Chris_a_1986 Posted September 4, 2016 at 09:13 PM Report Posted September 4, 2016 at 09:13 PM There's this incredible documentary about the Kowloon walled city, it has no translation anywhere, it was filmed around 1975 but is in superb quality for its age, I dont think it'll ever be translated unless someone actually decides to. I'm pretty sure it's in Cantonese.The Kowloon walled city was demolished in 1993, and was a no-go area so footage is very scarce, this short 24 minute documentary has no subtitles, I'm willing to sub it if someone provides a transcript, I don't know if there is a forum here for this sort of thing, but I have no where else to turn to. This is the link for the YouTube video, it's a really fascinating piece of footage of Hong Kong history which unfortunately I cannot understand!If somebody has the time and skill to write a transcript I will sub the video myself and upload it on YouTube for everyone to watch, if it's in anybody's interest please please be so kind to do so, on the plus side it can even assist people in their own learning of the language as by watching the video you'd be improving your own understanding.Thanks in advance!Edit:Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far, I have decided to put the whole transcript in this post to avoid any confusion, with the parts that still need to be changed/looked at highlighted in bold. It a bit messy being scattered throughout the anything in bold posted in this post is what I've tried to translate myself, whereas anything not highlighted is dialogue that has been looked at already and corrected where I messed up.九龙城寨一直以来都被认为是特殊地区Kowloon walled city has long been considered a special area.究竟为什么呢 ?Why exactly is it?追述城慕的历史Let's look into the walled city's history.它是宋代的边防最前线It was at the frontier of the Song Dynasty's defence.鸦片战争时候After the opium war清政府还派官兵到城墙里驻守the Qing authorities still stationed soldiers in the city walls.到 I898 生, 中英签订条约In 1898, Britain and China signed a treaty以 99 年期, 将租借扩至新界for 99 years, leasing the new territories.当时, 凊政府就坚持保留 对城寨的统治权At the time, the Qing government held the rights to maintain the area of the walled city.但是到 1899 年But by 1899,英国就宣布城寨The British declared the walled city,也是香港殖民地的一部分as it was also part of the colonised land.由于中国政府从未正式承认过城裏The Chinese government never officially acknowledged the city,而当时的英国政府又没实际执行过主权and at that time the British government hadn't implemented it's sovereignty.所以才造成今日城寨特殊的地位This is what's led to the walled city particular status today.使城寨变成"三不管"地区It's what made the walled city "unregulated",而且一度成为三教九流的庇护所and became a shelter for all different kinds of people.时移世易, 今日的城寨由原有的 70 亩Now times have changed, the original 70 acres缩减至 2.5 亩are reduced to 2.5 acres.以龙津道, 西城路It's bounded by Lung Chun road, Sai Shing road,东头村道和龙城路为界线Tung tau tsuen road and Lung Shin road.住了三四万人30-40,000 people reside here究竟城寨特殊的政治背景We shall investigate the walled city's political background对当地居民的生活有没有任何影响呢 ?What impact has it had on the lives of the locals?日出而作, 日落而息The sun rises, the sun sets三十多年来, 我就是这样在城寨里度日30 years, this is how I've lived in the walled city.这里个个都叫我雷伯Everyone here calls me Uncle Lei.以前有很多街访来帮衬我理发Many used to visit me here to use my service as a barber.现在年纪大了, 眼睛又不好Now I'm old, my eyes aren't good,少了很多人来帮衬fewer people use the service.不过偶尔也会有小孩来However, occasionally I may get the odd child.我的孙子就是老主顾My grandson attends regularly.时间真的过得很快The time has really flown by转眼孙子都这么大了My grandchildren are already so big几十年了, 城寨当然也变了很多Decades have passed, the walled city of course, has changed a lot现在周围都起满了大厦Right now, the city is reaching its limit.十分拥挤, 围住旧式的危房It's very crowded, and enclosed by old dilapidated buildings.给人走的People are walking along也就只有那些又黑又窄的巷子There's just dark narrow alleyways外地人进来当然是迷路了so outsiders who enter of course get lost很多在外面犯事的人A lot of criminal offenders from the outside就最终跑到城寨来go for the walled city to escape...没事的, 里面的街道像八阵图似的they will be alright, inside the streets are a bit like the eight diagrams.可以左穿右窜They turn left and right as they flee警蔡不容易抓到也们The police won't be catching them easily说到警察, 以前城寨没警察巡街的Speaking of the police, they never used to patrol in the walled city我记得是前几年, 好像是 76 年I remember a few years ago, the year '76 it seems才有正式的警察进城寨维持治安Did the police start formally policing the walled city以前很多老居民The residents used to都认为城寨的治安不算坏think the walled city's security wasn't bad因为当地人做事很容易被人发觉because people who do things can be found easily;所以如果有盗窃或者抢劫like in the event of a theft or robbery.都是外地人进来做的It's the outsiders who come in to do this.早十几二十年, 这里里面是没人理的20 years prior to this, no one was in charge here很多犯法的事都有人做Many people here do illegal things而且还明目张胆地做and do them them blatantly too不过现在就没以前那么猖狂了But now it's not as bad as it used to be.卖狗肉的三六档还在The dog meat shop is still around.而偶尔也有一些道友 (瘾君子) 躲在横巷或公厕里 "追龙"There's usually a fellow (addict) hiding down a side-alley or public toilet "chasing the dragon"但是卖白粉的就少很多了There's much less heroin-selling至于赌档和妓寨As for gambling dens and brothels就不光城寨里有they don't only exist in the walled city外面也有they also exist outside.虽然城寨"三不管"Although the walled city is "unregulated"但也并不像外人想象中那么可怕It's not the terrible place that outsiders imagined进来会被人又打又杀(where) people were attacked and killed when they entered (here).外面的人进来(If) Outsiders come in(没错,) 有的人会大眼瞪小眼(I'll say,) they get stared at by some people (local residents)不过是 没恶意的It is just not in a malicious way但是 去到哪里都一样了However, it's the same no matter where you go路过"三不管"的地方 黑漆漆的横街窄巷While passing through the "unregulated" pitch black narrow side streets就别乱闯了move quickly, don't hang around.自己都几十岁了I'm getting on a bit myself除了帮人理发之外As well as hairdressing, I help out people我本来不打算这么辛苦去帮人倒垃圾的I originally hadn't planned on helping people with trash后来不知道为什么总有人把垃圾I don't understand why people are trashing the place倒在我档口前面It falls down and its all piling up所以逼着我自告奋勇So I was forced into helping上门帮附近的居民倒垃圾by vising homes of nearby residents to collect trash.这里的街巷除了又黑又窄之外Here, the streets are pitch black and narrow还因为居民随处倒垃圾Because or the residents' garbage everywhere无形中把老鼠养得又肥又大the rats appear to have grown very big and fat有时路过还有水滴下来Sometimes there are drops of water passing down也不知道是不是污水I don't know if it's sewage or not城寨的坑渠都是明渠The walled city has open canals很多人就顺手在坑渠里倒屎倒尿People simply dispose of their urine and faeces in the canal有的父母还让小孩随地解决Some parents let their children go anywhere they decide to喂, 收了收了Hello, here to collect, here to collect- 阿伯 ! 垃圾左里面- Uncle, the trash is left in there- 好- Excellent- 哎呒, 吃饭啦? 沿- Hey, having a meal? Carry on- 是啊, 吃饭, 吃了t沒?- Yeah, having a meal, have you not eaten?- 一起吃吧 ?- Eating with us?- 多谢了- I'm ok thanks那就慢慢走, 看好楼梯It's a sluggish walk up, you must mind the stairs here我就好了, 难为你们还要挑水I'm fine, but it must make life hard carrying up water是啊, 阿伯, 我们挑水挑了十几年Yea, uncle, we've been carrying water up here for 10 years now- 好了, 就这样, 我走了, 再见- Right, anyway, I'm off, see you soon- 慢走- Take care好, 慢走Yeah, take care城寨楼价虽然便宜Walled city property is cheap但是地方真的小But the place is really small这不就是旧楼Old and worn out.只有小小的地方, 连半个窗户都没有It's just a very small room, there aren't even any Windows怎么透气啊 ?How does air get inside?真的难为他们一家七口住在这里这么久了It makes life difficult for the family of 7, they've lived like this a long time整天都听别人说, 最近十几二十年来All day long I hear people talk, for more than 20 years香港工业发达了That Hong Kong's industry is flourishing我当初也不懂什么叫工业发达I originally didn't understand what this industrial development was自从眼见城寨的工厂越开越多, 我才知道为什么I see more and more factories opening in the walled city, And I know the reason why this is很多厂家都认为Most factory owners know that城寨好过外面很多地区The walled city is much better than the outside那当然了Of course在这里开工厂, 又不用去政府领拍照To open a factory here, you don't the the government's approval楼价又便宜 , 人工又低The price of the building is cheap, the workers pay is low难怪每条街都有一些It's no wonder they're on every street.五金厂, 塑胶厂, 织布厂什么的Metal factories, plastic factories, weaving factories and what not.虽然说, 它们对香港工业有帮助Although to say, they're helpful to Hong Kong's industry但是那些废气和噪音就很难顶了It's hard to top all the industrial waste and noise难怪外面的人经过都说城寨又吵又臭No wonder people from outside say the walled city is noisy and smells bad这些小型工厂多数都是一家人自己做These small-scale factories are mostly family-run就算请伙计Even if someone asks to be a shop assistant八成以上都是请住在城寨里的人Its most likely a request by someone already living in the walled city人工便宜嘛The workers are conveniently cheap不过现在住在城寨的年轻人Nowadays young people live in the walled city很多人宁愿去外面的工厂做Many people would rather go to work in a factory on the outside所以这里的工厂多数都是清年纪大的人As a result, the majority of factory workers are elder people或者青少年and possibly young teenagers在这些工厂当中Among these factories还有很多是做食品的furthermore, very often foodstuffs are produced.因为不想受什么卫生条例管制嘛Because there's no control on hygiene or conditions to meet好像做砵仔糕这样This woman can make her cakes this way.相信很多外面的人都没见过I'm convinced many people do not see the outside of this place做梦都想不到I never would have imagined这里的旧楼这么金贵these outdated buildings would be so valuable.这些旧楼These worn out buildings.都有人说是危楼了Some people even say these buildings are about to collapse听说建筑商想利用旧楼的地皮Rumour is the construction business want to make use of the section of land the old buildings are on改建新楼To rebuild with modern housing如果旧楼业主肯的话In the event that the old buildings owners are willing to discuss除了在拆楼起屋的时候有免楼住之外tearing down the buildings超好的新楼还可以给他们一两层to improve the place with new buildings.好, 趁今天有空, 去看看嫂子Well, I have free time today so I have a chance to go see my sister-in- law看她的新楼是怎样的and see what her new place is like.这么多楼梯, 那个才是呢 ?So many staircases, which is it?建筑商为了省地方The building constructors have economised the space就连楼梯都省了staircases are connected to save space.好多屋还要用隔壁的楼梯There's quite a lot of houses next door to staircases旧楼古楼当然没电梯了The worn out buildings undoubtably have no elevators不过十几层高的新楼也一样没电梯Even the ones taller than 10 stories have no elevators.这么高, 我们这些老人家上上下下It's too high, us elderly must climb from the top to the bottom, up and down很辛苦的It's exhausting.雷伯, 今天这么有空来看我啊?Uncle Lei, you have the time to come and see me today?你买了新楼You bought a new place我想来看看你的新楼I wanted to have a quick look at the new place住新楼还要提水啊?In the new building you carry down your water?别说这么多了, 先进来坐吧Don't mention it, come inside take a seat好Fine请坐, 雷伯Please sit down, uncle Lei这么好来看我I like the look of it我就是想看看你的新楼怎样I wanted to properly have a look at the inside of the new building新楼不就这样了, 很狭窄的Not much of a new building, its quite narrow豆腐块这么小It's like small beancurd cubes (slang for small)又没有电梯, 每个月初交三十几块水费And yet there's no elevator, it's costs 30 a month for the water bill那也好过人家的旧楼了You have it easier than those in the old buildings连窗戶都没有which don't even have windows.没用的, 好几个窗都很黑的They're useless, most windows are blacked out anyway 李师奶 , 家里又没电了Shīnǎi (married woman of mature age), I've no power again- 这么巧啊- What a coincidence- 很不方便- It's quite an inconvenience服呢还想熨衣I want to iron some clothes谢谢Thank you很麻烦, 这里经常沒水没电的He's a troublemaker, everyday either there's no water or he's run out of electric九龙城是这样了That's Kowloon city, Hong Kong for you.在这十年来Over the last 10 years,城寨起了很多十几层高的大厦the walled city has erected many tall buildings 10 story's and up现在还有很多在起Furthermore, many are done起楼的时候不用打桩right up from the ground with no need for foundations to be dug up.也不用政府批准Government approval is not needed,而唯一的限制就是不能起得太高the only restriction is that they mustn't rise to high因为近飞机杨, 太高会造成危险because airplanes come close, building too tall would cause a high threat.政府的人有时候会来巡钡People from the government inspect this here now and again.这些大厦的楼顶凹不平The roofs of these buildings have sunk in the middle.就因为犯了规例Because there's no regulations these things are a common recurrence.要拆掉高出来的部分The part at the top now needs to be demolished.那里的楼价比外面的便宜三分之一到八分之一这么多In that place the price compared to the outside is 1/3 to 1/8 cheaper又不用交差饷and you don't pay any rates.好像三百多尺的悛It's seems more than 300ft of space在城寨只卖五万块in the walled city will sell for 50,000.外面则最少要十几二十万On the outside the least is 200,000.不过在城寨买楼是没有房契的However, walled city properties come with no deed,遇到什么事肯定是没有保障了so what you come across certainly has no guarantee.住在城寨, 什么时候下雨都不知道Living in the walled city, you couldn't tell when it was raining看这些楼逼得这么近Look at how close these buildings are forced在街上看不到天These streets never see the light of day,而在家里, 就算有窗And also indoors, even if you have windows,也有可能被对面的楼顶, 开不了there's probably a building oppositeleaning on it, so it won't open. 以为旧楼没永, 新楼有水To think these old buildings have lasted, the newer ones have a water supply 谁知道也是没有合法的饮用水供应Who knows why there's still no legitimate supply of drinking water 有人问过水务局Some people inquired with the water department 他们答复说安装工程困难Their reply was that the installation was a difficulty 因为起楼的时候Because beneath the floor 没起地下排水渠there's no underground drainage 所以很多住在新楼的居民That's the reason why most residents live in the new buildings 每个月都要给偷水集团二三十块钱 Each month 20-30 dollars is to be payed to a group for stolen water 去偷街喉的水来用 The water coming through these pipes is stolen 但是一天最多八个小时有水 8 hours is the maximum amount of water a day 有时,一天只有一两个小时有水 sometimes, it'll run for just 12 hours a day 也不知道几时会来 what time it will come around is not known 要长期开着水龙头 It takes a long time for the taps to start running 虽然有些新楼有水井 Even though the new buildings have wells, 但井水是咸的 the water is salty. 只能用来洗东西 It can only be used to wash things. 喝水就要去街喉取 There are some who are fetching water from the wells... 而连水井都没有的居民 they aren't even residents here 除了要提水上楼煮食之外 the water is also carried upstairs for cooking 就只有去街喉洗衣服了 all the laundry is done at the standpipes 九龙城寨本来是很有历史价值的 The Kowloon walled city originally had great historical values 可惜现在残垣败瓦 It's such a pity its low walls were destroyed 比较完整的古迹真的就绝无仅有了 there are still places of historic interest with monuments that remained relatively intact 其中之一就是这座 and this is one of them 一百多年历史的天后庙 The Tin Hau temple's history goes back over 100 years 不过现在很少有人来上香拜神了 but these days people rarely pay a vist to burn incense and worship 另外就是这两门一百多年历史的古炮 Another is this ancient cannon with a history going back over 200 years 记得在70年的时候是在老人街挖出来的 I remember in the 70's, when some old people dug up and uncovered this in the street 现在就用水泥固定在巷子里 it's now kept in place using cement, 没人有空打理 although no one has the free time to keep it tidy. 这里是茵光园,以前是清朝的官府 Here we have the bright-garden, formerly the official residence of the Qing dynasty 总共有三重大街 it's a 3-way street here 门口有对石狮,多气派啊 theres a gate to Lion's rock, which is vital 但是现在成了幼儿园 thesedays however, it's a nursery 因为这块福地属于福利会 Because this is a place to gather for good luck and blessings 建筑商不能用来起高楼大 No high rise buildings can be constructed in this area 所以这里算是城寨最空旷的地方了 so this area is regarded as the most open place in the walled city 我的孙子已经上幼儿园了 My Grandson attends in this nursery 现在就近了,在城寨上学 being local, we make use of the schooling in the walled city 不过到将来升小学和中学 however, in the future for the primary and secondary schools 就要去外面读了 studies will have to be done in the outer city 现在这里只有三间由慈善团体办的幼儿园 There are now only 3 charities run by the team at the nursery 也是不用注册的 Registration is not needed 学校是小了点 It's a very small school, 校长有时还要做先生和考官 now and then the headmaster is there to check the exams 不过学费比外面的学校便宜很多 of course the tuition fee is much cheaper than schools on the outside 对我们这些环境不好的居民 it's not the best circumstances for us poor residents 也算很照顾了 we have to have some consideration though 小朋友,看黑板,大家跟我学这些词 Little ones, look at the blackboards, everyone follow these words closely 跟我读, ONE We say, ONE - ONE - O-N-E, ONE 城寨里面的学校就没什么了 Inside the walled city there's no schools apart from that nursery, 不过医生就很多 although you'll find plenty doctors 但是这些医生多数是从中国内地 most of these doctors come from the mainland of China 或者东南亚国家来的 or other southeast Asian countries 个个都没有执照行医 Not one of them have a license to practice medicine 相信大家都知道 I'm sure we're all aware of 在城寨做什么生意都不用拿牌 the kinds of businessess in the walled city that are without licenses 开医务所不用挂牌就不用说了 medical clinics don't need one to start a business 开牙医诊所也是一样的 and the same goes for dentists. 城寨这条牙医街就很出名 This walled city street is well known for its dentists 牙医都能成行成市 Dentists can embark into the city 差不多有一百多间 in one of the hundreds of litte rooms available 这些牙医当中,有些是在中国内地毕业的 Among these dentists, are some graduates from the Chinese mainland 有些就是做假牙的师傅 The master here is at work on some dentures 外面有很多人来帮衬他们整牙镶牙 Many people from the outside quite often have their dentures done here 因为便宜过外面一半有多 because it's more than half the price cheaper than on the outside 而且还不用等前排后 and plus you won't need to wait long to be seen to 城寨的福利工作也是这样了 Welfare work is also a case of the walled city 我们的老人中心空气和环境 都好过家里 our old center is a nice environment with a lot of air that we can come to 老街坊有空坐在一起聊天,很开心的 free time for us old local folk to sit together and gossip at our leisure 麻烦你看看我妈 Could you look at my Mother - 好 -fine 拜拜 bye bye - 拜拜 - bye bye 爹地 Daddy 我要搬了 I want to move it -我不舍得你啊 - I'm not letting go of it! - 不用街流水了 - The water isn't need on the street 不舍得你啊 I'm not letting go of it! 我会回来看你的 I'll be coming back to see you! -都住这么久了 We've been living so long 住这么久了,大家都熟悉 we've been living so long, we're all in the same situation - 有空回来做客 - we have a returning guest - 好 - well 我就要搬了 I'm going to move out - 住这么好,为什么要搬啊? - You've lived well, why move out? - 小孩说要搬 - The child said to move out 要卖掉祖屋 and sell Grandparents home 搬去别的地方住 在这里住了这么久了 and go somewhere else to live, I've lived here so long 那你现在住的那里好不好? Is where you're living ok at the moment? 不好,要提水 No it's not good, I have to carry my water up and down - 楼梯又窄 -The stairs are narrow - 现在住的房子呢 -at the moment thats the house I'm in 比较亮点 Compared to this bright area 没起楼的时候 at the time when the buildings rose 现在黑的地方 it became a very dark place 不好走,还漏水 I'm good to go, water keeps leaking in there 我住那里二十几年了 Where I've lived for 20 years, 虽然地方很窄 although the place is very narrow, 但总算有住的 but at least there are gatherings now 给也行,不给也行 and also, I don't travel much 我就没什么地方可搬了 I don't mind I have nowhere else to move to 住到我死,也是在那里住 I'll live there until I die, this place is where I live 我死也不搬 I'll die here not move out 虽然城寨这里不好那里不好 even the walled city isn't good it's my hometown, 但是住这么久,什么都习惯了 having lived here so long, we're accustomed to it 最初不习惯的是没厕所用 I'm accustomed to using a toilet like this 城寨住了这么多人 so many people live in the walled city 只有两个公厕 with only 2 public toilets 有一个还是干厕 There's a dry toilet 还要人倒夜香 People also pour sweet scented fragrances at night 虽然是脏了点,但也好过没有 even though it's a dirty spot, it's better than having nothing 不过,有时这些公厕很恐怖 However, sometimes these toiletsare terrible 特别天寒地冻的时候 especially when it's cold 时而会看到那些道友瘫在那里 Occassionally I'll see a fellow paralysed in there 收档之前先喝两杯润润嗓子 Before closing the archives I'll wet my whistle with 2 cups 城寨的年轻子女每晚放学吃晚饭 young school children come here every night for dinner 很多都来这个青年中心 Many have come to this youth center 在城寨里,只有在这里 here in the walled city, it's the only one 他们才有这么多地方玩 there are many fun things to play here 我们是中心的工作人员 Out of our staff in the center 我想知道这里有谁是在城寨住 I want to know who here is living here in the walled city 到底城寨是什么因素吸引 你们住这么久呢? In all what factors have attracted you to live in the walled city for so long? 很简单,我妈在这里,所以我跟着住 That's an easy one, My Mother lives here, so I will live here too, 不是,例如租金便宜嘛 My excuse is for the cheap rent 租金便宜? 多少钱租的? Chea[ rent? How much is your rent? 通常来说三百多到四百多尺 只要五百多块 Generally no more than 200-400 or just over 500 dollars 好像现在,城寨楼价比外面便宜 Like, prices are cheaper here than outside of the walled city 我家就四百多尺 My home is more than 4ft 照现在市价来买要七万块 and in the current market it would cost somewhere from 70,000 还有,可以不用交差饷 Also, no rates need to be payed 我每晚都去上班 Every night I go to work 见到外面那条街,觉得很污糟邋遢 and looking at the street outside, I feel dirty and bad about it 有滴水,有垃圾,有老鼠 water dripping, garbage, there are rats 难道这种环境你们也能忍吗? is this the type of environment you can cope with? 也不是说忍不忍得,习惯了嘛 Well I don't mind having to put up with it, I'm used to it 自然就能忍了 I mean, naturally 我就可怜了,从小就在这里住 I was poor anyway, I've lived here since birth 有时候真的忍不住,睡不了 sometimes it really can't be helped, I can't sleep at night 虽然每天都有这个负责清理垃圾的 Although everyday we should have people responsibe for garbage 不过这里的居民太多了 there's so many residents living here 所以垃圾始终都清不完 the rubish could all get cleared away 别说污糟邋遢了 Not to mention about the dirt, 如果像我家的话 if you want my opinion 连太阳和下雨都见不到 even without seeing any sun or rain 我们家就特殊点 my home is in a special spot 楼本身是四层高 It's a 4 story building itself 周围的楼都改建加高了 and has had tall buildings built around it 所以我家里很暗 so it's always very dark 所以说如果家里像我这样的就很难住 So it is difficult to live in a home like mine 究竟你家有没有窗户? So to be exact you have a home without any windows? 有,不过跟没有差不多 Yes, well with almost none - 为什么?What do you mean? - 为什么? What do I mean?! 当然了,楼与楼之间的空间太小了 Of course, the space between the buildings is too small 差不多是贴住了 they're near-enough stuck together 如果有窗的话,一打开 so if there are windowns, when opened 就会撞到对面楼的墙,就没用了 it will hit the wall directly infront, which is pointless 你们讲到城寨这么多不好的地方 想怎么改善? You've talked of so many bad things in the walled city, but how do we improve it? 当然是希望水务局 Well I certainly hope the water company 为我们城寨居民拉水管 give us walled city residents access to water 和装独立的水表 and install separate water meters 我们几年前已经写信给当局了 A few years ago we wrote to the authorities 水务局也派人来调查过 the ater company was sent to investigate 但最后还是不了了之 But nothing ended up happening 我想,除了饮水之外,还有很多问题 I think, as well as drinking water, there are many more problems 我都可以看到 I can see 比如排水问题和 such as drainage problems 坑渠的问题 The channeling of the sewers 影响卫生很严重 has a very serious impact on health 你们觉得有什么办法可以 Do you think there's any way you can 减少这些不好的地方? reduce these bad things? 有啊,比如坑渠 There are, things like the sewers 没有盖,都是明渠 aren't covered, they're open 很不卫生,那些水沟 they're unhealthy, those ditches, 如果下雨就更惨 when rain falls, it's even worse 因为我们整体地势较低 because we are all sitting low here. Quote
skylee Posted September 6, 2016 at 02:28 PM Report Posted September 6, 2016 at 02:28 PM Here you can find a version with Chinese subtitles-> There are some mistakes in the subtitles, but they are not bad. Not too sure if this should be called documentary. The dialogue does not sound that natural. 1 Quote
889 Posted September 6, 2016 at 03:16 PM Report Posted September 6, 2016 at 03:16 PM That'd be a big project. I'd contact RTHK first to see whether they ever produced an English version. A lot, but not all, of their documentaries were shown on both Chinese and English channels. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 6, 2016 at 04:51 PM Author Report Posted September 6, 2016 at 04:51 PM Thanks. I guess it's not a proper documentary, but the walled city is long gone now. It's as close as well ever get. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 7, 2016 at 11:33 AM Author Report Posted September 7, 2016 at 11:33 AM I have sent an email to RTHK, hopefully well get a reply, I still kind of doubt they'll have the subs but we'll see. If anyone is willing to give it a go, please let me know. I have already subbed another video on the city, it was a re-sub that someone else done on a really poor quality video, also their subtitles were a little bit weirdly translated (it was in Dutch) so I re-worded some of it and put it on a video that's a much better quality, this is just an example of how I would sub the RTHK video if someone translates it. This is the video I did recently. It'd be a nice film to have translated, that hasn't been done yet by anyone. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 8, 2016 at 03:46 PM Author Report Posted September 8, 2016 at 03:46 PM Ok I've decided to give the translating a go myself, all thanks to the Chinese subtitles! You know what they say, if you want something done do it yourself! Thanks for the link as well Skylee. So I'm using google translate to take pictures of the text, it's also a pain in the neck as the camera won't recognise the text from the video, I have to write it on paper and then take the picture which is quite a task. Can anybody here see if I'm on the right track, I've uploaded an example of my work in progress, that's the way I have to do's attached to the post. If I could extract the subtitles off of the video that would be ideal but I can't seem to. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 9, 2016 at 12:01 PM Author Report Posted September 9, 2016 at 12:01 PM Sorry, this is how I've been doing it. I already am aware that google translate isn't 100% accurate but it's the only option! Can anyone say if this is any good? Thanks. Quote
somethingfunny Posted September 11, 2016 at 07:59 PM Report Posted September 11, 2016 at 07:59 PM Looks to me like you're doing a good job. The general gist of what you've written is pretty accurate, except that it would be more the case that he's saying, "I originally hadn't (本来不) planned on helping with people's trash" and it wasn't necessarily the case that he forced himself, but rather that the situation forced him. Are there not translation communities that work on this kind of thing? I know there are very active communities that translate from English to Chinese. This might be a bit easier if you could get a group of people together and assign everyone a minute or so to translate. As long as it wasn't too much, I'd be willing to help out. 1 Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 11, 2016 at 08:57 PM Author Report Posted September 11, 2016 at 08:57 PM Well thanks a lot for your input, I'm pleased to hear it's at least on the right tracks. It makes more sense him being forced into the helping out, something most people should've done, it might still be standing if it wasn't infested with 40 years worth of waste. You're right though, if another load of people did a minute or two each it wouldn't take long to fully translate, so thanks for at least showing some interest... it's an interesting film. I've reached about the 12th minute and writing out the symbols is actually quite fun, even though I've lost feeling in my right thumb gone numb, since Google translate won't recognise the letters unless they're perfectly written! But I manage to translate(or decipher I should say) bit by bit as I go along. I just think the film itself is a bit weird, since the Kowloon walled city was a no-go area, how was this film shot back then? I think its aim was to view the city in not so bad of a place than people perceived, the guy who's taking them on the tour was shown in another film about 10 years later and said to be an ex-gang member. Plus you can tell in scenes, the way people avoid staring into the camera, the scenes in people's apartments look very 'planned'. This was filmed back when the shacks were surrounding the city, when crime was still thriving. A very interesting place it was. But anyway, thanks again. Quote
somethingfunny Posted September 12, 2016 at 07:05 AM Report Posted September 12, 2016 at 07:05 AM Do you only have a hand-written copy of what you've done so far? Or have you put it in word document? If you want, you can send me what you've done so far and I can check it/type-it-up for you. I've got some free time over the next couple of days so don't mind doing it. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 12, 2016 at 10:20 AM Author Report Posted September 12, 2016 at 10:20 AM Thank you so much, I'm grateful for your help, it's much appreciated. At the moment I have it all in the form that my example is in above. If I can use google translate on my laptop, then I can copy and paste the text from there. Nevertheless I can do the same thing using my iPhone, that will be a lot more suitable than photographing every page I've written. Since the subtitles are all on the video, I'm writing it all down so it's a case of me playing the video and pausing it where the text appears, then putting the start and end time of each segment of text for reference. The google translate app is on my iPhone, I'm new to this app, I only searched it up for the purpose of this video, I'm surprised the app is capable of recognising the letters via the iPhone camera. It's quite a handy feature. Anyway. When I get home I'll start this off. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 12, 2016 at 04:39 PM Author Report Posted September 12, 2016 at 04:39 PM Ok this is the very start, the person talking seems to backtrack through the history (the boring part), Some parts near the end I'm not too sure about, I think I got most of it right. Let me inform you that I have no knowledge of the language whatsoever, all my work is purely a result of using Google translate and a bit of guessing while piecing it together, so I'm sure there are many errors... But here goes: 九龙城寨一直以来都被认为是特殊地区 Kowloon walled city has long been considered a special area. 究竟为什么呢 ? Why exactly is it? 追述城慕的历史 Let's look into the walled city's history. 它是宋代的边防最前线 Going back to the beginning of the song period, 鸦片战争时候 after the opium war. 清政府还派官兵到城墙里驻守 The Qing authorities stationed soldiers in the city walls. 到 I898 生, 中英签订条约 In 1898, Britain signed a treaty 以 99 年期, 将租借扩至新界 for 99 years, leasing the new territories. 当时, 凊政府就坚持保留 对城慕的统治权 At the time, the Qing government held the rights to maintain the area of the walled city. 但是到 1899 年 But by 1899 英国就宣布城寨 Britain declared the walled city, 也是香港殖民地的一部分 But Hong kept the part of land, 由于中国政府从未正式承认过城裏 since the Chinese government never officially acknowledged the city. 而当时的英国政府又没实际执行过主权 At the time the British government didnt argue over who ruled the area. 所以才造成今日城寨特殊的地位 This is what's led to the walled city particular status today 使城寨变成"三不管"地区 It's what made the walled city an "area without rule" 而且一度成为三教九流的庇护所 And became a shelter for people 时移世易, 今日的城寨由原有的 70 亩 Now times have changed, the original 70 acres 缩减至 2.5 亩 Are reduced to 2.5 acres. 以龙津道, 西城路 Longin road, west road, 东头村道和龙城路为界线 Tung tau tsuen road and Kowloon city road bounded I'll leave it there for the minute, those last two sentences are surely incorrect, I know of Tung tau tsuen road, but the other 3 surrounding roads are carpenter road, junction road and Tung tsing road, those four roads are the borderline of the city, but Google has translated it as Kowloon city road, longin road and west road, unless I'm misinterpreting them completely. Quote
somethingfunny Posted September 12, 2016 at 06:10 PM Report Posted September 12, 2016 at 06:10 PM OK, I'll just paste the lines I think could be fixed and include my corrections in italics. I'd just like to remind you (and anyone else) that I am not a translator, and have only limited Chinese ability myself. 它是宋代的边防最前线It was at the frontier of the Song Dynasty's defence.鸦片战争时候At the time of the opium war. 清政府还派官兵到城墙里驻守The Qing authorities still stationed soldiers in the city walls. 到 I898 年, 中英签订条约In 1898, Britain and China signed a treaty 当时, 凊政府就坚持保留 对城寨的统治权 At the time, the Qing government held the rights to maintain the area of the walled city. 英国就宣布城寨 Britain declared the walled city,也是香港殖民地的一部分was also part of the colonised land. 由于中国政府从未正式承认过城裏 The Chinese government never officially acknowledged the city,而当时的英国政府又没实际执行过主权and at that time the British government hadn't implemented it's sovereignty.所以才造成今日城寨特殊的地位This is what's led to the walled city particular status today. 而且一度成为三教九流的庇护所 And became a shelter for all kinds of (bad?) people 以龙津道, 西城路 It is bounded by Longin road, west road,东头村道和龙城路为界线Tung tau tsuen road and Kowloon city road. I'm fairly impressed with the translation, and think it captures the basic meaning of whats being said (except for that bit about the Opium war happening in the Song dynasty). It missed out the more subtle stuff and struggles with the more advanced grammar. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 12, 2016 at 10:01 PM Author Report Posted September 12, 2016 at 10:01 PM Very nice of you to do this, I appreciate your input, even if your Chinese is limited, to have any kind of help is a privilege. I'll post a bit more soon once I've typed it up and see how we go from there, I'm sure it's mostly basic stuff, the also translator does a fairly decent job I think. I'll be really interested to see what this film tells altogether since the Kowloon walled city has been in my interest for quite a while now. By the way RTHK got back to me too, kind of assumed they wouldn't have the subs but at least they replied! Here look: Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your enquiry of 7 September 2016 regarding an archive episode of our programme “Hong Kong Connection” (鏗鏘集:城寨”). Given that the said programme was produced and broadcast nearly 40 years ago, providing English subtitling captions or retrieving any text materials in English thereof pose technical and resources problems. Thank you for your kind understanding. We thank you again for your support to RTHK programmes. Yours faithfully, Zoe Wong For and on behalf of Corporate Communications and Standards Unit Radio Television Hong Kong Lol, oh well, was worth a try. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 13, 2016 at 02:20 AM Author Report Posted September 13, 2016 at 02:20 AM Here's another bit I've just finished doing. Just wanted to say quick, going back through my notes I feel I'm getting the hang of this, I don't know for sure what's right and wrong but I'm changing bits here and there, and I feel confident a lot is right because it seems to add up, anyway... 住了三四万人 30-40,000 people reside here 究竟城寨特殊的政治背景 We shall investigate the walled city's remarkable background 对当地居民的生活有没有任何影响呢 ? What impact has it had on the lives of the locals? 日出而作, 日落而息 The sun rises, the sun sets 三十多年来, 我就是这样在城寨里度日 30 years, this is how I've lived in the walled city. 这里个个都叫我雷伯 Everyone here calls me Reber 以前有很多街访来帮衬我理发 Many used to visit me here to use my service as a barber 现在年纪大了, 眼睛又不好 Now I'm old, my eyes aren't good, 少了很多人来帮衬 Fewer people use the service. 不过偶尔也会有小孩来 However, occasionally I'll get the odd child 我的孙子就是老主顾 My grandson attends regularly 时间真的过得很快 The time really flies by 转眼孙子都这么大了 My grandchildren are growing up fast 几十年了, 城寨当然也变了很多 Decades have passed, the walled city of course, has changed a lot 现在周围都起满了大厦 Now all around, the metropolis is full up 十分拥挤, 围住旧式的危房 Very crowded, and enclosed by old dilapidated buildings 给人走的 People are walking along 也就只有那些又黑又窄的巷子 Theres just dark narrow alleyways 外地人进来当然是迷路了 so outsiders who enter of course get lost 很多在外面犯事的人 Most criminal offenders from the outside 就最终跑到城寨来 eventually end up in the walled city 没事的, 里面的街道像八阵图似的 It's no problem, inside the streets are similar to the eight diagrams 可以左穿右窜 They turn left and right as they flee 警蔡不容易抓到也们 The police won't be catching them easily 说到警察, 以前城寨没警察巡街的 Speaking of the police, they never used to patrol in the walled city 我记得是前几年, 好像是 76 年 I remember a few years ago, the year '76 it seems 才有正式的警察进城寨维持治安 Did the police start formally policing the walled city 以前很多老居民 The residents used to 都认为城寨的治安不算坏 think the walled city's security wasn't bad 因为当地人做事很容易被人发觉 because people who do things can be found easily; 所以如果有盗窃或者抢劫 like in the event of a theft or robbery. 都是外地人进来做的 It's the outsiders who come in to do this. 早十几二十年, 这里里面是没人理的 20 years prior to this, no one was in charge here 很多犯法的事都有人做 Many people here do illegal things 而且还明目张胆地做 and do them them blatantly too 不过现在就没以前那么猖狂了 But now that there's no order people are wild here Quote
Flickserve Posted September 13, 2016 at 12:09 PM Report Posted September 13, 2016 at 12:09 PM Why don't you use the Chinese handwriting feature in the iPhone? You can write the Chinese in an email and send it to yourself. Then copy and paste at your leisure into google translate. In Japan, there is an theme arcade based on Kowloon city. It's built like the real thing. Haven't visited it myself but looks really interesting and a bit creepy. Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 13, 2016 at 05:01 PM Author Report Posted September 13, 2016 at 05:01 PM I didn't know of a feature that does that, but you can also draw letters into google translate as well. Only problem, is no matter how accurately you draw a letter on the iPhone screen, the app rarely gets it right, even some simple letters won't be recognised, writing it out in paper then photographing it is proving to be quite effective. I think that sort of thing would be good on a tablet using a stylus pen. I've heard about the Kowloon arcade, looks like a really cool place, the Japanese love the walled city apparently! Quote
somethingfunny Posted September 14, 2016 at 07:16 AM Report Posted September 14, 2016 at 07:16 AM 究竟城寨特殊的政治背景We shall investigate the walled city's special political background 不过现在就没以前那么猖狂了 But now it's not as bad as it used to be. These were the two main errors I found. There were a few other places where I think the English could be cleaned up a bit. And there are other bits where I think the Chinese might be a little ambiguous so the translation might not be spot on, for example this: 时间真的过得很快 The time really flies by转眼孙子都这么大了My grandchildren are growing up fast Is probably more likely to be, "The time has really flown by, my grandchildren are already so big." 1 Quote
Chris_a_1986 Posted September 14, 2016 at 11:04 AM Author Report Posted September 14, 2016 at 11:04 AM Thanks for the help my friend. I'm shocked at how much didn't need changing to be fair, I wasn't expecting so few errors! I really appreciate the stuff you've corrected for me, it's these sort of things that only a person can do with an understanding of the language. I'll try to post as much as possible while you have free time. It's just very time consuming, even the work I've post so far has taken me a long him to produce. Thanks again. Also one thing to ask, I know the narrator isn't the barber in the film (the guy called Reber), but I'm assuming he's speaking in place of him, am I right about this? Quote
somethingfunny Posted September 14, 2016 at 12:11 PM Report Posted September 14, 2016 at 12:11 PM In this line here: 这里个个都叫我雷伯Everyone here calls me Reber He uses the Chinese first person pronoun 我, so, while I only flick through the video to check the subtitles, I think it's safe to assume that the narrator is either 雷伯 himself, or speaking in his place. Quote
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