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Hello Moderator "Elijah" and all. 




Haha, you mean, "Moderator" ELIJAH. Quotation marks shift.


But do post your questions here. Everyone is usually really friendly and helpful here. Welcome!


Warm regards,

Chris Two Times

Moderator of CSC 2016 Applications thread


US applicants through Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC: will next week (July 25~29) be the week that we finally get some definite news? I most certainly hope so.


I will be keeping an eye on my US mailbox for documents from the Embassy. Soon, soon!


In this baseball game of life and CSC applications, at this point we are rounding 3rd and heading for Home.


Warm regards,

Chris Two Times




Nominated it is, in my interpretation :lol: ,  selected by the Embassy (in Ukraine MoE & Embassy) and forwarded to CSC.


CSC, as I understood, will just check these "nominated appl." for eligibility and  qualification.

And after that CSC will place all the qualified appl.


If that's the case then it means our chances are good then. So basically you're almost guaranteed the scolarship once you pass the embassy step. But it seems that it's not the case for every agency etc...


As my MoE said : all those, who are in Quota, will receive scholars 100%

And in this forum the info was the same.


I really don`t know whether it is really so or no. I just hope it is so and  wait for the results (impatiently :lol:) Hope we will be awarded ASAP :)

1) What is your native country? Germany

2) Where did you apply? My own university as 3rd party who submitted to the embassy

3) When did you apply? April

4) When was the deadline? End of April

5) Have you applied for the scholarship before? no

6) What program did you apply for? 1 year as a math exchange student 

7) What schools did you put for your preferences? Tsinghua

8 ) Did you apply for your school of choice beforehand? yes, because I was already accepted as exchange student for one semester

9) What agency number did you use? 2802

10) Where did you get your physical done? My normal doctor

11) How did you get your documents notarized? doctor and university 

12) Were you accepted for the scholarship, if you were not then why? yes 

13) How were you notified? email by my university (they got told by the embassy)

14) When were you accepted/rejected? July 22

15) What school and program were you accepted to? Tsinghua

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@Lolo I'm in the same situation as you, I applied for a bilateral program scholarship through the Chinese Embassy in France...and I still have no news. It's quite annoying because I don't know if I should buy my plane ticket or not :-?



Haha, you mean, "Moderator" ELIJAH. Quotation marks shift.

But do post your questions here. Everyone is usually really friendly and helpful here. Welcome!

Warm regards,

Chris Two Times

Moderator of CSC 2016 Applications thread


Apologies Moderator "Chris Two Times".... My bad.. See you soon in China.. U guys rock!!


@MaryS It's very likely you will receive the scholarship if embassy nominated you.


The results keep coming, sent email to MoE and they too told me the information should arrive to them soon, very soon. Last year apparently the decisions were made 18th of July and MoE received it during the last week of July.

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Ohh... I really hope so!  Indeed, I can`t wait any more. This freaking waiting period lasts too long ))))
Are you from Ukraine as well?


I was really suprised, when I found here my compatriots :D oh.. actually they found me :lol:  :) )))))


@Chris do you have any news about people granted by Csc? there in Washington? 


My ECCO said they will receive an answer of CSC in late July, BUT they will announce it in the beginning of August :)

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Not yet, they did send out an email last week asking candidates to confirm a mailing address for documents that will soon be sent out, but that's all I have at the moment. I am hoping that actual documents (visa application papers, selected school information) will be sent out next week...hoping.


Chris Two Times


Man, this whole process is really giving me a bad impression of the CSC. Tsinghua has a registration date of August 18/19. If I end up going there I will get my documents sometime in  early August I'm guessing, which will give me very little time to get the visa and prepare. People should be given at least a month to prepare not two weeks.


I'm almost hoping I get sent to me second or third choice now lol.


Hi guys, I would like to congratulate with anyone who was awarded the scholarship and good luck again to who is still waiting for news!

@BLCU students: does anyone know when is the registration day at the university? I have emailed the uni but strangely I got no response




Is that early registration date for a special program or a graduate degree for Tsinghua?


For language studies only, I was under the impression that the registration date for Tsinghua would be much later, after September 1st.


Chris Two Times


@ Chris Two Times


Yeah for language students it seems like it will be in September. For undergrad and grad students it is August. 


Here is their calendar. 


Peking has their registration date on September 2nd and 3rd or something.

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