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most embarrassing moment while learning Chinese


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  • 1 month later...

I don't think it was embarrassing, but I said:

nǐ gēn duìxiàng duō shǎo qián ma? 

How much do you and your girlfriend cost?


When I was trying to ask, "how long have you been with your girlfriend?" to a friend of mine, lol.

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During my first year of studying Chinese I found a children's story online to practice with and I told a friend about it. The story was called

拯救世界的绵羊斯基皮 and I told them I was reading 死鸡皮的故事 (the story of dead chicken skin).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Not terribly embarrassing, but points out the importance of tones. 


My students were to give an oral presentation. Just after the bell rings a student comes up to me and says, "Laoshi, jiang lai ma?" I told her in no uncertain terms that she was to do her presentation today or get a 0%. I thought she was asking if she could do it in the future. "老师,将来吗?"


Turns out she was saying "老师,讲来吗?"


Doh. After looking at her confused face, and about three minutes time, I finally pieced together what she said.


I was able to explain my error, and smooth it over, but for y'all beginners out there don't fall into the same trap I did - don't assume you have pieced together the meaning of an utterance without paying close attention to the tones.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Was listening to students' pair work in class the other day....


...arrived at a certain pair nicknamed '青青' and '曉曉' (reduplicated characters in their full name), when 青青 says she is working with 然然 today, and 曉曉 is with yanyan (whose name characters I can never remember). 青青 and 曉曉 finish, and then I, never remembering yanyan's name, call him to perform using his 姓: 徐徐.....




笑尿了我們 :mrgreen:

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