum implodes in hysteria hahahaha. When I get my result, good or bad, I'll be sure to let everyone know and I'm sure everyone else for the most part will post they've gotten something.  When someone gets something, we will know.


But I apologize if I was at all abrasive, I was going for more reassuring but sometimes I fail.


@fourdgrace I'm not surprised.. they're probably like "Ain't no one got time fo' dat" when the phone rings. Hopefully they answer you as quickly as they did me. I got a reply like.. next day or day after.  I just asked general inquiries ( I guess it was more like March when I emailed ) about the documents to be submitted to ensure I was doing it right so not sure if the nature of my question impacted the response time.


Good luck to all and may the odds be ever in your favor. :wink:


Lets be cool guys! 



We all know China is a bit disorganized, we still have time! I wrote Fundan yesterday , they haven't answered lol



guess now we all just to have a good weekend, party hard! 


@lambilyforever I'll party with whomever! I'm a fan of KTV and Vodka. lol - Is anyone planning on being in the North? I know most people are a bit more south than I will be. I'll be in Anshan which is between Dalian and Shenyang.


I would be totally cool with meeting anyone who might be around :mrgreen:



EDIT: Upon arrival I will be Warden of the North.


Winter is coming, y'all.


A friend of mine got married in Anshan earlier this year.  Good wedding, good KTV, good barbecue, and good club... as far as I can remember.


I wonder how the Chinese would take me... considering I'm Filipino. lol.  :lol:




Wait you're saying the....you're saying that the laihua status doesnt mean ANYTHING?! Mother of all that is holy, what is a man to do without the glint of hope that one day, maybe one day, currently checking will change....


Anyway, I don't know why yall email them, just call them, put 2 dollars on your skype account and call them. Theyre friendly people at CSC and theyll tell you whats up. I called em two days ago and they said they havent sent out the US results because they have to wait for every single school to get back to them before they can send em back to the states. Luckily, she said some schools are very, very slow, so sit tight because we're chilling for a bit longer champs. I also asked her about my own status, giving her my name and the school i applied to, and she checked that for me, telling me i got it but still have to wait for it to go through the embassy. So before I get roaring drunk, I'll wait for the documents to be in my hand. 


that's right. they are actually very accommodating people at CSC... even at the universities. I have a rule. A week would never end without me calling them (CSC and Tianjin Normal U) at least once. This week I called CSC twice. they were perfectly fine with it. 


But the thing is, my Chinese is still not good. so I have to talk to them in English. And oftentimes, I feel  a lot of the info is lost in translation. lol. But I get to at least get a sense of what's going on. 


@oogz91 do you talk to them in Chinese??? How I wish I could converse in Chinese well (hence here I am applying for a language program in China). 


@oogz91 lolol - funny man here XD


I emailed because I was at work so I can't just be sitting on the phone and it's free instead of 2 dollars lolol. I wasn't in a hurry for response and they got back to me quickly and answered my questions well.


But yeah if their number isn't working for fourdgrace, I just wanted to give him a different option.  Skype is pretty great though for those who haven't used it for calls before.


I'm with you.. I was told by my Uni that it all "looked good to go" but she also advised to not count my chickens before I have the stuff in hand.. so I'm, like you, not celebrating until I see it. But it's really for me only a money thing.. I'm still GOING w/o scholarship but for less time and of course I will deplete my hard fought savings.  But I am determined to at least do SOMETHING. Besides, my job really sucks right now so I don't mind leaving. I just got married to a Canadian, so I'm not going to be staying in the USA for much longer anyway.. worst case scenario, I travel around China for a few months.


Yeah I passed HSK 6 last year and have been working at a Chinese tv station in NYC this year to stay fresh, and for sure a lot gets lost they are timid speaking in English, but in Chinese theyll tell you anything you want to hear, which unfortunately is that we're all stuck twiddling our thumbs and it is completely not their or our embassy's fault. 


lol he was honest.. XD I was tempted to say something similar.. even if a bit nicer.

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