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By addapprehencive Started
What's easier to get? Type-A or Type-B scholarship? I mean where would the chances to be selected be higher? -
By addapprehencive Started
Hi there! I want to apply for a master’s degree scholarship in China and chose a few universities I would like to apply to, but since now it’s allowed to apply to only one university through CSC Type-B program, I wonder if I could create multiple CSC accounts and use each for a different university? Is it even legal/possible? Are there any consequences? -
By Madan Puri Started
I am being blackmailed by an agent that works in applying for csc program. They are asking big amount of money from me. I told them I don't need their service. But they have my passport scanned image and my educational document scanned photo. So, they are blackmailing me by saying that they will create an account at studyinchina.csc.edu.cn using a fake email and apply to a low ranked university using my passport and documents. They will block my opportunity to apply to the university I want to apply because I cannot use my email address to apply(if I apply to csc, there will be two application with my passport because the agent will also apply using my passport to a low ranked university). Since, CSC accepts one application for one student, my csc application might get rejected. How can I prevent the agent from applying to csc using my passport? Can I contact to any official department or do any thing to prevent being blackmailed from the agent? Please help me with this. -
By Gabriel369 Started
As a Chinese learner, I often struggled to find quality TV shows, movies, and books to immerse myself in the language. To solve this problem, I created Chinese Record! Chinese Record allows users to browse through a curated catalog of Chinese media and find detailed information about each item, including a synopsis, links to streaming platforms, trailers, and more. I hope it helps you on your learning journey, and I’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback! -
By CarstenB_ Started
Hi everyone, This topic is for people to ask questions, give feedback or anything else about/ related to XMandarin. I’m excited to introduce XMandarin Chengdu, a vibrant Mandarin language school located in the heart of this dynamic city. If you’re looking for a place to learn Mandarin that blends professional teaching with immersive cultural experiences, you are at the right place! About XMandarin For over a decade, XMandarin has been a trusted name in high-quality Chinese language education, helping learners from around the world master Mandarin and connect with Chinese culture. Since our founding in Qingdao, we have expanded to three locations across China — Qingdao, Chengdu, and most recently, Hangzhou. Each campus is designed to provide a supportive and immersive learning environment, blending professional instruction with amazing cultural experiences. Location Our Chengdu school is conveniently located in Nanyi Plaza, within the lively Wuhou District. Easily accessible and surrounded by Chengdu’s iconic food spots, cultural sites, and vibrant streets, it’s a perfect base for both study and exploration. 📍 Find us here: XMandarin Chengdu Location. What We Offer Intensive or Part-Time Chinese Courses: Designed to fit your schedule and learning goals, these courses focus on practical language skills and cultural understanding. Mini Camps and Immersive Experiences: Whether you're a student, professional, or part of a family group, our camps combine interactive lessons with cultural workshops and exciting excursions. Perfect for exploring Chengdu while advancing your Mandarin skills. Events and Activities At XMandarin Chengdu, we take learning beyond the classroom with regular cultural events: Panda Zoo Visits: Meet Chengdu’s most famous residents. Sichuan Opera Nights: Experience the magical art of face-changing. Chinese Cooking Classes: Learn to make authentic Sichuan dishes. City Walks and Local Tours: Explore the vibrant streets and hidden gems of Chengdu. Affordable and Transparent Pricing Our programs are competitively priced, with no hidden fees. Community Our students come from all over the world, creating a diverse and welcoming community. Frequent meetups and activities help to create relationships and friendships that go beyond your stay in Chengdu. Have questions about studying Mandarin at XMandarin Chengdu? Feel free to ask here or visit our website: XMandarin Chinese Language School. -
By liqi Started
Hey! Sorry if I shoudn't start another topic about it, but I couldn't find any info online and idk if it's really suitable for the other one I made. Anyway... Has anyone here ever used the HSKMock website/app and the official examination papers and then took the actual test? I ask because both are "official", the HSK book is directly from CLEP and the HSKMock website is literally linked straight from the HSK website, but Ifind the difficulty levels between them a little inconsistent. The exercises on the HSK book feels much easier than the exams on the website, I dunno if it's just my perception of difficulty or if it's really different. The book exercises are usually written with way less out-of-syllabus words and in a more direct approach, while the website feels quite a bit more literaly. An example, so people better than me can judge it: Quote 运动洗衣或许在未来会成为一种新的洗衣方式,这要感谢大连的一群大学生,他们发明了一种由自行车提供动力的洗衣机。 发明者说:“骑自行车是一项流行的运动,而洗衣服是你每天或至少每个星期都要做的事情,那何不把二者结合起来呢?” 这种自行车洗衣机像普通的健身器材一样,固定在室内。它的工作原理是:将脏衣服放进自行车底部的一个洗衣仓内,当人骑自行车时,便会产生电量带动洗衣仓转动,直至将衣服洗干净。而多余的电还可供显示屏使用,或者可以储存起来。 尽管自行车洗衣机目前只是一个概念产品,但它对于那些要洗的衣服不多,而且又需要锻炼的人来说特别适用。在科技快速发展的今天,说不定哪天你就能在商店里看到这款产品了。 Official examination papers vs Quote 海南洋浦半岛盐田村的千年古盐田,是中国目前保存比较完好的古盐场。它传承至今的传统制盐工艺,是中华民族民间传统制盐手工业发展的历史见证。 相传,在1200多年前,一群盐工从福建莆田渡海南下,到此居住,继续以煮盐为生。后来,盐工偶然发现,海边石槽内有白盐花,它们是海水被烈日晒干后形成的。盐工惊讶之余,很快就想到就地取材,将海岸边的岩石凿成浅浅的石槽,并将海水舀到石槽里,让烈日把它们曝晒成盐,将“煮海为盐”变为“晒海为盐”。 经过世代的传承和发展,盐田村的盐工不断改进晒盐技艺,创造了“蓄海水——湮盐田——茅草过滤制盐卤水——石槽晒——收盐”这一独特的制盐工序。用这道工序制出来的盐不仅味鲜,而且对多种疾病的治疗有一定的效果。因此,盐田村的盐远近闻名,千百年来远销各地。如今,洋浦半岛已成为现代化的经济开发区,而盐田村人却依然在他们的盐田里传承着这项古老的制盐技艺。 HSKMock website I got all of the questions of both right, but still, the last text seems much harder than the first one.... is the actual test more similar to which one? Both? -
By Pengyou Started
I don't have a masters degree or Ph.D I lived in China for more than 20 years, not all on the proper visa. I returned to the US in July of 2022 and have been lost ever since. I have heard a coupe of murmurs...rumors...that some cities are allow teachers who are 65. True or not? If true, would it be a continual thing, i.e, can continue living and teaching there? -
By nikenikeunike Started
On the eligibility of CSC Scholarship, it's written 2. be an academically excellent holder of high school diploma or its equivalent under the age of 25 when applying for an undergraduate program; It only said high school diploma so I was wondering if we're allowed to applying for bachelor degree on CSC scholarship when i've already got one from an university in my country. Thank you -
By Solsmac Started
<a href='https://postimg.cc/gxqJc30s' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.postimg.cc/NjZr44q3/IMG-2559.jpg' border='0' alt='IMG-2559'/></a> This was suppose to be my stamp for important papers. But I’m not sure if it’s correct. Please help. -
By Jan Finster Started
Every year we have a thread on this and 2025 should be no different. This is to invite you to reflect on your progress and activities in 2024 and your aims for 2025.
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By Explore Chinese in HSK5 Final Prep - Mnemonic Memorization0 comments
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