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I had known the titles of these two songs since I was very young. But I didn't really know about the lyrics (or even the melodies). Now I've rediscovered them. These Cantonese versions (there are different versions of these themes as the story is so well known) are so old (about 30 years) that I could not find a decent version of them on the internet. I could only find the lyrics of 山伯臨終, and had to dictate those of 十八相送 (I am sure there are mistakes as I haven't done dictation for so long). But I think I like them.

I believe there is at least one other Cantonese version of 山伯臨終, but I don't really know it.

曲:顧嘉輝 詞:盧國沾


梁 - 燕子南飛匆匆過 兩家同窗共三載

祝 - 結金蘭 草橋邊

梁 - 光陰如梭又春來

祝 - 情如手足深似海 長亭分別有感慨

梁 - 如今送別歸家去 難捨祝英台

梁 - 滿山紅花香飄送 可惜未生牡丹花

祝 - 牡丹花應讚賞 我家有牡丹茂芳華

梁 - 遠隔千山採牡丹 徒勞虛夢我驚怕

祝 - 願兄意會這番心意 負(?)了牡丹芳華

祝 - 那邊有蝴蝶雙雙對 似比我共兄心相許

梁 - 我怎與弟郎心共許 世間只有雄雌共可唱隨

祝 - 那裏鴛鴦相嬉水 你我相伴結鴛侶

梁 - 賢弟他朝配佳偶 效那鴛鴦相伴隨

祝 - 這一個廟中觀音坐 我牽過梁兄共拜堂 手牽手 心連心 我好似玉女伴痴郎

梁 - 男兒一雙怎訂親 你太荒唐言行狂 梁祝都是男子漢 未許相拜堂

梁 - 送弟你回鄉多感慨

祝 - 數載同窗此際分開

梁 - 怕別臨歧(?)

祝 - 幾時聚首

梁 - 我心暗自神傷問英台

梁 - 情如金石深似海

祝 - 梨(?)亭分別最悲哀

梁 - 願弟記住梁山伯

祝 - 願你記得英台



今生無緣份 情淚斑斑

蝴蝶悲分散 歡情永不返 蝴蝶玉佩曾作媒 悲山伯夢到歡情已夢殘

相思債難填 到死仍繫愛千萬 念到生離死別 長憶是紅顔

讀卿卿書信 珍重滿簡 情義有千萬 紅淚染珠顔 今世做夫妻難也難

哀哀對慈顔 我死後親娘太慘澹 願你加餐飯 我死後魂歸托夢還

胡橋鎮上立墳 碑石兩瓣 題上刻字梁山伯 那一塊爲了祝英台有日還


  • 4 weeks later...

I did not know the song you posted. But it was very easy to find out what it is (just google the lyrics). The name of the song is 亂世桃花. The singers are 葉倩文 and 林子祥 (the two are now married). It was the theme song of a TV series called 九陰真經. Here are the lyrics -


桃花飄夢魂斷 情不死心更亂


難遂我 難遂你 心裏願


桃花島歡笑短 人在愁風雨亂




紛紛飛飛風裏轉 斷斷續續半份緣


追追趕趕飄更遠 日日夜夜痛沒完

不懂我 不解我心亂



合∶幾許烽煙 已忘心中戀 求遂我普世太平願

You may wish to listen to this recording -> http://asp2.6to23.com/tjjr/ra/jinyong/sdyxz/jyzj.wma

The two songs I posted are much older. 《十八相送》 was sung by 羅文 and 關菊英. 《山伯臨終》was sung by 羅文 (he passed away like two years ago).

I liked your song 《十八相送》, I've asked a friend from Guangzhou to help us find the few missing bits.

I don't think there are missing bits. The song was from a very old HK TV series and it is just this long. But I know there are other versions (operas like 越劇) of the same title.

There is another song from the same series which I also like.


梁 - 樓臺暗淚垂 恨似春江水 誓約同守信物爲證 爲何負約把婚退

祝 - 樓臺暗淚垂 恨馬家迫娶 誓約難守信物難證 無情逐散鴛鴦侶

梁 - 我知妹心暗悲

祝 - 負了兄妹心更悲

梁 - 揮淚何堪回首

祝 - 悔盟使我心碎

梁 - 樓臺暗淚垂 恨似春江水

合 - 誓約難守 信物難證 爲誰兩淚垂

祝 - 我心早經暗許

梁 - 馬家要將你迎娶

祝 - 此恨長付東流水

梁 - 有誰補我心碎

祝 - 樓臺涕淚垂 來世雙雙對

合 - 蠟炬成灰 血淚凝結 在黃泉再伴隨

  • 4 years later...
Posted (edited)

It is new year eve and I have nothing to do so I think I will update the links to these old songs. I love the story, so bear with me.

十八相送 -> http://www.51wma.com/sort/1_218_55170.html and a youtube link (see how young the actors were ) -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbtYuS4bxQE (and just think how outdated the lyrics "男兒一雙怎訂親 你太荒唐言行狂" are :mrgreen:)

樓台會 -> http://www.51wma.com/sort/1_218_55166.html

山伯臨終 -> http://www.51wma.com/sort/1_218_55167.html

Edited by skylee

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