rob07 Posted February 1, 2009 at 12:39 AM Author Report Posted February 1, 2009 at 12:39 AM Agree with Renzhe. I wanted to watch a complete modern Chinese soap series, and this was probably the best. The problem is that modern Chinese soaps don't seem to be much more than watchable at most. Having said that, 奋斗 was definitely watchable though not enthralling. The show I would recommend is 魔幻手机, although you would need to struggle through the atrocious special effects in the first episode and it is probably best to just stop watching at episode 29. Interesting question about the learning aspect. It depends on your level a bit, I guess. A Chinese colleague of mine advised me to stay away from the historical stuff. She said she knows an ABC who learnt most of her Chinese from costume dramas and sounds like someone from the Tang Dynasty. If you live in China and/or already speak Chinese pretty well, this might not be a problem, but until very recently the first episode project was 100% of my exposure to spoken Chinese. I have certainly seen some very real and tangible benefits from watching these shows. Quote
gougou Posted February 1, 2009 at 01:08 AM Report Posted February 1, 2009 at 01:08 AM Great, thanks for the recommendations you two! I'll give this one a shot then! Quote
atitarev Posted February 3, 2009 at 07:23 AM Report Posted February 3, 2009 at 07:23 AM Terribly sorry for the long silence. The forum is unblocked at work now but I am careful. I haven't finished Episode 2 but I've done about 2/3 of the transcript. It's 22 pages in Word (font 12)! Perhaps, someone can use it. Attaching here along with the vocab. Fendou ep.2.txt Fendou2 - vocab.txt 1 Quote
renzhe Posted March 14, 2009 at 07:38 PM Report Posted March 14, 2009 at 07:38 PM Here is the vocab for episodes 16-20. Only stuff that's not in HSK vocab lists. Hope it helps someone. 虚伪 xū wěi * false / sham / hypocritical 加号 jiā hào * plus sign + / positive 背地里 bèi dì li * behind someone's back 官司 guān si * lawsuit 欣慰 xīn wèi * to be gratified 苦涩 kǔ sè * bitter and astringent / pained / agonized 高尚 gāo shàng * nobly / lofty 打住 dǎ zhù * to stop 无害 wú hài * harmless 攀比 pān bǐ * to make invidious comparisons / to emulate others 魅力 mèi lì * charm / fascination / glamor / charisma 肺腑之言 fèi fǔ zhī yán * words from the bottom of one's heart 数落 shǔ luò * to enumerate sb's shortcomings / to criticize / to scold 幽怨 yōu yuàn * hidden bitterness 人流 rén liú * an abortion 低谷 dī gǔ * fig. low point / lowest ebb 彩票 cǎi piào * the lottery / lottery ticket 想通 xiǎng tōng * to think something through 鄙视 bǐ shì * to despise / to disdain / to look down upon 扯平 chě píng * to break even / to get even 万宝路 Wàn bǎo lù * Marlboro (cigarette) 牛仔 niú zǎi * cowboy 雄心壮志 xióng xīn zhuàng zhì * great ambition / lofty aspiration 花心 huā xīn * playboy / playgirl 片子 piān zi * film / movie / film reel / gramophone record 乐极生悲 lè jí shēng bēi * extreme joy turns to sorrow / Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong! 贞节 zhēn jié * loyalty / chastity 烈女 liè nǚ * woman who dies in defence of her chastity 灵犀 líng xī * rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer telepathic powers / fig. mutual sensitivity / tacit exchange of romantic feelings 虚荣 xū róng * vanity 蒸蒸日上 zhēng zhēng rì shàng * becoming more prosperous with each passing day 来劲 lái jìn * to be full of enthusiasm 烂泥 làn ní * mud / ooze 脏话 zāng huà * profanity / obscene language / speaking rudely 厚道 hòu dào * honest and kind / generous 麻将 má jiàng * mahjong 势利 shì lì * selfishly concerned with gaining advantages for oneself Quote
renzhe Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:35 AM Report Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:35 AM Vocab for episodes 21-25. Only stuff that's not in the HSK vocab. Enjoy. 希腊 Xī là * Greece 耍无赖 shuǎ wú lài * to act unreasonably and shamelessly 虾兵蟹将 xiā bīng xiè jiàng * shrimp soldiers and crab generals (in mythology or popular fiction, the army of the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea) / useless troops 插座 chā zuò * socket / outlet 危险品 wēi xiǎn pǐn * hazardous materials 欣慰 xīn wèi * to be gratified 无息 wú xī * interest-free 趁虚而入 chèn xū ér rù * move in while the opponent is off guard 去火药 qù huǒ yào * medicine against fever 得逞 dé chěng * prevail / succeed 巴基斯坦 Bā jī sī tǎn * Pakistan 焦虑 jiāo lǜ * anxious / worried / apprehensive 荒漠 huāng mò * barren 认命 rèn mìng * to accept one's fate 金屋藏娇 jīn wū cáng jiāo * a golden house to keep one's mistress / a magnificent house built for a beloved woman 新奇 xīn qí * novelty / novel 喧闹 xuān nào * make a noise / noisy 飞镖 fēi biāo * darts 剟 duō * throw (darts) / cut / strike 芭比Q barbecue 拧 nìng * stubborn 肯德基 Kěn dé jī * KFC / Kentucky Fried Chicken 知本家 a pun on 资本家 炮儿局 slang for police office 坑惨 kēng cán * to cheat (and really hurt) somebody 叛逆 pàn nì * to rebel / to revolt 耍赖 shuǎ lài * to act unreasonably and shamelessly 竟拍 jìng pāi * auction 出让 chū ràng * to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else) 管理 guǎn lǐ* to supervise / to manage 滋润 zī rùn * moist / comfortably off 发廊 fà láng * hair dresser's shop 倒插门 dào chā mén * to marry and live with the bride's family (inverting traditional Chinese expectations) 乌鸦嘴 wū yā zuǐ * lit. crow's beak / fig. harbinger of doom 心碎 xīn suì * heart-broken / extreme depth of sorrow 乌托邦 wū tuō bāng * utopia 拾掇 shí duō * to clear up / to tidy up / to pick up 古董 gǔ dǒng * curio / antique 骨灰 gǔ huī * bone ash / ashes of the dead 自助 zì zhù * self service 调情 tiáo qíng * flirt 破罐破摔 pò guàn pò shuāi * lit. to smash a cracked pot; fig. to treat oneself as hopeless and act crazily 周到 zhōu dào thoughtful / considerate 含蓄 hán xù implicit 随和 suí hé amiable (disposition) / easy-going 糜烂 mí làn dissipated 整容 zhěng róng plastic surgery 丑八怪 chǒu bā guài ugly person / wretch 退票 tuì piào bounce (a check) / ticket refund 富家女 girl from arich family ?? 绕弯子 rào wān zi * lit. to go on a long detour / fig. to beat about the bush 文秘 wén mì * secretary 磨蹭 mó ceng * to move slowly / to brush lightly 抻 chēn * pull 显摆 xiǎn bǎi * to show off 差劲 chà jìn * bad / no good / below average / disappointi 放鸽子 焦虑 jiāo lǜ * anxious / worried / apprehensive 绿帽子 lǜ mào zi * cuckold / cheated husband 浴巾 yù jīn * bath towel 开发商 kāi fā shāng * developer (e.g. real-estate, software etc) 打岔 dǎ chà * interruption / to interrupt (esp. talk) / to change the subject 不堪入目 bù kān rù mù * unbearable to look at / an eyesore 煽风点火 shān fēng diǎn huǒ * to fan the flames / to stir up trouble 模棱两可 mó léng liǎng kě * ambivalent / to hold two contradictory views at the same time / to sit on the fence 后怕 hòu pà * lingering fear / fear after the event / post-traumatic stress 及时掐灭 do things at the right time ?? 防范 fáng fàn * to guard 意识 yì shí * consciousness / awareness / consciously 贼眉鼠眼 zéi méi shǔ yǎn * to have a thievish/sneaky look 催眠 cuī mián * hypnosis 勾魂 gōu hún * to bewitch 地段 dì duàn * section / district 性价比 xìng jià bǐ * cost performance Quote
roddy Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:45 AM Report Posted March 20, 2009 at 12:45 AM 发廊 fà láng * hair dresser's shop - cultural note: often a (transparently thin) cover for prostitution. 放鸽子 - to stand someone up Quote
Guest realmayo Posted April 8, 2009 at 02:07 PM Report Posted April 8, 2009 at 02:07 PM Hey, I finally watched my first first episode ... quite apart from the show itself, thank you very much to everyone, especially renzhe with those heroic vocab lists! :D:D will certainly watch the rest of the series. really appreciated! Quote
roddy Posted April 8, 2009 at 02:38 PM Report Posted April 8, 2009 at 02:38 PM Congratulations. How easy did you find it to understand? Quote
Guest realmayo Posted April 9, 2009 at 02:40 AM Report Posted April 9, 2009 at 02:40 AM How easy did you find it to understand? The first few minutes, where 3 or 4 guys are walking and talking, I couldn't understand a word! I would certainly have stopped watching if it wasn't for the material available here. In terms of understanding who is who and what happens in the episode, I would say I understand it well, there's nothing I'm puzzled about. There was plenty of language that I missed, but a few times I paused and read the (very clear) subtitles when I thought necessary, and listened again. Having the synopsis was a huge help: I felt I didn't have to "strain" or stress to work out what was being said, because if I missed something it didn't matter -- I had the synopsis. And by being relaxed I think I actually understood much more of the dialogue than I would have done if I was worried about not being able to follow the plot (if that makes sense?). Also, obviously, knowledge of the plot gives context which makes understanding much easier. I found that in general I understood the dialogue more easily when I wasn't looking at the subtitles at all. I guess my reading speed is too slow! Anyway, a much-appreciated confidence boost. And good practice listening to northern Chinese accents, I really find the stronger ones wierd. Quote
renzhe Posted May 15, 2009 at 07:48 PM Report Posted May 15, 2009 at 07:48 PM Episodes 26-30. The last two are coming soon. Enjoy. 眉目 méi mu * progress / prospect of solution / sign of positive outcome 山穷水尽 shān qióng shuǐ jìn * mountain and river exhausted (成语 saw); at the end of the line / nowhere to go 底线 dì xiàn * to underline / base line (in sports) 开河 kāi hé * to open a river / to dig a canal / to thaw (of river) 龙虾 lóng xiā * lobster 芥茉 = 芥末 jiè mo * mustard / wasabi 磨蹭 mó ceng * to move slowly / to dawdle / to work sluggishly / to brush lightly 祖宗 zǔ zōng * ancestor / forebear 禽兽 qín shòu * birds and animals / creature / beast (brutal person) 骑虎难下 qí hǔ nán xià * if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (成语 saw); fig. impossible to stop halfway 修女 xiū nǚ * nun 请求宽恕 qǐng qiú kuān shù * to sue for mercy / to ask for forgiveness / begging for magnanimity 激怒 jī nù * to infuriate 要命 yào mìng * to cause sb's death / very / extremely 显摆 xiǎn bǎi * to show off 义气 yì qì * spirit of loyalty and self-sacrifice / code of brotherhood 折腾 zhē teng * to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly) / to repeat sth over and over again / to torment sb 苦涩 kǔ sè * bitter and astringent / pained / agonized 施工 shī gōng * construction 抻 chēn * to pull / to stretch / to draw sth out 失恋 shī liàn * lost in love 心理医生 psychoterapist 康复 kāng fù * to recuperate / to recover (health) / to convalesce 资用 zī yòng * available 外加 wài jiā * in addition / extra 绝交 jué jiāo * to break off relations / to break with sb 游乐场 yóu lè chǎng * playground 开业 kāi yè * to open a business / to open a practice / open (for business) 吹牛 chuī niú * brag / chat (dialect) 野营 yě yíng * to camp / field lodgings 繁星 fán xīng * many stars / a vast sky full of stars 郁闷 yù mèn * gloomy / depressed 铅笔 qiān bǐ * (lead) pencil 强壮 qiáng zhuàng * strong / sturdy / robust 赞同 zàn tóng * to approve of / to endorse / (vote) in favorzàn tóng * to approve of / to endorse / (vote) in favor 引狼入室 yǐn láng rù shì * to lead the wolf into the house (成语 saw); to leave oneself open to attack / to act imprudently, asking for trouble 俗气 sú qì * tacky / inelegant / in poor taste 心理学 xīn lǐ xué * psychology 喜新厌旧 xǐ xīn yàn jiù * lit. to like the new, and hate the old (成语 saw); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old 迷住 mí zhu * to fascinate / to strongly attract / to obsess 心慌 xīn huāng * irregular heart-beat 小倒 起哄 qǐ hòng * to heckle / rowdy jeering / to create a disturbance 迷茫 mí máng * dim / hazy / (of the mind) in a trance 丰田 Fēng tián * Toyota or Toyoda (name) / Toyota, Japanese car make 跑车 pǎo chē * racing bicycle / sporting bicycle / sports car 迷恋 mí liàn * to be infatuated with / to indulge in 付出 fù chū * to pay 沮丧 jǔ sàng * dispirited / dejected / be dismayed 融资 róng zī * financing 强行 qiáng xíng * to force / to break 预售 yù shòu advance sale / to sell in advance / to book 余地 yú dì * margin / leeway 华尔街 Huá ěr jiē * Wall Street 小巷 xiǎo xiàng * alley 当中 dāng zhōng * among / in the middle / in the center 合伙人 hé huǒ rén * partner / associate 过冬 guò dōng * to get through the winter 风险 fēng xiǎn * risk / venture / hazard 才华 cái huá * literary or artistic talent 报表 bào biǎo * forms for reporting statistics / report forms 预测 yù cè * forecast / predict 故宫 gù gōng * The Imperial Palace 回报 huí bào * (in) return / reciprocation / payback 离场 pull out of a business venture???? 振作 zhèn zuò * encouraged / to summon up (courage) / to encourage 气馁 qì něi * to be discouraged 夸张 kuā zhāng * to exaggerate / vaunted / overstated 抵触 dǐ chù * to conflict / to contradict 轱辘 gū lu * wheel / to roll 点滴 diǎn dī * a drip / a little bit / intravenous drip (used to administer drugs) 认同 rèn tóng * identify / approve / acknowledge Quote
renzhe Posted May 16, 2009 at 09:18 PM Report Posted May 16, 2009 at 09:18 PM w00t w00t! Finished! Here are the last two episodes: 情调 qíng diào * sentiment; tone and mood; taste 疲惫 pí bèi * beaten / exhausted / tired 薯条 shǔ tiáo * french fried potatoes / french fries 母校 mǔ xiào * alma mater 风云 Fēng Yún * Fung Wan (comic book series) 破戒 pò jiè * to violate a religious precept / to smoke or drink after giving up 忙碌 máng lù * busy / bustling 卢浮官 Louvre 赛纳 (river) Seine 怜悯 lián mǐn * pity / mercy 焦虑 jiāo lǜ * anxious / worried / apprehensive 迷茫 mí máng * dim / hazy / (of the mind) in a trance 下注 xià zhù * to pour / to pour down (of rain) / to lay a bet 懦夫 nuò fū * coward 理想主义者 idealist 技巧 jì qiǎo * skill / technique 四处漂泊 to drift about 弥补 mí bǔ * to complement / to make up for a deficiency 硬汉 tough guy / unweilding man 为人 wéi rén * behavior / one's conduct 对劲儿 normal/right 合情合理 hé qíng hé lǐ * reasonable and fair (成语 saw) 介意 jiè yì * to care about / to take offense / to mind 破罐破摔 pò guàn pò shuāi * lit. to smash a cracked pot (成语 saw); crazy despair in the face of a blemish, defect, error or setback Some random thoughts:向南 is an idiot of epic proportions and 米莱 is a good friend to have if you're looking to meet girls. The later episodes were indeed the strongest ones, as everyone grows up and things wrap up. Overall, this was quite enjoyable. It is not particularly realistic, and there is some silliness around, but it remains watchable, the plot keeps moving for the most part, and the characters are mostly interesting. Not something I'd watch for its great artistic quality, but not bad either. As a learning tool, this is probably the best resource out there. I urge everyone learning Chinese to watch this one all the way through. There are even vocabulary lists to help you along. There is so much dialogue, it is extremely modern, everyday speech, and it covers basically every topic imaginable, from business to family to relationships to weddings to funerals to music to design etc. etc. When starting to watch this, I could barely follow along, and just about manage to get the main idea. Towards the end, I could follow without subtitles and understand almost everything in it. Great listening drill, and a watchable series with pretty people too. Quote
imron Posted May 16, 2009 at 11:04 PM Report Posted May 16, 2009 at 11:04 PM My favourite parts are when he has the two separate conversations with both his step-father and biological father. Especially in one of those conversations when he called one of them 爸 - haha, I won't spoil it by saying which one (throughout the series he refused to call either of them 爸) but to me that signified that 陆涛 had finally grown up. Quote
roddy Posted May 16, 2009 at 11:47 PM Report Posted May 16, 2009 at 11:47 PM w00t w00t! Finished! Here are the last two episodes: Excellent, congratulations. Quote
calibre2001 Posted May 17, 2009 at 01:21 PM Report Posted May 17, 2009 at 01:21 PM Finally, a show that's interesting and worth watching. Hope I can finally get used to northern mandarin thru this show. Quote
renzhe Posted May 17, 2009 at 04:49 PM Report Posted May 17, 2009 at 04:49 PM There is actually a variety of accents throughout. 灵珊 speaks with a Taiwanese accent and her father has a really strong accent that I can't pinpoint. I was dependent on the subtitles for his lines. 陆涛's biological father also has a slight accent. 露露 is also not from Beijing. The problem, rather than general northern Mandarin, is that a number of characters speak Beijing dialect. For example 陆涛 and 向南, but especially 华子 and 猪头, who speak a really colloquial slang a lot of the time. But overall, I found it OK and quite easy to follow. Other than 华子 and 猪头, much of the speech is close enough to the standard to not pose a huge problem. And the lines are quite authentic. Quote
muyongshi Posted May 18, 2009 at 02:06 AM Report Posted May 18, 2009 at 02:06 AM His accent I believe is actually fake. But it is supposed to be a "cantonese" accent. Quote
imron Posted May 18, 2009 at 02:54 AM Report Posted May 18, 2009 at 02:54 AM 灵珊's Father or 陆涛's father? Quote
atitarev Posted May 18, 2009 at 06:08 AM Report Posted May 18, 2009 at 06:08 AM Great job, Renzhe. Quote
calibre2001 Posted May 18, 2009 at 11:52 AM Report Posted May 18, 2009 at 11:52 AM There is actually a variety of accents throughout. 灵珊 speaks with a Taiwanese accent and her father has a really strong accent that I can't pinpoint. Having seen enough Taiwan shows, I'm quite sure it's a put on accent. The father does pronounce some words with dialect pronounciation, for example 女 with lui (cantonese) instead of nv. Quote
roddy Posted May 18, 2009 at 12:28 PM Report Posted May 18, 2009 at 12:28 PM So Renzhe - what's next? Quote
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