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I really hope some new safety regulations come outta this so this does not happen again.

As we don't really know what the cause is, too early to make such a call. Based on what I've heared I would not be surprised if better training and or information for the firemen would be a better solution. Using water to extinguish chemical fires is generally not the best plan. Also the suggestion of lu to enforce rules better may be part of the solution. Making new rules while the rules are just ignored is pointless.


Every high profile incident there is the predictable call to take measures, not seldom politicians way to take action is to create new rules. Often these new rules have little to no added value to increase safety but do make things more complex and add costs. This mainly increases the risk of non-compliance to the new and existing rules unless they are strictly enforced. The way to go is research the causes of the disaster, Based on the chain of events one can judge or new regulation are needed, old regulations should be enforced or perhaps just operating procedures should be reviewed.


@june : I wouldn't want to move to Tianjin now.

What about the pollution from all those chemicals?

(perhaps it's not really worse than before, or worse than in other Chinese cities, but *knowing that they have been blown up into the air and water* would keep me awake at night...)


@june : I wouldn't want to move to Tianjin now.

What about the pollution from all those chemicals?

(perhaps it's not really worse than before, or worse than in other Chinese cities, but *knowing that they have been blown up into the air and water* would keep me awake at night...)

People are reporting a nasty chemical smell in the air that gets pretty potent at times. I would be worried about that too.


There were 700 tons of sodium cyanide stored at the warehouse. There is concern that rain would lead to cynide leaking into ground water.


I hope it is ok for you junebug1000 but I am glad it is not putting you off going, have to admit if it was me I would still go.


I read somewhere that there was initial protest when the 开发区 was proposed. Does anyone with better sleuthing skills than me want to find the article =T


Interesting... A friend of mine keeps posting things on facebook:


http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20150815/54090487 is one of the most recent links. I had already seen reports of residential buildings being within 600 metres of the storage facility, but now it seems with this article they are alleging that the storage facility was not authorized to store the chemicals it did, and that there were workers who were not trained in the first place on how to handle or store those chemicals. Apparently the website for the company is down :\


I don't know how many people were killed in the explosions but looking at some of the pictures, I reckon it might be a huge mistake to assume what the government says is true.





I suspect none of those in the buildings would have been able to survive. Some victims might have just been vaporised by the same heat that melted wheels of the cars.


I agree with @SuEn. The exposition wiped out warehouse area. It was night and I think there weren't a lot of people. May be government doesn't tell truth, but I also don't believe people who tells that thousands of people died. 


I read that there was a huge quantity of calcium carbide stored there, and that they tried to fight the fire with water. If you combine calcium carbide with water, it produces acetylene gas, which is the highly flammable gas used in welding torches. If this is true, then by "fighting" the fire in this way, they CREATED the explosions. Sounds like untrained personnel who had no clue how to deal with the explosive & dangerous materials they were storing.





Not surprising at all.











The article was removed but you can see the title in the right column on this page.



Kenny, have you just posted a link to a site saying 'this is probably more credible' and then later said you 'don't believe it'?

Kenny, have you just posted a link to a site saying 'this is probably more credible' and then later said you 'don't believe it'? 



Yes, by that I mean what the site says is more credible compared to what the government says but I suspect neither of them is telling the whole truth.


Edit: I am not sure if 'the whole truth' is correctly used here. I mean the government is not telling the whole truth because it  瞞報 the death toll but I don't know whether this comment is applicable to what that anti-CCP site says; it is likely that the death toll is lower than what is reported in the article. 




新京报快讯 (记者侯润芳 程媛媛 实习生胡克凡)8月15日下午,一名从爆炸中心逃生后获救的瑞海物流公司仓库职员,向新京报记者介绍了逃生的过程。





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