kavanin Posted April 15, 2016 at 07:02 PM Report Posted April 15, 2016 at 07:02 PM Can you please help me understand the meaning, or function, of 风 in this 典故? 风马牛不相及 Here is the explanation given by the book, but I can't see any reference to 风 in it except for the reference to the 典故 itself (parentheses are mine). 公元前656年,齐国(Qíguó)打败了蔡国(Càiguó),接着又去攻打楚国(Chǔguó)。楚国便派使者到齐国说:“你们处在北海,我们处在南海,两地相距这么远,就是牛和马走失了也不会跑到对方的领地去,你们为什么要来攻打我们呢?”齐国便找各种借口来说明自己出征有理。楚国使者听后表示:“对于这种无理的征讨,一定会誓死抵抗。”齐国权衡利害关系,只好与楚国讲和。后人用“风马牛不相及”来表示事物之间没有任何联系,互不相关。 Quote
Demonic_Duck Posted April 15, 2016 at 10:59 PM Report Posted April 15, 2016 at 10:59 PM 多功能成语词典:“风:畜类雌雄相诱;风马牛:跑失的马牛;及:到;不相及:不会互相跑失到对方去。” 现代汉语规范词典:“风:雌雄相诱,一说走失;及:遇到。意思是说即使雌雄相诱,马和牛也不会凑到一起。” Quote
kavanin Posted April 16, 2016 at 10:20 AM Author Report Posted April 16, 2016 at 10:20 AM Thank you very much for your help. I find it to hard to use 雌雄相诱 because 马牛 are two different kinds of animals and I can't think of a situation in which a horse and a cow can 诱 each other (in my opinion, if they were 驴和骆驼 there wouldn't be much of a problem), but I think I can take 跑失 or 走失 since 走失 was also used in the explanation. Maybe about 1400 years ago it was a widely known meaning in 楚国 or 齐国 or both. Or maybe it was not 风 but 亡 and somebody made a mistake in transcribing, writing or copying (as in 歧路亡羊). Quote
BanZhiYun Posted April 16, 2016 at 06:46 PM Report Posted April 16, 2016 at 06:46 PM To be honest, I don't think a 典故 in 现代汉语 is a good idea, so you should have a look at the 原文/文言文: 《左传·僖公四年》 四年春,齐侯以诸侯之师侵蔡。蔡溃。遂伐楚。楚子使与师言曰:“君处北海,寡人处南海,唯是风马牛不相及也。不虞君之涉吾地也,何故?” 管仲对曰:“昔召康公命我先君大公曰:‘五侯九伯,女实征之,以夹辅周室。’赐我先君履,东至于海,西至于河,南至于穆陵,北至于无棣。尔贡包茅不入,王祭不共,无以缩酒,寡人是征。昭王南征而不复,寡人是问。”对曰:“贡之不入,寡君之罪也,敢不共给。昭王之不复,君其问诸水滨。”师进,次于陉。I'd advise to look at 《古汉语常用字典》 or 《汉语大字典》 for the meaning of 风 during 春秋战国 (since 《左传》was written back then). I believe that'd be your best bet at getting the meaning of 风 in this case. Quote
BanZhiYun Posted April 16, 2016 at 07:58 PM Report Posted April 16, 2016 at 07:58 PM Okay, if we do a simple syntax analysis (as we can do with all 成语, since they are 固定的短语, you can do 句法分析 on all 短语 in Chinese), we can see that 风马牛不相及 is a 主谓结构; 风马牛 is 主语, 不相及 is 谓语 on the first level. Then on second level, in 主语 you have 风马牛, where we can see that 风 is 动词。So we can conclude that 风 means 走失 (according to 王力's 《古汉语常用字字典》). I'd also say that 雌雄想诱 is probably an added meaning to it and that it's wrong, I was just checking 王力‘s 《古汉语常用字字典》 and it never said that 风 had that meaning. Hope this helped! Quote
kavanin Posted April 19, 2016 at 08:43 PM Author Report Posted April 19, 2016 at 08:43 PM Thank you very much. Your explanation helps a lot. Quote
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