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Episode 12


无偿 wúcháng free / no charge / at no cost

zhēng to requisition land

认账 rènzhàng to own up to a fault / to admit the truth / to acknowledge a debt

jīngchéng sincerity / absolute good faith

铺天盖地 pūtiāngàidì lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering / omnipresent / of universal importance

人寻 nàirénxúnwèi thought-provoking / worth thinking over / to provide food for thought

发家 fājiā to lay down a family fortune / to get rich / to become prosperous

fēi only / nothing else

kōngshǒutàobáiláng someone who makes a fortune from a small investment (seems to have a negative meaning, perhaps indicating that the fortune was obtained by underhand means)

出一 chūyīzhé to be precisely the same / to be no different

bǎimíng to show clearly

作对 zuòduì to set oneself against / to oppose / to make a pair

léi mine (weapon)

见面 jiànmiàn gift given to sb when meeting them for the first time

dose (medicine)

怀 shìhuái to release (tension) / relief (from suspense) / to dispel (usu. with negative, unable to forget)

往死里 wǎngsǐlǐ (coll.) (to beat etc) to death

zuòfēiwéi to run amok (idiom); to commit outrages

蛛丝 zhūsī lit. spider's thread and horse track / tiny hints (of a secret) / traces / clue

xióngzhǎngjiān lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other / you can't always get everything you want / you can't have your cake and eat it

míngtang worthwhile result / accomplishment

yǒushìkǒng secure in the knowledge that one has backing

忌器 tóushǔjìqì lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom) / to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents

跨度 kuàdù span / horizontal distance between vertical supports

打草 dǎcǎojīngshé to inadvertently alert an enemy

孤家 gūjiāguǎrén one who is cut off from others (idiom) / one who has chosen to follow a solitary path / (can also be an indirect way of referring to an unmarried person)

xiánliáng a good wife and loving mother

糟糠 zāokāng chaff / grain husk

伶牙齿 língyáchǐ clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent / having the gift of the gab

忌惮 jìdàn absolutely unrestrained / unbridled / without the slightest scruple

cèngchīcèng to cadge a meal

gōulián to be linked together / to be involved with / to collude / interconnection / involvement / collusion

八方 bāfāng the eight points of the compass / all directions

来头 láitóu influence

敬不如从 gōngjìngbùrúcóngmìng deference is no substitute for obedience (idiom) / (said to accept sb's request, invitation etc)

流言 liúyánfēi rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip / lies and slanders

叱咤 chìzhàfēngyún lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world / all-powerful

to look / to have a glimpse at / to observe (sth's splendor)

说纷 zhòngshuōfēnyún opinions differ (idiom)

zhī limb / limbs and trunk / body

jiào to complain of an injustice / to lament sb's misfortune

to authorize an arrest

dāngduànduàn to make a decision when it's time to decide

xìnkǒukāi to speak without thinking (idiom) / to blurt sth out

liào to put down / to leave behind / to throw or knock down / to abandon or discard

shàngfāngbǎojiàn variant of 尚方劍|尚方剑 / imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powers) / in fiction, Chinese version of 007's license to kill

xuějiā cigar (loanword)

kǒujìng caliber / diameter of opening

生疏 shēngshū unfamiliar / strange / out of practice / not accustomed

wēi might / formidable

使 shǐrán (literary) to make it so / to dictate

qiān meek / modest / amiable

嚎啕 háotáo to wail / to bawl (idiom)

miǎn immunity (to disease)

访 shàngfǎng to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) to petition for sth

高高在上 gāogāozàishàng set up on high (idiom); not in touch with reality / aloof and remote

阎王小鬼 Yánwánghǎojiàn, xiǎoguǐnándāng lit. standing in front of the King of Hell is easy, but smaller devils are difficult to deal with (idiom)

chángmìng to pay with one's life

核磁共振 hécígòngzhèn nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

接风 jiēfēng to hold a welcoming dinner or reception

锐气 ruìqì acute spirit / dash / drive

Chéng Yǎojīn Cheng Yaojin (589-665), aka 程知節|程知节, Chinese general of the Tang dynasty There's a wiki page for this general, but this is the most relevant bit:

"Cheng Yaojin and his three axe strokes" (Chinese程咬金三板斧): Used to describe someone with a limited repertoire of skills, i.e. someone relying on the same old tricks.

gōngwei to praise / to speak highly of / compliment / praise

成吉 Chéngjíhán Genghis Khan (1162-1227)

大众 luódàzhòng proletariat / abbr. for 普羅列塔利亞|普罗列塔利亚 plus masses / also written 無產階級|无产阶级 in PRC Marxist theory

jiūjié to intertwine / to band together (with) / to link up (with) / twisted / tangled / confused / to be at a loss

访 xìnfǎng complaint letter / petition letter / see also 上訪|上访

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Episode 13


cuǐcàn bright / resplendent  

古来圣贤皆寂寞,唯有饮者留其名 two lines from a Li Bai poem. I think it means something along the lines of "saints are quickly forgotten, whereas drinkers become famous"

韵味 yùnwèi implicit charm in rhyme or sound / hinted appeal / interest

chóngyǐng double vision

dòuxīnyǎn to have a battle of wits

qiǎzi checkpoint

jiànbié to differentiate / to distinguish

中生 zhōngshēngyǒu to create something from nothing (idiom)

不自 zhǎobùzìzai to ask for trouble / to bring misfortune on oneself

chéngzhāo to obtain confessions under torture

座上客 zuòshàngkè guest of honor

寻常 xúncháng usual / common / ordinary

tán style of conversation

yīng heroic spirit

qièshēn direct / concerning oneself / personal

tiǎotóu to take the lead / to be first to (do sth) / to pioneer

戒线 jǐngjièxiàn police cordon / alert level

páibiǎn board (attached to a wall)

dàijian (coll.) to like

dēngzishàngliǎn lit. to climb all over sb / fig. to take advantage of sb's weakness

yóuqiānghuádiào flippant and insincere (piece of writing or speech) / glib-tongued / oily

luǒguān Communist Party official whose wife and children have left China to reside in a foreign country

乌纱 wūshāmào black hat (worn by feudal official) / fig. official post

没辙 méizhé at one's wit's end / unable to find a way out

qiāozhà to rip off / to extort (money) / extortion / blackmail

正不 gāngzhèngbù'ē upright and plainspoken

ēfèngchéng flattering and fawning (idiom) / sweet-talking

招标 zhāobiāo to invite bids

保底 bǎodǐ to break even / to guarantee a minimum (salary etc)

fēngshèng rich / sumptuous

xiānwéizhǔ lit. first impression is strongest

tuōyǐng'érchū to reveal one's talent (idiom) / to rise above others / to distinguish oneself

白头如新,倾盖如故 you can be closer to someone you've just met than to someone you've know your whole life

qīnggài to meet in passing / to get on well at first meeting

lán billows / great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)

鲶鱼 niányú catfish

jiǎoxìngxīn trusting to luck / wishful thinking

肇事 zhàoshì to cause an accident / to be responsible for an incident / to provoke a disturbance


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A number of Viki members have been trying to get Viki.com to apply for a license, and there's even a team ready to work on it if a license is secured.

The official license is important because without it, the subtitled videos may be taken down without warning. For that reason, there are no more 'fan channels' at Viki, if you haven't noticed. With a proper license, the series with its subtitles can remain on air for considerable time. And don't forget that Viki has translators in several languages besides English, it is a safe site (no lurking nasties hidden in advertising), it doesn't cut episodes if they think the series is too long for western audiences (as Netflix does) and the videos can be watched for free. 

If anybody here is interested, please fill in the form on this link, it is important, the more requests the better the chance that Viki will try for it.


23 hours ago, 杰.克 said:

I dont suppose anyones found a with english subtitles version yet?


You have to keep on searching in You Tube  and be quick to watch what you find. There have been some subtitled episodes, and more will appear and disappear as they are taken down when Hunan TV, or whoever owns the rights, complains to You Tube. The best way to get to see the whole series is by securing an official license.

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  • 2 months later...

Episode 14


fánshì each and every / every / all / any

shěnxùn inquest / trial / interrogation / to try / to interrogate

fángfàn to be on guard / wariness / to guard against / preventive to make a unilateral decision

yántáng to make a unilateral decision

剪彩 jiǎncǎi to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)

shì ceremony

之秋 duōshìzhīqiū troubled times / eventful period

jiàng an educated and cultured general

chāoqián to be ahead of one's time / to surpass or outdo one's predecessors / to be ahead of the pack / to take the lead / advanced

xiàngdǎo guide

墨迹 mòjìwèigān an alliance, agreement or contract which only just started a short while ago

according to / basis / foundation

赏脸 shǎngliǎn (polite) do me the honor

打靶 dǎbǎ target shooting

风花 fēnghuāxuěyuè wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom); effete language without substance / love affair / romance is in the air / dissipated life

jīng thistles and thorns / brambles / thorny undergrowth

zhāozhì to incur / to lead to

mièdǐng to be drowned (figurative and literal)

栽赃 zāizāng to frame sb (by planting sth on them)

老舍的茶馆 a play called 茶馆 by 老舍

xiǎnbai (coll.) to show off

zhāotóubiāo bid inviting and bid offering / bidding / auction

利是 wéilìshì to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything / self-seeking

Huà Tuó Hua Tuo (?-208), famous doctor at the end of Han Dynasty

Biǎn Què秦越人 (407-310 BC), Warring States physician known for his medical skills, nicknamed Bian Que after the earliest known Chinese physician allegedly from the 黃帝|黄帝 era

彻夜 chèyè the whole night

tānpái to lay one's cards on the table

卸磨 xièmòshā lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom) / to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful

chíxiè armed (robbery etc)

niǎn to expel / to oust

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Episode 15


fāngxiàngpán steering wheel

拢嘴 lǒngzuǐ unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc / grinning from ear to ear / mouth agape / gobsmacked

jiǔtiāncháng enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laozi); eternal / for ever and ever (of friendship, hate etc)

yǎn perfunctory / to skimp / to botch / to do sth half-heartedly or just for show / barely enough to get by

biǎogōng to show off one's accomplishments (often derog.)

是肉 shǒuxīnshǒubèidōushìròu lit. both the palm and the back of the hand are made of flesh (idiom) / fig. to both be of equal importance / to value both equally

fànnán to feel embarrassed / to feel akward

guānliáo bureaucrat / bureaucracy / bureaucratic

功亏一 gōngkuīyīkuì lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful / to fail through lack of a final effort / to spoil the ship for a ha'penny worth of tar (idiom)

xiàn to subside / to sink / to cave in

resistance / drag

蓄意 xùyì deliberate / premeditated / malice

隔阂 géhé misunderstanding / estrangement / (language etc) barrier

qǐngshì to ask for instructions

通风 tōngfēng to disclose information

神怡 xīnkuàngshényí lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed

shūshēng bookish

jǐnxiǎoshènwēi overly cautious

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Late to the party, I just now discovered this thread. So much good info here on these Chinese-forums! Thanks everyone, especially @fabiothebest for finding it and @StChris for the vocab lists. I'm now watching this series too. Had seen bits and pieces of it live (on TV in Kunming) but never actually tried following it closely. I have a friend here who is in the "anti-corruption" biz full time, and look forward to discussing some of this with him.

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Episode 16


建树 jiànshù to make a contribution / to establish / to found / contribution

借鉴 jièjiàn to use other people's experience / to borrow from a source / to use as reference

八项规定 rules set out by Xi Jinping designed to instil greater discipline within the party


fáng there is no harm in / might as well

刁德一 a character in a play

zuòfēng style / style of work / way

wěnjiàn firm / stable and steady

一方 yīfāng area / region

zhūhóu feudal vassal / feudal princes, esp. the monarchs (dukes or princes) of the several vassal states 諸侯國|诸侯国 of Zhou during Western Zhou and Spring and Autumn periods 11th-5th century BC / subordinate warlord / local official

měngjiàng fierce general / valiant military leader / fig. brave individual

按部就 ànbùjiùbān to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom)

善任 zhīrénshànrèn expert at appointing people according to their abilities (idiom) / to put the right people in the right places

shíbànshí a short time / a little while

以小之心 yǐxiǎorénzhīxīn, duójūnzhī to gauge the heart of a gentleman with one's own mean measure (idiom)

开发区 kāifāqū development zone

shǒuchéngguī hidebound by convention (idiom)

dāokuò bold and decisive

yǎnrán just like / solemn / dignified / neatly laid out

双规 shuāngguī shuanggui, an extralegal system within the CCP for detaining and interrogating cadres who fall from grace

lànwěi unfinished / incomplete (project, building etc)

chǎnmíng to elucidate / to explain clearly / to expound

chénwěn steady / calm / unflustered

干练 gànliàn capable and experienced

energetic / exalted / magnanimous

dǎng honest / straightforward

guāngmáng rays of light / brilliant rays / radiance

万丈 wànzhàng lit. ten thousand fathoms / fig. extremely high or deep / lofty /bottomless

战战兢兢 zhànzhànjīngjīng trembling with fear / with fear and trepidation

bīng lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom) / fig. to be extremely cautious / to be skating on thin ice

资深 zīshēn veteran (journalist etc) / senior / highly experienced

beautiful jade

太平猴魁 a type of tea

奉献 fèngxiàn to offer respectfully / to consecrate / to dedicate / to devote

索取 suǒqǔ to ask / to demand

Shèng Holy Mother / goddess / the Virgin Mary

liúliàn reluctant to leave / to hate to have to go / to recall fondly

tuō to entrust (to sb) / to place (one's hope, energy etc) in / a thing in which you invest (your hope, energy etc)

zhù to subsidize / subsidy / allowance

陆续 lùxù in turn / successively / one after the other / bit by bit

录像 lùxiàng to videotape / to videorecord / video recording / CL: 盤|盘

认账 rènzhàng to own up to a fault / to admit the truth / to acknowledge a debt

不计 bùjì to disregard / to take no account of

gōng one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)

fǎnyìng to report / to make known / to render

shuǐluòshíchū as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom) / the truth comes to light

xiōng chest

乱纪 wéiluànjì to break the law and violate discipline (idiom)

权衡利弊 quánhénglìbì to weigh the pros and cons (idiom)

财如 àicáirúmìng lit. to love money as much as one's own life (idiom) / fig. avaricious / tightfisted

狗血 gǒuxiěpēntóu torrent of abuse (idiom)

姑息 gūxī excessively tolerant / to overindulge (sb) / overly conciliatory / to seek appeasement at any price

dàowéizhǐ to stop at this point / to end here / to call it a day

míngtang item (in a program of entertainments) / trick (act of mischief) / worthwhile result / accomplishment / sth significant but not immediately apparent / sth more than meets the eye

shǒu to give oneself up / to surrender (to the authorities)

zuìmíng criminal charge / accusation

jìnzhíjìn responsible and diligent (idiom)

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