Popular Post mandel1luke Posted September 14, 2015 at 01:25 PM Popular Post Report Posted September 14, 2015 at 01:25 PM (edited) Not sure if these have been posted before, but I searched and found nothing, so I thought it'd be good to list them here. For those who want to read the better Chinese novels / literature of the 20th century, I've appended two lists. I think they may be helpful to those who are interested in modern Chinese literature, especially fiction. The first is a ranked list as selected by Asia Weekly at the turn of the millennium. It was a selection by a 12-person panel of critics/writers from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. No. 1 was the one most chosen by the panel, No. 2 was the next and so on and so forth. For the complete list of shortlisted fiction (512), see this file Download-1.doc 《亚洲周刊20世纪中文小说前100强》 1、呐喊 鲁迅 2、边城 沈从文 3、骆驼样子 老舍 4、传奇 张爱玲 5、围城 钱钟书 6、子夜 茅盾 7、台北人 白先勇 8、家 巴金 9、呼兰河传 萧红 10、老残游记 刘鹗 11、寒夜 巴金 12、彷徨 鲁迅 13、官场现形记 李伯元 14、财主底儿女们 路翎 15、将军族 陈映真 16、沉沦 郁达夫 17、死水微澜 李劼人 18、红高梁 莫言 19、小二黑结婚 赵树理 20、棋王 阿城 21、家变 王文兴 22、马桥词典 韩少功 23、亚细亚的孤儿 吴浊流 24、半生缘 张爱玲 25、四世同堂 老舍 26、胡雪岩 高阳 27、啼笑姻缘 张恨水 28、儿子的大玩偶 黄春明 29、射雕英雄传 金庸 30、莎菲女士的日记 丁玲 31、鹿鼎记 金庸 32、孽海花 曾朴 33、惹事 赖和 34、嫁妆一牛车 王祯和 35、异域 邓克保(柏杨) 36、曾国藩 唐浩明 37、原乡人 钟理和 38、白鹿原 陈忠实 39、长恨歌 王安忆 40、吉陵春秋 李永平 41、黄祸 保密(王力雄) 42、狂风沙 司马中原 43、艳阳天 浩然 44、公墓 穆时英 45、旧址 李锐 46、星星·月亮·太阳 徐速 45、台湾人三部曲 钟肇政 48、洗澡 杨绛 49、旋风 姜贵 50、荷花淀 孙犁 51、我城 西西 52、受戒 汪曾祺 53、铁浆 朱西宁 54、世纪末的华丽 朱天文 55、蜀山剑侠传 还珠楼主 56、又见棕榈,又见棕榈 于梨华 57、浮躁 贾平凹 58、组织部新来的年轻人 王蒙 59、玉梨魂 徐枕亚 60、香港三部曲 施叔青 61、京华烟云 林语堂 62、倪焕之 叶圣陶 63、春桃 许地山 64、桑青与桃红 聂华苓 65、蓝与黑 王蓝 66、二月 柔石 67、风萧萧 徐訏 68、芙蓉镇 古华 69、地之子 台静农 70、城南旧事 林海音 71、古船 张炜 72、酒徒 刘以鬯 73、未央歌 鹿桥 74、沉重的翅膀 张洁 75、果园城记 师陀 76、人啊,人! 戴厚英 77、黄金时代 王小波 78、狗日的粮食 刘恒 79、棋王 张系国 80、赖索 黄凡 81、妻妾成群 苏童 82、霸王别姬 李碧华 83、杀夫 李昂 84、楚留香 古龙 85、窗外 琼瑶 86、沉默之岛 苏伟贞 87、白发魔女传 梁羽生 88、古都 朱天心 89、尹县长 陈若曦 90、四喜忧国 张大春 91、喜宝 亦舒 92、男人的一半是女人 张贤亮 93、将军底头 施蛰存 94、蓝血人 倪匡 95、二十年目睹之怪现状 吴趼人 96、活着 余华 97、冈底斯的诱惑 马原 98、十年十意 林斤澜 99、北极风情画 无名氏 100、雍正皇帝 二月河 The second is the 百年百种优秀中国文学图书 list which includes fiction, plays, poetry collections and even letters. This list was selected by a panel by 人民文学出版社。Books listed are in chronological order. 《百年百种优秀中国文学图书》 《官场现形记》 李伯元 (1903-1905) (novel) 《孽海花》 曾 朴 (20-chapter version: 1905/ 30-chapter version: 1928) (novel) 《老残游记》 洪都百炼生(刘鹗) (1906) (novel) 《二十年目睹之怪现状》 吴趼人 (1906-1910) (novel) 《人境庐诗草》 黄遵宪 (1911) (poetry collection) 《尝试集》 胡 适 (1920) (poetry collection) 《女神》 郭沫若 (1921) (poetry collection) 《沉沦》 郁达夫 (1921) (short story collection) 《呐喊》 鲁 迅 (1923) (short story collection) 《繁星》 冰 心 (1923) (poetry collection) 《南社丛选》 南社编刻 (1924) (poetry & prose collection) 《雨天的书》 周作人 (1925) (essays/散文) 《志摩的诗》 徐志摩 (1925) (poetry collection) 《寄小读者》 冰 心 (1926) (writings for children) 《彷徨》 鲁 迅 (1926) (short story collection) 《野草》 鲁 迅 (1927) (prose poetry collection) 《死水》 闻一多 (1928) (poetry collection) 《背影》 朱自清 (1928) (essays/散文) 《在黑暗中》丁 玲 (1928) (short story collection) 《倪焕之》 叶绍钧 (1929) (novel) 《啼笑姻缘》 张恨水 (1930) (novel) 《缘缘堂随笔》 丰子恺 (1931) (essays/散文) 《新月诗选》》 陈梦家编 (1931) (poetry collection) 《鲁迅杂感选集》鲁迅著,何凝(瞿秋白)选编 (1933) (essays) 《望舒草》 戴望舒 (1933) (poetry collection) 《烙印》 减克家 (1933) (poetry collection) 《子夜》 茅 盾 (1933) (novel) 《家》(《激流三部曲》之一) 巴 金 (1933) (novel) 《边城》 沈从文 (1934) (novel) 《南行记》 艾 芜 (1935) (short story collection) 《死水微澜》 李劼人 (1936) (novel) 《大堰河》 艾 青 (1936) (poetry collection) 《湘行散记》 沈从文 (1936) (essays/散文) 《画梦录》 何其芳 (1936) (essays/散文) 《上海屋檐下》 夏 衍 (1937) (drama) 《萍踪忆语》 韬 奋 (1937) (essays) 《包身工》 夏 衍 (1938) (report literature/报告文学) 《骆驼样子》 老 舍 (1939) (novel) 《黄河大合唱(组诗)》光未然 (1939) (poetry/cantata libretto) 《呼兰河传》 萧 红 (1941) (novel) 《屈原》 郭沫若 (1942) (drama) 《十四行集》 冯 至 (1942) (poetry collection) 《给战斗者》 田 间 (1943) (poetry collection) 《速写三篇》 张天翼 (1943) (short story collection) 《小二黑结婚》 赵树理 (1943) (novella) 《传奇》 张爱玲 (1944) (short story collection) 《小城风波》 沙 汀 (1944) (short story collection) 《风雪夜归人》 吴祖光 (1944) (drama) 《白毛女》 延安鲁艺工作团集体 创作:贺敬之、丁毅、王斌执笔。马可、张 鲁、翟维作曲 (1945) (opera libretto) 《穆旦诗集》(1939—1945) 穆旦(查良挣) (1945) (poetry collection) 《财主底儿女们》(上下) 路 翎 (Part 1: 1945/Part 2: 1948) (novel) 《解放军短篇创作选》 多人 (1946) (collection) 《果园城记》 师 陀 (1946) (short story collection) 《王贵与李香香》 李 季 (1946) (narrative poem) 《围城》钱钟书 (1947) (novel) 《人生采访》 萧 乾 (1947) (report literature) 《雅舍小品》 梁实秋 (1949) (essays/散文) 《曹禺剧本选》 曹 禺 (1949) (drama) 《保卫延安》 杜鹏程 (1954) (novel) 《红旗谱》 梁斌 (1957) (novel) 《射雕英雄传》 金 庸 (1957-1959) (novel) 《茶馆》 老 舍 (1958) (drama) 《关汉卿》 田 汉 (1958) (drama) 《青春之歌》 杨 沫 (1958) (novel) 《白洋绽纪事》 孙 犁 (1958) (poetry and essay collection) 《城南旧事》 林海音 (1960) (autobiography/novel) 《阿诗玛》 李广田、公刘整理 (1960) (epic narrative poem) 《创业史》(第一部) 柳 青 (1960) (novel) 《红岩》 罗广斌、杨益言 (1961) (novel) 《燕山夜话》 马南邨 (1961-1962) (essays/杂文) 《毛泽东诗词选》 毛泽东 (1963) (poetry collection) 《李自成》(第一卷) 姚雪垠 (1963) (novel) 《台北人》白先勇 (1971) (short story collection) 《家变》 王文兴 (1972) (novel) 《将军族》 陈映真 (1975) (short story collection) 《郭小川诗选》 郭小川 (1977) (poetry collection) 《哥德巴赫猜想》 徐 迟 (1978) (report literature) 《百合花》 茹志鹃 (1978) (novel) 《四世同堂》老 舍 (1979) (novel) 《随想录》(1—5) 巴 金 (1979-1986) (essays) 《重放的鲜花》多 人 (1979) (poetry and short story collection) 《傅雷家书》 傅 雷 (1981) (letters) 《干校六记》 杨 绛 (1981) (essays/散文) 《芙蓉镇》 古 华 (1981) (novel) 《白色花》 绿原、牛汉编 (1981) (poetry collection) 《九叶集》 辛笛等 (1981) (poetry collection) 《汪曾祺短篇小说选》汪曾祺 (1982) (short story collection) 《棋王》 阿 城 (1982) (novella) 《北方的河》 张承志 (1985) (novel) 《男人的一半是女人》 张贤亮 (1985) (novel) 《活动变人形》 王 蒙 (1986) (novel) 《平凡的世界》 路 遥 (1986) (novel) 《北岛诗选》 北 岛 (1986) (poetry collection) 《红高粱家族》 莫 言 (1987) (novel) 《古船》 张 炜 (1987) (novel) 《余光中诗选》 刘登翰等选编 (1987) (poetry collection) 《南渡记》 宗璞 (1988) (novel) 《蒲桥集》汪曾祺 (1989) (essays/散文) 《白鹿原》 陈忠实 (1993) (novel) 《舒婷的诗歌》 舒 婷 (1994) (poetry collection) For "technical reasons", 《射雕英雄传》(1957-1959)、《家变》(1972)and 《北岛诗选》(1986)were not published. They were replaced by《可爱的中国》(方志敏,1952)、《尘埃落定》(阿来,1998)and《酒徒》(刘以鬯, 1963)which were runner-ups in the poll. Happy reading! Edited March 17, 2018 at 09:55 AM by mandel1luke Typos 11 Quote
eslang Posted September 15, 2015 at 03:56 AM Report Posted September 15, 2015 at 03:56 AM Thank you for sharing the lists. It will be interesting to look at the technical points, rationale and other aspects of evaluation from the panel. It is a great pity that this author 高行健 Gao Xingjian (Nobel Prize for Literature in 2000) is not in the lists. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AB%98%E8%A1%8C%E5%81%A5 Quote
mandel1luke Posted September 15, 2015 at 03:39 PM Author Report Posted September 15, 2015 at 03:39 PM Hi eslang, Gao Xingjian was not really that well known until he won the Nobel Prize in 2000, so it's not a surprise that he wasn't selected in the lists. In China he seems more well known for his drama. The Nobel Prize changed everything of course. But at least Mo Yan is in. Quote
mandel1luke Posted September 15, 2015 at 04:15 PM Author Report Posted September 15, 2015 at 04:15 PM I googled and found out a bit more about the Asia Weekly list: The panel: 中国大陆:余秋雨、王蒙、王晓明、刘再复、谢冕 香港:刘以鬯、黄继持、黄子平 台湾:南方朔、施淑 马来西亚、新加坡:潘雨桐、黄孟文 北美地区:郑树森、王德威 According to the Asia Weekly website: 而整个评审过程历经了大半年时间,首先由编辑部列出包括五百多本书的参考名单,然后邀请十四位文学家,一起根据参考名单投票选出最后的一百强。在评选前十名时轻易达成共识,但越往后,竞争就越激烈,因为多部文学作品的所得分数非常接近。一百本书的诞生也经十月怀胎的艰辛,终呈现在读者眼前。 As for the 百年百种优秀中国文学, 评选委员会由白桦,李敬泽,赵园,谢冕,雷达等人组成,其中复评委员会主任为杨匡汉,终评委员会主任为朱寨和严家炎。 The criteria for selection I believe is much like the Modern Library Best 20th-century novels list. But I've no idea how many votes each panel member was given or even how the points were awarded. I personally suspect the first list is generated a bit like how IMDB ranks their movies. (But it's just my personal guess of course) 1 Quote
eslang Posted September 16, 2015 at 04:40 AM Report Posted September 16, 2015 at 04:40 AM Hi mandel1luke Thank you for taking the trouble to find the panel name lists as well. I was wondering about the differences in the evalution system -- 呐喊 by 鲁迅 as an example. 《亚洲周刊21世纪中文小说前100强》 1、呐喊 鲁迅 《百年百种优秀中国文学图书》 10、《呐喊》 鲁 迅 The subject title reads as "Best 20th century Chinese literature/ficture". Wouldn't 21世纪 be 21st Century? Could it be a typo-error? Quote
mandel1luke Posted September 16, 2015 at 08:00 AM Author Report Posted September 16, 2015 at 08:00 AM Yeah, a typo on my part. I've made changes. Thanks! The second list is in chronological order, not ranked. From the preface to the books: 评选“百年百种优秀中国文学图书”是1999年文学界、出版界的一件盛事,评选的发起者、组织者系人民文学出版社和北京图书大厦。评选的创意堪称知机趁势,卓越宏大。评选以完全的公开性杜绝暗箱操作,数轮评选邀记者监票,程序謹严,无可挑剔。评审委员会之构成坚持了学术的权威性、广泛性、代表性诸原则,果有群言一堂、和而不同之胜伏,评选标准固然是以思想情趣健康、艺术特点突出为主,兼顾作品的开拓价值、代表地位及影响面,而评委们更是用历史的、发展的、整体的眼光来把握20世纪的中国文学,共斟共酌中国社会百年之沧桑,重读重温中国文学百年之佳作,用理性和激情去擦亮一块块文学丰碑。 ...BLAH BLAH... 鉴于许多读者以各种方式表达了畦齐百种图书的愿望,人民文学出版社、中国青年出版社、解放军文艺出版社、作家出版社、生活、读书、新知三联书店、南海出版公司以及北京图书大厦,决定协同行动,将百年百种优秀中国文学图收重新出版,由于技术上的原因,《射雕英雄传》、《家变》及《北岛诗选》未能列入重版,经几家出版单位协商,遂将终评排名紧随百种之后的《可爱的中国》、《尘埃落定》和《酒徒》补入。这样,百种图书中有小说51种,诗歌23种,散文17种,报告文学2种,戏剧7种。丛书书目按初版时间先后排序,附在每种书中,同时还附有复评委员和终评委员名单,让我们对评委们辛勤的工作保持长久的敬意。 Quote
eslang Posted September 17, 2015 at 05:41 AM Report Posted September 17, 2015 at 05:41 AM Thank you for correcting the title and adding the year publication and category for the 2nd list, that is really useful. At least, it looks better and makes much more sense now. According to the synopsis for 《亚洲周刊20世纪中文小说前100强》 (after some digging around on baidu) : 一百强中的文学精华,主要是三四十年代的作品;中国大陆 1949 年以后,有 25 本,其中 23 本在文革后创作;香港: 12 本;台湾: 28 本。另:有人指出第六十一位的《京华烟云》是英文小说,故此不应入选。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_in_Peking 《京华烟云》是林语堂旅居巴黎期间用英文写成的长篇小说, 1939 年底在美国 出版,引起轰动。小说写于中国抗日战争爆发不久,作者一改平日的幽默超脱, 题献给“英勇的中国士兵”以纪念全国在前线为国牺牲之勇男儿。林语堂自己认为 这部小说是“非无所为而作也”。 Reading through the whole synopsis of 《亚洲周刊20世纪中文小说前100强》 is pretty interesting, I must say. Quote
mandel1luke Posted September 17, 2015 at 03:20 PM Author Report Posted September 17, 2015 at 03:20 PM Yeah, the top novels are the usual suspects, but what makes this list interesting are those works which are ranked lower. Plenty of genre fiction, wuxia like 金庸, 古龙, 梁羽生 and 还珠楼主,plus romance novelists like 亦舒 and 琼瑶, sci-fi like 倪匡. I have a book by short story writer 穆时英 and I'm surprised that such an obscure writer is on the list. No 高行健 though. They sort of "cheated" with 京华烟云. Quote
mandel1luke Posted September 17, 2015 at 05:29 PM Author Report Posted September 17, 2015 at 05:29 PM Discovered another list of 《亚洲周刊20世纪中文小说前100强》(读者投票版)(Reader's list) The link is here: http://readcolor.com/lists/547757b13063e1fecc0002ba The top 10 in order are: 1. 呐喊 鲁迅 2. 射雕英雄传 金庸 3. 天龙八部 金庸 4. 鹿鼎记 金庸 5. 围城 钱钟书 6. 家 巴金 7. 骆驼祥子 老舍 8. 台北人 白先勇 9. 边城 沈从文 10. 半生缘 张爱玲 Quote
eslang Posted September 18, 2015 at 05:28 AM Report Posted September 18, 2015 at 05:28 AM It is kind of you to share the complete list of shortlisted fiction (512) with us. I really appreciate it. It certainly helps to know what are the other works that were shortlisted but didn't make it to the 100 selection. Considering that there are obscure writer and "cheating" in the 100 selection, it is a great pity that 高行健 is missing from the list. I was surprised to learn that my young Chinese friends have not heard of the Nobel Laureate 高行健 or even 戴思杰 though they were majoring in French language (supposedly). Anyway, the Reader's List (读者投票版)is a nice welcome too, with the book covers in small thumbsize, I might make a "motif design" for my own little project. Have a nice weekend. Quote
gato Posted September 18, 2015 at 09:42 AM Report Posted September 18, 2015 at 09:42 AM 高行健 is openly anti-Communist and thus is strictly censored in mainland China. Quote
evn108 Posted October 9, 2015 at 10:29 AM Report Posted October 9, 2015 at 10:29 AM Any insight into why 藍血人 was chosen rather than any other 倪匡 novel? Just because it's the first Wisely , or is it really the best...? Also why is 朱天文 listed as 米天文...? Quote
mandel1luke Posted February 10, 2016 at 03:14 PM Author Report Posted February 10, 2016 at 03:14 PM 藍血人 is probably one of the more literary of Ni Kuang's novel. I'm sorry I can't help you here, I only remember reading some Ni Kuang in my younger days in newspaper instalments. I don't think it is the first Wisely. It may well be that 藍血人, being one of the longest Ni Kuang sci-fi (courtesy Wikipedia), is considered more "substantial". Same thing with Jin Yong, whose 射雕英雄传 was chosen and ranked higher than, say, 天龙八部。The thing is 射雕英雄传 is a more "archetypal" Wuxia novel than 天龙八部 or 鹿鼎记, which are generally considered by more literate-minded readers as his best. 射雕 is also morally more "orthodox" than the later 天龙八部 or 鹿鼎记. As for 朱天文, it's a typo (I lifted this list from a website). Have made the necessary changes. Quote
Chris Two Times Posted February 11, 2016 at 05:16 AM Report Posted February 11, 2016 at 05:16 AM mandel1luke, Many thanks for these lists. These are very useful. I hope to branch out from focusing solely on language study to also checking out some contemporary literature in the next year or so. These lists will be my first stop when engaging in this endeavor. Thanks again. Warm regards, Chris Two Times 1 Quote
mandel1luke Posted February 11, 2016 at 03:36 PM Author Report Posted February 11, 2016 at 03:36 PM You're very welcome, Chris Two Times. And a very Happy Chinese New Year to you. 2 Quote
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