renzhe Posted November 20, 2008 at 11:45 PM Report Posted November 20, 2008 at 11:45 PM Indeed it is! The font was not clear, but I should have picked that up, I know the word... 讲究 jiǎng jiu * to pay particular attention to / exquisite / aesthetic Quote
rob07 Posted December 2, 2008 at 09:41 AM Author Report Posted December 2, 2008 at 09:41 AM Renzhe, are you still watching this? I'm getting a bit bored with it. Quote
renzhe Posted December 2, 2008 at 10:56 AM Report Posted December 2, 2008 at 10:56 AM I'm kind of slowly wading my way through it. I guess all the writeups have made it unenjoyable. I'm finishing Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (really recommended) these days, and then I'll get back to this with a bit more power. Quote
renzhe Posted December 4, 2008 at 10:13 PM Report Posted December 4, 2008 at 10:13 PM Here's the vocabulary for the 10th episode: 撞墙 zhuàng qiáng * encounter an obstacle 庸俗 yōng sú * filthy / vulgar / debased 泼妇 pō fù * shrew / vixen 恶霸 è bà * evil tyrant 小白领 xiǎo bái lǐng * little white-collar worker 掐 qiā * to pick (flowers) / to pinch / to clutch 阔 kuò * rich / wide / broad 开发票 to write a receipt 客户 kè hù * client / customer 高升 gāo shēng * to get promoted 咨询 zī xún * consultative / advisory 法兰克福 Fǎ lán kè fú * Frankfurt (Germany) 各地 gè dì * in all parts of (a country) / various regions 流行 liú xíng * to spread / to rage (of contagious disease) / popular 理念 lǐ niàn * idea / concept / philosophy 细部 xì bù * detail 突破 tū pò * breakthrough 采光 cǎi guāng * lighting / day lighting 系统 xì tǒng * system 设施 shè shī * facilities / installation 容积 róng jī * volume / physical space taken up by an object 扎实 zhā shi * strong / solid / sturdy 行为 xíng wéi * action / conduct / behavior 忽略 hū lüè * to forget about / to neglect / to omit by mistake 细节 xì jié * details / particulars 冲突 chōng tū * conflict / to conflict / clash of opposing forces 出丑 chū chǒu * shameful / scandalous / to be humiliated 浮躁 fú zào * over-active / impetuous / impulsive 职责 zhí zé * duty, responsibility, or obligation 一视同仁 yī shì tóng rén * to treat everyone equally favourably (成语 saw); not to discriminate between people 手艺 shǒu yì * craft / workmanship / one's cooking 三生有幸 sān shēng yǒu xìng * to be most fortunate 轰动 hōng dòng * sensation / stir 侧翼 cé yì * flank, lateral 换岗 huàn gǎng * to relieve a sentry / to change the guard 爆炸 bào zhà * explosion / to explode / to blow up 项目 xiàng mù * item / project / sports event 经理 jīng lǐ * manager / director 企业 qǐ yè * company / firm / enterprise 填补 tián bǔ * to fill a gap / to fill in a blank (on a form) / to overcome a deficiency 威胁 wēi xié * to threaten / to menace 光芒四射 guāng máng sì shè * to emit rays of radiance 十拿九稳 shí ná jiǔ wěn * ninety percent sure / practically certain 八九不离十 bā jiǔ bù lí shí * pretty close / very near / about right 承包商 chéng bāo shāng * contractor / entrepreneur 腐败 fǔ bài * corruption / corrupt / rotten 贵族 guì zú * lord / nobility / nobleman 吵翻 chǎo fàn * to have a falling out? 空话大话 kōng huà dà huà * to make a long story short ?? 徐峥 I don't know how long I'll keep doing these, but so far, I find the vocab important and useful. Lots of useful stuff that's not in the common vocabulary lists. Quote
roddy Posted December 5, 2008 at 02:06 AM Report Posted December 5, 2008 at 02:06 AM 吵翻 chǎo fàn * to fight and break up (NB should be fān) 空话大话 kōng huà dà huà * empty words and boasts 徐峥 Name of a Chinese actor Quote
renzhe Posted December 6, 2008 at 10:28 PM Report Posted December 6, 2008 at 10:28 PM Episode 11 vocabulary. It's funny, it is the 11th show we've watched, and this is the eleventh episode. Haha. No, it's not that funny..... Anyway, here are the words: 商品 shāng pǐn * good / commodity / merchandise 唾沫 tuò mò * spittle / saliva 西装 xī zhuāng * (Western-style) clothes 打包 dǎ bāo * (H.K. term) doggie bag / take-home bag from a restaurant 坚持 jiān chí * to continue upholding / to remain committed to / persistence 般配 bān pèi * to be well matched (in marriage) 平衡 píng héng * balance / equilibrium 满载而归 mǎn zài ér guī * to return from a rewarding journey 钻进 zuān jìn * to get into / to dig into (studies, job etc) / to squeeze into 代理 dài lǐ * acting (temporarily filling a position) / to act for / a surrogate 风险 fēng xiǎn * risk / venture / hazard 门脸儿房 a place with a shop window (e.g. for a cafe or something) 茶壶 chá hú * teapot 宁可 nìng kě * preferably / one would prefer to...(or not to...) / would rather 矫正 jiǎo zhèng * to correct / to rectify (e.g. a physical defect such as hearing or vision) / to cure 按摩 àn mó * massage 耽搁 dān ge * tarry / stopover / delay 液晶电视 LCD television set 冲动 chōng dòng * impetus / impulse / emotional impulse 惊叹 jīng tàn * to exclaim in admiration / a gasp of surprise 单纯 dān chún * simple / pure / alone 理直气壮 to be in the right an confident in the strength of one's arguments 酒疯 jiǔ fēng * drunken antics 立项 lì xiàng * to have a project authorised and registered 理顺 lǐ shùn * to sort things out 拆迁 chāi qiān * to tear away (land from its owners) 招标 zhāo biāo * to invite bids 销售 xiāo shòu * to sell / market / sales 过河拆桥 guò hé chāi qiáo * to dismantle the bridge as soon as one's crossed / to burn one's bridges 刀锋 dāo fēng * blade of a knife 包袱 bāo fu * cloth-wrapper / a bundle wrapped in cloth / load 冲刺 chōng cì * to sprint / to spurt / to dash 辞职 cí zhí * to resign 撕破 sī pò * tear 虚伪 xū wěi * false / hypocritical / artificial 奥迪A八 Audi A8 传言 chuán yán * rumor / hearsay 逛商场 shopping centre ?? 抢走 go against the wind ?? 自我膨胀 to be full of oneself? overblown ego? I didn't quite understand the following: Mi Lai to Lu Tao: 你更像一抢劫犯。智力型的 Quote
roddy Posted December 7, 2008 at 03:57 AM Report Posted December 7, 2008 at 03:57 AM 逛商场 shopping centre ?? - 逛 as in 逛街 - stroll, ramble. Think window-shopping. 抢走 go against the wind ?? - to steal by force 自我膨胀 to be full of oneself? overblown ego? - i think you're on the right lines. Puffed up, perhaps. 你更像一抢劫犯。智力型的 -you're more like a robber. A smart one. (not sure about context, but I'd assume he's being compared with someone who's like a mugger, whereas he is like a bank robber carrying out meticulously planned jobs. ) Quote
renzhe Posted December 11, 2008 at 09:41 PM Report Posted December 11, 2008 at 09:41 PM Here's episode 12. There is lots of stuff going on here. Lu Tao's stepfather decides to help him, Xiaoyun still likes Huazi (the movie they watch is 绿茶 with 赵薇, it's a nice art movie), Xiang Nan is the most useless husband ever, and Xia Lin finds out that Mi Lai is back. 飞蝗 fēi huáng * flying locusts 讽刺 fěng cì * to satirize / to mock / irony 幽怨 yōu yuàn * bottled-up * bitterness 帕萨特 Volkswagen Passat 降价 jiàng jià * price reduction 兜风 dōu fēng * to catch the wind / to go for a spin in the fresh air 名额 míng é * fixed number of people / quota 台球 tái qiú * billiards 保姆 bǎo mǔ * nanny / housekeeper 看重 kàn zhòng * to regard as important / to care about 兴奋 xīng fèn * excited / excitement 行驶 xíng shǐ * to travel along a route (of vehicles etc) 对待 duì dài * to treat / treatment 慎重 shèn zhòng * cautious / careful / prudent 毁掉 huǐ diào * destroy 思考 sī kǎo * to reflect on / to ponder over 把握 bǎ wò * grasp / seize / hold 激情 jī qíng * passion / fervor / enthusiasm 代替 dài tì * instead / to replace / to substitute (X for Y, or a number in an algebraic expression) 邪恶 xié è * sinister / vicious / wicked 永恒 yǒng héng * eternal / everlasting / fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die) 成熟 chéng shú * mature / ripe 时髦 shí máo * in vogue / fashionable 欣赏 xīn shǎng * to appreciate / to enjoy / to admire 鬼迷心窍 guǐ mí xīn qiào * lit. devil charms heart tunnel (成语 saw); infatuated / possessed by a devil 融和 róng hé * warm / agreeable 亲自出马 qīn zì chū mǎ * attend to the matter personally 区政府 qū zhèng fǔ * local government 恶意 è yì * malice / evil intention 以权谋私 yǐ quán móu sī * exploit one's position for personal gain 奥斯卡 Aò sī kǎ * Oscar, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences annual award 利落 lì luò * agile / nimble / all settled 简略 jiǎn lüè * simple / brief 奋起直追 fèn qǐ zhí zhuī * to catch up vigorously / to set off in hot pursuit 肺腑 fèi fǔ * lungs / bottom of one's heart 速冻 sù dòng * quick-freeze 安于现状 ān yú xiàn zhuàng * be content with the things the way they are 迪斯尼 Dí sī ní * (Walt) Disney / Disneyland 卡通 kǎ tōng * cartoon 麻木 má mù * numb 怅然若失 chàng rán ruò shī * to be miserably disappointed / in a despodent mood 迪厅 dí tīng * disco / night club / abbr. for 迪斯科廳|迪斯科厅 拆迁 chāi qiān * to tear away (land from its owners) 阶段 jiē duàn * stage / section / phase / period 黑名单 hēi míng dān * blacklist / list of proscribed people (books etc) 疑问 yí wèn * a question / sth not understood / to query 铁面无私 tiě miàn wú sī * iron mask and selfless (成语 saw); honest and incorruptible 挑刺 tiāo cì * to carp / nitpicking / petty criticism 减肥 jiǎn féi * to lose weight 试驾 test driver ?? 钻王 养眼 to feast one's eyes ?? 答理 I didn't understand the following sentence: 我一朋友说这个星期日有一个试驾会。 我想法弄俩名额吧。 There is a meeting of test drivers? Someting with quota? Quote
rob07 Posted December 14, 2008 at 11:43 AM Author Report Posted December 14, 2008 at 11:43 AM Thanks for keeping this up, Renzhe. I'd let it drop for a while, but watched a few episodes this weekend and am back into it now. Quote
renzhe Posted December 16, 2008 at 07:40 PM Report Posted December 16, 2008 at 07:40 PM Episodes 13 and 14 coming up: 风险 fēng xiǎn * risk / venture / hazard 竞争 jìng zhēng * to compete / competition 摁 èn * to press (with finger) 驾照 jià zhào * driver's license 昏睡 hūn shuì * sleep / drowse when unconscious / lethargic sleep 生人 shēng rén * stranger 蔫头耷脑 niān tóu dā nǎo * with one's head hanging / despondent / spiritless 拆迁 chāi qiān * to tear away (land from its owners) 政策 zhèng cè * policy 吐口 tǔ kǒu * tell the truth / say in approval / make a demand 幸灾乐祸 xìng zāi lè huò * to delight in other people's misfortune / Schadenfreude 兴奋 xīng fèn * excited / excitement 保安 bǎo ān * to ensure public security / public security 欲壑难填 yù hè nán tián * bottomless pit of desire (成语 saw); insatiable greed 家丑外扬 jiā chǒu wài yáng * family scandal out in the open 狼心狗肺 láng xīn gǒu fèi * cruel and unscrupulous / heartless and ungrateful 结石 jié shí * stone (like kidney stone) 出神入化 chū shén rù huà * to reach perfection (成语 saw); a superb artistic achievement 平衡 píng héng * balance / equilibrium 排场 pái chang * ostentation / a show of extravagance / grand style 急病 jí bìng * (to contract an) accute disease 降低 jiàng dī * to reduce / to lower / to bring down 售价 shòu jià * to sell for / selling price 内疚 nèi jiù * a guilty conscience / to feel a twinge of guilt 自在 zì zai * free / unrestrained / comfortable 内装修 nèi zhuāng xiū * interior design / interior decoration 抱怨 bào yuàn * to complain / to grumble 恩怨 ēn yuàn * (feeling of) resentment / (longstanding) grudge 新疆 Xīn jiāng * Xinjiang / Uighur autonomous region 蜜月 mì yuè * honeymoon 哈密瓜 hā mì guā * Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon) / honeydew 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào * unfathomable mystery (成语 saw); subtle and ineffable / unable to make head or tail of it / boring (e.g. movie) 折腾 zhē teng * to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly) / to repeat sth over and over again / to torment sb 稀罕 xī han * rare / scarce / uncommon 过桥米线 guò qiáo mǐ xiàn * cross-bridge rice noodles 印刷 yìn shuā * print 查抄 chá chāo * take inventory of and confiscate a criminal's possessions 盘算 pán suàn * to plot / to scheme / to calculate 煤气 méi qì * coal gas / gas 漏 lòu * funnel / to leak / to let out 乳腺癌 rǔ xiàn ái * breast cancer 神秘 shén mì * mysterious / mystery 鞠躬 jū gōng * to bow 发廊 fà láng * hair dresser's shop 立马 lì mǎ * at once / immediately / promptly 篝火 gōu huǒ * bonfire 舍利 shè lì * ashes after cremation / Buddhist relics (Sanskirt: sarira) 转悠 zhuàn you * to turn / to stroll / to sway I wasn't sure about these: 光围墙 比别 to compete with / compare with someone (??) 火苗 huǒ miáo * to flame / flame (they were talking about QQ) Quote
renzhe Posted December 17, 2008 at 09:42 PM Report Posted December 17, 2008 at 09:42 PM Actually, I think that 火苗 refers to online flirting, the context was something like 婚外火苗, so it's that kind of flame I guess. Xiangnan was being jealous of her QQ chatting. Episode 15: 霸道 bà dào * the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道 / despotic rule / rule by might 着落 zhuó luò * whereabouts (i.e. where sth has got to) / reliable source / (the matter) falls to sb's responsibility 溜达 liū da * to stroll / to go for a walk 保险卡 insurance card 立马 lì mǎ * at once / immediately / promptly 干预 gān yù * to meddle / to intervene / intervention 振作 zhèn zuò * encouraged / to summon up (courage) / to encourage 遇见 yù jiàn * meet 意料 yì liào * to anticipate / to expect / to reckon ahead 原则 yuán zé * principle / doctrine 理顺 lǐ shùn * sort things out 刻板 kè bǎn * stiff / inflexible / mechanical 沉闷 chén mèn * oppressive (of weather) / heavy / depressed 压抑 yā yì * repression / to constrain or repress emotions 礼炮 lǐ pào * a gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute) / salvo 暴发户 bào fā hù * newly rich / parvenu / upstart 信誉 xìn yù * prestige / distinction / reputation 效率 xiào lǜ * efficiency 名额 míng é * fixed number of people / quota 战略 zhàn lüè * strategy 筵席 yán xí * banquet 巡航定速 cruise control 拉风 is this 拉风箱 ? So, who is still around? Things kind of break down for Lu Tao in this episode, as his awesome new project is sold off without his knowledge, and Xia Lin refuses to return from Xinjiang. Raw deal for Huazi who was looking forward to Lu Tao hooking him up with a job, now that Lu Tao decides to quit. Quote
rob07 Posted December 18, 2008 at 09:05 AM Author Report Posted December 18, 2008 at 09:05 AM So, who is still around?Things kind of break down for Lu Tao in this episode, as his awesome new project is sold off without his knowledge, and Xia Lin refuses to return from Xinjiang. Still here. Lu Tao is just a bit much. He's just shouted his uni mates a $10,000 rmb meal and charged it to Daddy's company. Now he throws a tantrum because Daddy actually wanted to make some decisions about the hundreds of millions he had invested rather than just giving everything to Lu Tao. Not only that, Daddy actually has the nerve to want to make future investments based on what he thinks is good value (property in second tier cities). Funnily enough he's a little reluctant to blow hundreds of millions just so Lu Tao can indulge his grandiose dreams of remaking the face of his hometown. As for Xia Lin's reaction, could anything be less surprising? Quote
renzhe Posted December 18, 2008 at 02:30 PM Report Posted December 18, 2008 at 02:30 PM I think Lu Tao's frustration is that his dad never even told him what he was going to do, let alone consulted him on the issue. He gave him the impression that he was in charge, that it was his project, then one day he comes to work, and his project was sold and he's essentially demoted and getting sent to some small town. This is after he gets his stepfather to trample on his principles thinking that he is helping him. I can kind of understand it. I can also understand that Xia Lin is less than happy. But instead of kicking him in the nuggets and picking up her stuff, she leaves him alone with Mi Lai and resorts to quips from Xinjiang. Kind of weird. Quote
rob07 Posted December 19, 2008 at 10:33 AM Author Report Posted December 19, 2008 at 10:33 AM Yes, I'm being a bit harsh on Lu Tao, his dad handled it badly and it would have been very frustrating. Good point about the stepfather's principles. But really, anytime anybody invests hundreds of millions, they are going to want final say about what happens to the investment. Quite likely, his dad had to make up his mind very quickly about the sale. Lu Tao is just so unbelievably privileged, it is annoying to see him throw such a tantrum about a problem that no one else would be lucky enough to have. The only reason he got to take anywhere near the amount of responsibility he did was because his dad was the boss. Spare a thought for the poor guy who worked for the father for so long only to get tossed aside for a 22 year old with an attitude problem. I can also understand that Xia Lin is less than happy. But instead of kicking him in the nuggets and picking up her stuff, she leaves him alone with Mi Lai and resorts to quips from Xinjiang. Kind of weird. I guess Xia Lin is delaying making a final decision. She had decided that she was going to marry him tomorrow after all, so it is quite an emotional adjustment to change her mind and dump him. I haven't seen episode 16 yet, it will be interesting to see what happens when she gets back from Xinjiang. I really liked that moment in the earlier episode when Lu Tao skips the birthday dinner to be with Mi Lai and Xia Lin rings him up. Lu Tao is making excuses and Mi Lai points out that this is all he has to look forward to in the future where Xia Lin has gotten old and unattractive - taking endless calls from her when he is with another woman and trying to persuade her he is at work. Mi Lai definitely has her moments. I also find it interesting the way the father wants Lu Tao to dump Xia Lin; because he dumped the love of his life, he wants Lu Tao to do the same. Quote
rob07 Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:16 PM Author Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:16 PM I'm going to give myself a pat on the back for finishing this series. I doubt it would have held my interest if it had been in English, but it is great practice. Parts of it really annoyed me - Lulu's wedding probably most of all. Renzhe - how are you going with this? Quote
renzhe Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:20 PM Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:20 PM I sort of let myself drift away, but I've been meaning to finish this soon. I've done lots of reading and very little watching recently, I'll change that as soon as I finish reading 射雕英雄传. Congrats on finishing! Quote
imron Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:58 PM Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 01:58 PM Yeah, Lulu's wedding was really annoying. One part I did like was in the last episode (second last episode perhaps?) when Lu Tao has long talks with each of his fathers. Both of those talks contain some great dialogue. Quote
roddy Posted January 31, 2009 at 03:39 PM Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 03:39 PM Well done on the series finishing, Rob. There's a 奋斗2, you know . . . Quote
gougou Posted January 31, 2009 at 03:43 PM Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 03:43 PM Pat on the back from me too! I was thinking about giving this one a shot, so would you recommend this one over other Chinese series? You don't seem particularly enthralled by it, and I guess the learning aspect holds true for most series. Quote
renzhe Posted January 31, 2009 at 07:19 PM Report Posted January 31, 2009 at 07:19 PM To be honest, it's probably the best modern soap opera we've watched. There are higher-quality shows (mostly historical and literature-based stuff), but this is quite watchable and modern. And it beats everything else in terms of the learning aspect, because almost all the vocabulary is modern and highly relevant (and not some sanskrit passages and Laozi quotes). If you watch the first few episodes, you'll know whether it's worth investing the time or not. Quote
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