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Tang dynasty Chinese inscription

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Hi guys. This is an VIII century Chinese inscription dedicated to Tujue (突厥) prince Kül-tigin (闕特勒). It is a part of bilingual monument, written in Chinese and Old Turkic. I already have the English translation of both texts, but I need electronic version of the original Chinese text. Since I can't speak Chinese, I can't type it myself, so I need your help. I would be grateful if someone could just type the whole text in reply. I will then change the font and arrange the text as in the picture, and ask you again to check it up for any potential errors that may occur due to font change. I need this for a work on Orkhon inscription that should be published in a near future. Thanks in advance.




There's no need for anyone to type this out! The text is easily found on the web (even using Bing), though usually in simplified characters and with embedded notes. So anyone who wants to take this on will still have some work to do.





Near the bottom where it says 汉文部分:


故阙特勤碑 御制御书
彼苍者天,罔不覆焘。天人相合,寰宇大同。以其气隔阴阳,是用别为君长。彼君长者,本□ □四(按:曾植录本 “四”字傍加乙,盖原碑之第一行也) 裔也。首自中国,雄飞北荒。来朝甘泉 ,愿保光禄,则恩好之深旧矣。洎 我高祖,肇兴皇业(按:曾植乙在此。以字救计,第二行当止 于 “太”字 。太宗之遂荒帝载,文教施于八方,武功成于七德。彼或变故相革,荣号迭称。终能 代咩□□,□(按:录本作“行化□”,曾植乙去后,复于“行化”两字旁加角,不知何故,姑阙 待证)。□□□,按:曾植乙在此。依字数计,第三行当止于第一阙匡)各(按:此字曾植乙去, 别钞本有)修边贡,爰逮朕躬,结为父子,使寇患不作,弓矢载 ?。尔无我虞,我无尔诈。边鄙□ 不□□□之(按:曾植乙在此。依字数计,第四行当止于第三阙字)赖欤?君讳阙特勤,骨咄禄可 汗之次子,今苾伽可汗令弟也。孝友闻于远方,威□(曾植自注:下半微露石形,疑略字)摄□□ 俗(曾植于此加乙,为第五行)。斯岂由曾祖伊地米驼匐积厚德于上,而身克终之,祖骨咄禄颉斤 行深仁于下,而子□□之(按:曾植于此加乙,为第六行),不然,何以生此贤也?故能承顺友爱 ,辅成规略,北爕眩靁之境,西邻处月之郊,尊撑棃之□□(按:曾植于此加乙,为第七行),受 屠耆之宏任,以亲我有唐也。我是用嘉尔诚绩,大开恩信。而遥图不骞,促景俄尽,永言悼惜(按 :曾植于此加乙,为第八行),疚于朕心。且特勤,可汗之弟也,可汗,犹朕之子也。父子之义, 既在敦崇;兄弟之亲,得无连类。俱为子(按:曾植乙在此。依字数计,第九行多止于俱字)爱, 再感深情。是用故制作丰碑,发挥遐徼,使千古之下,休光日新。词曰:
沙塞之国,丁零之乡。雄武郁起,于尔先□。尔君克长,载赫殊方。尔道克顺,谋亲我唐。孰谓若 人(按:曾植于此加乙,为第十一行),罔保延长。高碑山立,垂裕无疆。
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  • Helpful 3

Just keep in mind that there are some characters in the inscription which do not show properly in the online version.

  • Helpful 2

Indeed. When I paste the text to Microsoft Word, it seems to miss only one character. Does anyone know how to solve this problem. Maybe I should try with a different font?




Interestingly, the character used in the transcription you posted is 德 but that is not used in the transcription on baidu. Unfortunately that part of the monument seems to have worn away.


Yes, I think have found a few places where transcription I posted differs from the transcription on Baidu. Meanwhile, I was trying to convert simplified characters to traditional using Goolge, and this is what I came up with. Can you please check it and compare it to the transcription I posted earlier.




彼蒼者天, 罔不覆燾. 天人相合, 寰宇大同. 以其氣隔陰陽, 是用別為君長. 彼君者, 本四. . 


首自中, 雄飛北. 來朝甘, 願保光祿, 則恩好之深舊.    我高, 肇興皇. 


之遂荒帝, 文教施於八, 武功成於七. 彼或變故相, 榮號迭. 終能代, (??) 修邊,


爰逮朕, 結為父, 使寇患不, 弓矢(?). 爾無我, 我無爾. 邊鄙.               ? 


諱闕特, 骨咄祿汗之次, 今苾伽可汗令弟. 孝友聞於遠,   (???)斯豈(?)


曾祖伊地米駝匐積厚德於, 而身克終, 祖骨咄祿頡斤行深仁於, 而子(??), , 


生此賢也? 故能承順友, 輔成規, 眩靁之, 西鄰處月之, 尊撐(??),受屠耆之宏


, 以親我有唐. 我用是嘉爾誠, 大開恩. 而遙圖不, 促景俄, 永言悼, 疚於朕. 


, 可汗之弟, , 猶朕之子. 子之, 既在敦; 兄弟之, 得無連. (?),再感


. 是用故製作豐, 發揮遐, 使千古之, 休光日新. :


沙塞之, 丁零之. 雄武郁起, 於爾. (?) 爾君克, 載赫殊. 爾道克, 謀親我. 孰謂若,


保延. 高碑山, 垂裕無.




Thank you so much, Publius. I truly appreciate your time and effort. It would have been absolutely impossible for me to complete my work without help from each and everyone of you who replied.

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  • 5 months later...

This is is how the entire monument containing the Chinese inscription discussed above looked like (picture 1). I once again wish to express my gratitude to Publius, and others, without whose help this could have never be done. I now need help with another Chinese inscription of the same period. Again, I just need the text from the picture Number 2 typed in traditional Chinese, so that I can later use it for another publication I am working on. Thank you guys in advance. I am looking forward to your replies.

kt chinese.jpg

bq chinese.jpg

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