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    • becky82
      This YouTube video did an analysis of the HSK6 past exam question: the writing section of the 5th exam paper in 《汉语水平考试真题集(六级)2018版》.  I have this book, and the questions therein are quite similar to the actual exam.     They enumerated 515 words from this article and categorize them (I assume they count duplicates, and use the HSK2.0 standards).   In the first column, they list the number of HSK words at each level.  They find the HSK words split as follows: HSK1 (36%), HSK2 (15%), HSK3 (11%), HSK4 (10%), HSK5 (12%), HSK6 (5%).   The second column has four entries: (a) 重组词汇 (3%) [e.g. 环保 = 环境保护] and 减字词汇 [e.g. 部 = 部门] (9%) which are different variants of HSK words, (b) 基础词汇 (10%) which are non-HSK words but everyone knows [e.g. 天], (c) and 超纲词汇 (9%) are the extra-curricular words [e.g. 订单 and 满怀信心].   So in this one article alone, there were 46 extra-curricular words, which is more than the number of HSK6 words (i.e., 25).    
    • geminiaa
      Hello I was wondering if anyone could please help me with the writing on this porcelain vase as well as the tag on the bottom? Thank you      
    • erduoteng
      I have really needed to translate a news report about something that is important to me for ages. My chinese listening is not good enough. I know if I have chinese text i can translate it easily with google translate. Is there a way to translate audio as well. Its a news report so it pretty standard mandarin pronunciation. Thanks for your help.
    • AlaskanSky98
      Hi everyone!   I'm 26F currently working in Guangzhou, China and I want to take a break from working and learn Chinese language instead. I was learning the language part-time by myself, but I realise that the progress is too slow, and actually I need to take time off and properly study the language in a university.   I saw that there are Confucius Institute Scholarships available to study Chinese, but the information available about it is quite limited.   Can someone please help answer these questions -    1. Can I apply for CIS whilst being in Mainland China? I'm scheduled to take HSK3 and HSKK1 exam in October 2024 and ideally want to study Chinese language program Feb '25 onwards.    2. I already hold a Master's degree from Peking University, but haven't applied for CIS before, am I still eligible?   3. I understand that CIS requires a CI to recommend you, but I'm already based in Guangzhou, so how can I go about this?    4. What would be the overall procedure to apply for scholarship? I know this might be a repetitive question, but given my case, I'm not sure what guidelines to follow.   Thank you so much.   
    • moutaicuriosity
      As the title says. I've tried looking everywhere online for the bottle but can't find it. Sadly don't have the box anymore. Any information about this would be greatly appreciated!!
    • PeterTrox
      I don't understand Chinese yet. I am interested in learning to read old Chinese texts like Confucius' Analects or The Three Kingdoms or the Water Margin etc. Should I start by learning Mandarin Chinese, or should I start with learning old Chinese?
    • calculatrix
      Hello experts, some years ago in China I bought a coin with many characters on it. The front shows two guys playing Chinese chess with the characters 棋仙. Google translates that to "chess master". The back side has four lines of text which I deciphered as: 局上閑争 戰人間任是非 𥤪交採𥛲客柯  爛不知歸    As for the fourth character in the third column I am not sure. Maybe it is 撨 or 樵.   Could somebody please tell me if my transcription is correct. And how it translates. And: How old is that coin and what was it used for (the diameter is 4.5 cm)?  Currency?  Charm?   Thank you!
    • dakonglong
      In an interesting twist of fate, I have an opportunity to live in Taipei for a few years. I couldn't be more excited! However, this creates a bit of an issue because all of my studies have been geared towards learning standard Beijing Mandarin (erhua, simplified characters, etc...).   Now I need to learn the traditional characters and the Taiwanese accent. I have about three months to do it.   The traditional characters I am somewhat less worried about. I just picked up 20+ traditional Chinese mangas and have started reading those with the help of a dictionary. I'm pretty sure I can use this technique to power through learning most of them, and maybe transition to light novels / novels to learn the rest. The bigger issue is the accent. When I watch shows from the mainland I can probably understand 80% - 95% of the dialog. When I watch shows from Taiwan, I can understand like 20%. It just sounds to me like the Taiwanese accent enunciates less and the words kind of run together - granted, I felt the same way about Beijing Mandarin until I had more practice listening to it. The other issue I seem to run into is that half of the shows I try to watch mix Taiwanese in with Mandarin. I sometimes can't tell if I can't understand the accent, or the language itself. This is only a minor annoyance, but it adds to the difficulty (and is probably something I will deal with on the ground in Taipei also).   I know the answer is probably just "read more" and "listen more" but does anyone have any tips to adapt from Beijing Mandarin to Taiwanese Mandarin? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    • CJ Johnston
      Hello, I've been offered a job in Wenzhou starting in October teaching English at a Polytechnic. The recruitment company says that I will be paid by them rather than by the school itself. I wasn't aware that this was a thing in China so I'm wondering if this is a red flag and I should turn down the offer. I would appreciate any advice or feedback on this.
    • jannesan
      Hi everyone, I would like to get a book with very comprehensive annotations for Tang poetry. There are tons of options for the classic compilation of 300 Tang poems, but I am not sure which one would be best for a foreigner like me without the typical Chinese education background.    I am looking for something written for natives but with as much hand holding as possible, maybe targetting school kids in 初中 or so. Appreciate any tips!
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