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I sent an email to the university last Wednesday and they told me this: The admission information will be given by the embassy.

It makes sense that if we applied through the Embassy the University should have the attention with the Embassy and not with individuals, it is courtesy.


But what is rare here is that the Embassy response was that there is no answer from MOFCOM, but you already heard from them.




btw I understand this type of Scholarship includes the air tickets. Do you know something about it? are they going to book the tickets for us? or give us money to buy the tickets or maybe refund the tickets after we arrive to China?




yeah, it was like that, but i am waiting for the Embassy confirmation anyway.

i really don't know anything about what will i going to do after that, for now, i am just waiting for admission letter from the univ, once i get it i will ask the commercial office of the Embassy for détails about the rest of the procedure. 


Hey everyone who applied for Mofcom, there is separate group up just for that scholarship! Search mofcom ^^


Anyone else who applied via the Australian Embassy here?


I called them up yesterday asking for an update, was basically told that they haven't heard from CSC either and that they are "also anxious". (not reassuring at all!!!)

The guy then told me that the wait should not be much longer, "could be next week, or maybe the one after... but we don't know for sure."


He said that in most cases, people who received the award letters are granted the scholarships. *Most cases*


Sigh...I'll just keep waiting !


I called my university today on two numbers, no answer. Seems like there is summer vacation really. Hope we can manage to hold ourselves those two weeks.


@Stephneeli, I applied through the NZ embassy and they don't have any answers either. I wonder if they piled Oceania's applications behind to look at last.


Anyway, hopefully not much longer to go.


All, I have a question. Why did you guys put agency number different than 00010? Because on www.csc.edu.cn/laihua , it says that all applicants should put 00010as agency number.


Great! Glad to hear that the Chinese Consulate of Toronto has received the CSC documents!

Looking forward to hear about from the Montreal one.


Also did anyone receive admission notice/admission email from Shanghai Jiaotong university? Sadly I contacted them today and the school says they havent received my documents from CSC :(




Check the website and confirm their working hours during the summer break. I have been speaking freely with my school because I monitor when they are supposed to be in office and I call. Please don't give up trying.


It is worth the efforts, at least information is a great stabiliser of the soul.


Keep pushing bro. You will not wait for too long anymore.

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I finally received my admission letter! :D  Before, I haven't got any message from uni, only info on cis website that I was accepted, so don't worry, you will all get your documents sooner or later :D


I have 1 question: in my admission letter it's said that I have to have my "blood test report" taken but I don't know what blood test (apart from HIV and syphilis) I must have... Does anyone know? So many question, so little answers :conf


Hi guys ,

Anyone who apply to embassy already got results, I don't feel good now......

Waiting is kind of killing me....

I've applied to Shanghai international studies uni and there's this results in we chat but I'm not in .....so it's kind of not good .but I just wanted to make sure does this lists include the lists who apply to embassy or not?

Thanx for reading.....


One more thing ...does the status change if you already got accepted? My status always remains "currently checking"


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There's quite a few waiting for results huh :D It's quite unusual the bilateral results are announced so late...


@Beth Rillera

We're on the same boat. It seems that this year's results are going to come out later than the previous years. Uni applicants only received their results a couple of weeks ago and I think the first embassy applicant got his yesterday or the day before IIRC

From my understanding results published on the unis websites only apply to uni applicants. We bilateral program applicants have to wait until our respective embassies contact us and then publish their own results on their websites... Which should take only a few days from now if we're being optimistic.

I am stressed too, but hold on 吧 !

btw my status is also “currently checking”. It shouldn't really change though so don't pay too much attention to that.

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Yeah seems like agencies are getting the documents later than expected this year... I guess the CSC send them the documents for the successful applicants by mail, so they can't really know the results before they receive them.


@Lolo yes, the embassy folks told me that's how it works. Actually there is receiving agency in my country, which gets the results from the Chinese embassy, and as soon as the agency gets the results they notify applicants, usually within same day. The results simply haven't arrived yet, usually the information comes at the beginning of july but this year it is later.


Which of course brings me to check my email and this forum multiple times a day, ah the waiting is truly a challenge for impatient persons like me.

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