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The Three-Body Problem - 三体


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I was going through President Obama's reading list and noticed he really enjoyed "The Three-Body Problem" (三体) a science fiction series by Chinese writer Liu Cixin. It was hugely popular in China and definitely want to read this. I'm wondering if anybody has read this in Chinese and could comment on the complexity.

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I was planning to read this trilogy as I like sci-fi, it has good reviews, and a good-quality English translation. My plan was to read each paragraph in Chinese, then read the corresponding English paragraph to make sure I understood it correctly. I got through a few pages and felt it was too far above my level. so stopped for now. For what it's worth, I'm still learning HSK4 vocab.

Here's a small excerpt from Chapter 1 to help you judge the complexity:






Excerpt From: 刘慈欣. “地球往事·三体.”


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I got over half way through a year ago but found it really tiring. It felt like my brain had to work harder on the language than with any other novel I've read so far. I've still bookmarked my place though and ought to return to finish it before long. But a potentially discouraging read.

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I read it and would recommend it, it's a good book. (It won a Hugo award, so that's not really news.) I didn't find the language too difficult, except for the specialised vocab, which is quite a big part of the story.  I usually don't look up words, or only very few, but I looked up quite a bit more for this book.

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3 hours ago, lechuan said:

My plan was to read each paragraph in Chinese, then read the corresponding English

Anyone doing this with this book should be careful because the chapters are in different order in the Chinese and English versions. 

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You could perhaps look at Ball Lightning, an earlier and much smaller and more manageable book by the same author. Don't think there's English available, but I also think you'd need it less. 

I'm dubious about the parallel reading - if you haven't understood something, you should notice as the story won't make much sense, and then you go back and see where you went wrong. 

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There were a couple of posts on reddit a few days back where someone had used Chinese Text Analyser to generate some statistics for 三体 (see here and here).


The crux of it was that it's about 20,000 unique words for the entire trilogy, but only about 10,000 unique words for the first volume.


Of that, approximately 90% of all vocab is found in the first 100 pages, so if you were learning every new word as you went and could make it to 100 pages, it would get much easier - although at that point you'd still be seeing a significant number of new words per page (the poster there put it at around 50 new words per page at 90% comprehension).


To me, that makes it a relatively difficult and complex book to attempt, especially if it's your first novel.  Compare it with say 《活着》which has a total of 4,800 unique words.


If 三体 is something you want to read but you don't have a vocab level already in the 10,000-15,000 word range it's probably a better use of your time to read a number of other easier novels first to build up your vocabulary and reading skills.


I made a post about this here.

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1 hour ago, imron said:

To me, that makes it a relatively difficult and complex book to attempt, especially if it's your first novel. Compare it with say 《活着》 which has a total of 4,800 unique words.


I agree that as a first book it's not the best choice. Still I think that it's mostly the specialised words that make it difficult, the language itself is not too hard. But then I think Ball Lightning is not that much easier, and also not a great idea for a first book, or even a second.

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Ball Lightning is a pretty decent story I thought (I've also just updated the download link in that thread with a valid link).


Interestingly enough, I put the text through Chinese Text Analyser, and it doesn't look much smaller or more manageable than the first volume of 三体.  It has ~100,000 total words and ~10,000 unique words, with ~8,000 words required to get 98% coverage of the text.


Which is strange because I don't recall it being that difficult at the time, and looking at when that post was made, this book was likely among the first few novels I'd finished, and this was well before the post I linked to above about developing a reading habit.

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Can't remember how far I got with it, but I remember some weird stuff about building a computer out of soldiers. Or maybe I completely failed to understand it. Either way, it was harder. Ball Lightning is less challenging, but as said perhaps a stretch for a first book. 

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I tried to read it in a week and gave up halfway through after three days, perhaps if I'd taken it slower and been in less of a hurry, those abstract things would have seemed more interesting and less like a nuisancy barrier to comprehension.

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I remember Ball Lightning as not particularly difficult (except for the specialised language) but that was as my tenth+ book, after translating some books as well. But Roddy is right about more abstract concepts in 三体, that probably makes it harder. (On the other hand, I think that the story in 三体 is better, it has more momentum.)

But @wensente doesn't say if this would be their first book, so perhaps it's not a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Fancy Butterfly Chinese

The Three-Body is the one of the best  science fictions i read. Three-Body has three series. Here is a complete plot summary you might want to not read.


 It begins a women sends a message to universe, and a Planet Three-Body get the message, Then they try to invade earth. Here are some scientists try to save the earth, and then.........(here talk about how to fight with Three body). In serial I &II,  Tree-body and earth will know there are other advanced creatures in the universe, and both of Tree Body and Earth are crashed by advanced creatures, only left few.  At end, there is a message tells us old universe maybe will die, and humans and Three Body, and the rest planets try to find way out. Then end.


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