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Seeking precise translation of what this says on front and back

Keke china

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The two red characters on top are 收據-receipt(from right to left)

The characters in the middle are 北洋紗廠還欠洋叁仟叁佰萬元正.(Beiyang Cotton Mill still owes 330,000,00 yuan.)

On the right are 今收到40(Today 40 received ),and the blue characters are 付訖(paid)。

On the left are 民國卅七年七月廿七日(July 27th, 1948),永泰電業商行(Yongtai Electrical Company )。



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So you want the seals/stamps, too?


The one in the SW corner is 杨泰印 “Seal of Yang Bao Tai."


The one at three o'clock is 付訖 "PAID."


The red ones in the middle need some thought.


The one over the tax stamps is 印花 “Stamp Duty."


And in English I'd express that amount as 33,000,000 yuan.


Edit: I believe those red seals in the middle both read 永泰 Yong Tai.


Note there's half of a red Yong Tai seal at the top, so presumably there was a counterfoil.


I don't think that line on the right is meant to be read as 今收到 40 "Today received 40." If you look closely, you'll see there's a "No." at the beginning of that dotted line on which "40" sits. That is, it's "No. 40," representing the serial number of this bill. Besides, if it were a monetary amount it would have been written in the same formal fashion with formal numeric characters as the other amount on the bill.


And yes, however odd it might seem, "No." was sometimes used on bills of this sort in the Nationalist era:






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The above stamps are not genuine and bought off of a site that sells replicas. My stamp is authorized genuine. The stamps are also not genuine on these examples. But I understand why you used them  for your point. Thank you once agwin. Is there a way I can contact the moderators to have this post removed? I have no more need for it and do jot want to take up bandwidth where others cold be posting. Thank you so much for your knowledge and expertise advice. Again the above stamps are not genuine nor the caligraphy or the seals. The paper is made to look old, but it is a replica. My example is genuine. 

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4 hours ago, Keke china said:

Is there a way I can contact the moderators to have this post removed? I have no more need for it and do jot want to take up bandwidth where others cold be posting. Thank you so much for your knowledge and expertise advice.


Actually the best way to thank people might be to leave the evidence of their hard work intact rather than deleting the pictures. Otherwise now all this content is useless when it was potentially informative and interesting before ^^

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"Bandwidth" my foot.


It's clear why Keke is so agitated.


Didn't anyone else notice the similarities between his bill and the ones I posted: like they came out of the same fakes factory.


Of course I'm not suggesting his is fake.


It's not like he has anything to hide.


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No you are in error my stamp is genuine and this is backed up by PSE. But thank you for your comment. I want this threat to be deleted. I have a right to ask the moderator to do this. Been on forums for years. And I am a female. The above imagestamps of the stamp used as anumber example is a FAKE and mine is genuine. Thank you again. Have a great day. 

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8 minutes ago, Keke china said:

I want this threat to be deleted. I have a right to ask the moderator to do this. Been on forums for years.

I'm a mod on a different language forum. We have the same rule as on this forum, namely:

" • Posting of a message here grants the site the right to use that message in perpetuity. To protect the integrity of discussions we do not remove posts at users' request (although we will on occasion remove information such as contact details, etc). "


Did you read that before you posted here?


If you wanted to keep things private you should have approached a paid translation service. Ther are many out there.

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11 hours ago, Zbigniew said:

" • Posting of a message here grants the site the right to use that message in perpetuity. To protect the integrity of discussions we do not remove posts at users' request (although we will on occasion remove information such as contact details, etc). "

Can confirm that this is how we do things here too, and have done since we started.

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